Wholesale trade turnover
Wholesale trade volume (by month) 26/08/2024
Wholesale trade volume (annual) 03/07/2024
Wholesale trade volume growth rate (annual) 03/07/2024
Wholesale trade volume growth rates ((by month) 26/08/2024
Wholesale trade volume (by month, 2023-2024) 26/08/2024
Wholesale trade volume growth rates (by month, 2023-2024) 26/08/2024
Retale sales
Retail trade volume (by month) 26/08/2024
Retail trade volume growth rates (by month) 26/08/2024
Retail trade volume (annual) 03/07/2024
Retail trade volume growth rate (annual) 03/07/2024
Retail trade volume (by month, 2023-2024) 26/08/2024
Retail trade volume growth rates (by month, 2023-2024) 26/08/2024
Volume of trade of food enterprises (annual) 03/07/2024
The volume of trade of food enterprises (by month, 2023-2024) 26/08/2024
Growth rates of the volume of trade of food enterprises (annual) 03/07/2024
Growth rates of the volume of trade of food enterprises (by month, 2023-2024) 26/08/2024
Volume of trade in cars and spare parts for them (annual) 03/07/2024
The growth rate of the volume of trade in cars and spare parts for them (annual) 03/07/2024
E-commerce Trade Volume (annual) 18/07/2024
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