Key demographic indicators
Number of births 24/07/2024
Number of births (women) 19/04/2024
Number of births (men) 19/04/2024
Number of deaths (total) 19/04/2024
Number of dead (women) 19/04/2024
Number of deaths (men) 19/04/2024
Mortality rate 22/04/2024
Number of divorces (total) 22/04/2024
Number of divorces (rural) 22/04/2024
Number of divorces (city) 22/04/2024
Number of marriages (Urban) 22/04/2024
Number of arrivals (total) 22/04/2024
Number of emigrants (total) 22/04/2024
General fertility rate 19/04/2024
Number of arranged marriages (rural) 22/04/2024
Number of marriages-Total 22/04/2024
The number of immigrants is from abroad 22/04/2024
The number of emigrants is from abroad 01/07/2024
Mortality rate (rural) 22/04/2024
Mortality rate (city) 22/04/2024
Rural settlements 23/04/2024
Mortality rate (rural) 23/04/2024
Life expectancy at birth (rural) 23/04/2024
Life expectancy at birth (city) 23/04/2024
Birth rate (rural) 19/04/2024
Birth rate (city) 19/04/2024
Number of early marriages 23/04/2024
Premature birth 19/04/2024
Level of childbirth in adolescents (15-17 years) 26/06/2024
Total Fertility Rate - Total 19/04/2024
Total Fertility Rate - Rural 19/04/2024
Total Fertility Rate - Urban 19/04/2024
The number of children born to women under 20 years old 10/05/2024
Demographic indicators
Population density 30/07/2024
Permanent population (female) 06/05/2024
Permanent population (men) 06/05/2024
Permanent population-Total 06/05/2024
Permanent population(Rural) 06/05/2024
Permanent population-Urban 06/05/2024
Population by age groups (0-2) 06/05/2024
Population by age groups (6-7) 06/05/2024
Population by age groups (8-15) 06/05/2024
Population by age groups (16-17) 07/05/2024
Population by age groups (18-19) 07/05/2024
Population by age groups (20-24) 07/05/2024
Population by age groups (25-29) 10/06/2024
Population by age groups (30-34) 07/05/2024
Population by age groups (35-39) 07/05/2024
Population by age groups (40-49) 07/05/2024
Population by age groups (50-59) 07/05/2024
Population by age groups (60-64 years) 07/05/2024
Population by age groups (65+ years) 07/05/2024
Information on the land area 10/05/2024
Number of permanent population at working age 26/06/2024
Population by age groups (3-5) 06/05/2024
Life expectancy at birth (women) 07/05/2024
Life expectancy at birth (men) 07/05/2024
Number of permanent population at working age (share in the total population, percent) 26/06/2024
Population by age groups (0-2) (women) 07/05/2024
Population by age groups (3-5) (women) 07/05/2024
Population by age groups (6-7) (women) 07/05/2024
Population by age groups (8-15) (women) 07/05/2024
Population by age groups (16-17) (women) 07/05/2024
Population by age groups (18-19) (women) 07/05/2024
Population by age groups (20-24) (women) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (25-29) (women) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (30-34) (women) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (35-39) (women) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (40-49) (women) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (50-59) (women) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (60-64) (women) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (65 years and older) (women) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (0-2) (men) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (3-5) (men) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (6-7) (men) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (8-15) (men) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (16-17) (men) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (18-19) (men) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (20-24) (men) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (25-29) (men) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (30-34) (men) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (35-39) (men) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (40-49) (men) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (50-59) (men) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (60-64) (men) 10/05/2024
Population by age groups (65 years and older) (men) 22/09/2023
Population aged 20-29 (total) 10/05/2024
Population aged 20-29 (women) 10/05/2024
Population aged 20-29 (men) 22/09/2023
Health: reproductive health
Information on mortality of children under 5 years-Total 10/05/2024
Information on mortality of children under 5 years-Rural 10/05/2024
Information on mortality of children under 5 years-Urban 10/05/2024
Child Mortality Rate, under 5 - Total 10/05/2024
Child Mortality Rate, under 5 - Rural 10/05/2024
Child Mortality Rate, under 5-Urban 10/05/2024
Infant mortality rate (total) 10/05/2024
Infant mortality rate (rural) 10/05/2024
Infant mortality rate (urban) 10/05/2024
Information on infant mortality (total) 10/05/2024
Information on infant mortality (rural) 10/05/2024
Information on infant mortality (urban) 10/05/2024
Maternal mortality ratio 25/06/2024
Maternal mortality 25/06/2024
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