On May 25 of the current year in the hall of meetings of the statistics department of Khorezm region the next visiting meeting of the Board of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics.
Deputy Chairman of the State Statistics Committee for Social Statistics Ziyadullaev Mahmudzhon Jurakulovich, senior officials of the State Statistics Committee, representatives of non-state non-profit organizations, head of the statistics department of the Khorezm region Madaminov Khusin Bekmatovich, deputy heads of the department, heads of the departmental departments of the department, heads of departments for statistics of districts and cities, as well as other responsible employees.
The meeting discussed the work done by the statistics bodies of the Khorezm region and enforcement of laws, decrees and decrees of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the field of statistics in January-March 2018, including the work carried out to implement the presidential decree of July 31, 2017 "On measures on improving the activities of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics ".
Also, at the end of the meeting, the decision of the visiting Board was made and the tasks to be performed in the future were determined. The relevant tasks are assigned for the development and implementation of a plan of concrete measures to be taken in the statistics bodies of the Khorezm region, to eliminate errors and deficiencies.
Information Service