07 November 2018

From October 30 to November 1, 2018 in Daejeon (South Korea) was held workshop for the collection of data on international labor migration statistics in the Asia-Pacific region. The workshop was organized by Korean organization on statistics (KOSTAT), International labor organization (ILO) and Asia-Pacific Institute on population (APIP).

At the seminar from the State committee on statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan took part Khudayarova Z.  chief statistician of division for formation and analysis of indicators on balance of labor resources, employment and remuneration.

Also, at the workshop were took part representatives of national statistical departments from following countries: Armenia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Georgia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, China, Iran, Samoa, Sri-Lanka, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well specialists and experts of Korean organization on statistics (KOSTAT), International labor organization (ILO) and Asia-Pacific Institute on population (APIP).

At the workshop were reviewed issues concerning analysis of 20th International conference of labor statisticians’ (ICLS) guidelines for recording international migrants, the relevance of sampling methods for estimation international labor migration and methods of measuring costs for hire labor migrants.


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