11 December 2024

The delegation led by the Director of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Begalov Bahodir Abdusalomovich is also taking part in the 9th session of the of the Committee on Statistics ESCAP and the 20th session of the Governing Council of the SIAP, held on December 9-13 this year in Bangkok, Thailand.  


For information: ESCAP was established on March 28, 1947. The commission includes 53 voting countries, including eight CIS countries (Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) and 9 territories that have not reached the level of political independence and have the status of associate members. The issues of inter-sectoral cooperation are dealt with by 9 sectoral committees reporting to the Commission, one of which is the "Committee on Statistics". The Asian and Pacific Institute of Statistics is one of two specialized institutes in the world, a regional educational institution of ESCAP.


Within the framework of the 20th session of the Board of Governors of the Asia-Pacific Statistical Institute, it is envisaged:

- Management Seminar for Heads of National statistical Offices in the Asia-Pacific region;

- Presentation of the ongoing project "Strengthening the institutional capacity of national statistical offices in the Asia-Pacific region to use innovative, new and large data sources for official statistics in order to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". in Uzbekistan in cooperation with ESCAP;

- Within the framework of the 9th meeting of the ESCAP Statistical Committee, a brief presentation was made on the reforms in the field of statistics in Uzbekistan, as well as during the 9th meeting of the ESCAP Statistical Committee, among other issues, an updated bureau was elected. At this 9th session, Uzbekistan was elected for a second term.


For reference: at the 8th meeting of the Bureau of the ESCAP Committee on Statistics in 2022, the Director of the Agency for Statistics was elected to the post of Deputy Chairman of the bureau for the first time from the region.


During the visit, a meeting was held with Rachel Bevan, Head of the ESCAP Statistics Department, and the effectiveness of the project implemented in cooperation with ESCAP in Uzbekistan and the implementation of new projects in Uzbekistan in the coming years were discussed.


Also, during the official visit to Bangkok, bilateral meetings were held with the heads of the National Statistical Office of Singapore, the National Statistical Office of Thailand and the National Statistical Office of Indonesia. Issues such as mutual cooperation and exchange of experience in organizing and conducting registration (population, agriculture, business) events, existing practices and experience in the widespread use of modern digital technologies in practice were discussed at the meetings.



As a result, modern digital technologies are being introduced into registration processes, artificial intelligence and large-scale data processing (BigData) technologies are being introduced into the e-Stat-4.0 information system, and opportunities for obtaining answers to emerging questions are being introduced. in the process of filling out reports by respondents using artificial intelligence, etc. The development of the methodology of network statistics and the further development of the field of open data will be achieved.

Press Service