In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 4, 2024 No. 114 “On measures to organize the activities of the statistics agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan” and preparation for the population census process, work is underway to draw up an organizational plan for the district using maps of the mahalla of the selected district in the territories.
In the process of drawing up the organizational plan of the district, based on the population reflected on the map and the established average workload for each census staff, the boundaries of enumeration areas are highlighted on mahalla maps, and instructor areas and census areas are created based on the combination of enumeration areas.
And also by determining the number of special institutions and organizations existing in the territories, determining the number of people permanently residing in them, determining the number of personnel involved in organizing the population census in these institutions and organizations, and through this serves as the basis for providing these workers with training places, census documents, etc.
This makes possible to determine the number of census staff involved in the census, as well as determine the number of buildings for the placement of census and instructor areas.
This will serve as a basis for careful preparation and high-quality implementation of the first population census, which is planned for 2026.