Sphere |
Indicator | Periodicity | Publication time |
Gross domestic product | Quarterly | 16:00 | 25 (4-kv./18) |
Gross regional product | Quarterly | 16:00 | 25 (4-kv./18) |
Gross domestic product | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Gross regional product | Annaul | 16:00 |
Consumer price index | Monthly | 16:00 | 10 (Dekabr 2018) |
Producer price index for manufactured goods | Monthly | 16:00 | 10 (Dekabr 2018) |
Construction | Monthly | 16:00 | 18 (Dekabr 2018) |
Investments in non-financial assets | Quarterly | 16:00 | 18 (4-kv./18) |
Foreign trade | Monthly | 16:00 | 21 (Dekabr 2018) |
Domestic trade | Monthly | 16:00 | 21 (Dekabr 2018) |
Merchandise trade | Monthly | 16:00 | 21 (Dekabr 2018) |
Volume of industrial production | Monthly | 16:00 | 23 (Dekabr 2018) |
Manufacture of consumer goods | Monthly | 16:00 | 23 (Dekabr 2018) |
Production of plant growing products | Quarterly | 16:00 | 25 (4-kv./18) |
Production of livestock products | Quarterly | 16:00 | 25 (4-kv./18) |
Livestock and poultry | Quarterly | 16:00 | 25 (4-kv./18) |
Data on protected lands (Resource use) | Yillik | 16:00 | |
Data on fishery harvests (Energy use) | Quarterly | 16:00 | 30 (4-kv./18) |
Number of resident population | Quarterly | 16:00 | 31 (4-kv./18) |
Migration of population/td> | Quarterly | 16:00 | 31 (4-kv./18) |
The natural movement of the population | Quarterly | 16:00 | 31 (4-kv./18) |
Average monthly salary in the Republic of Uzbekistan | Quarterly | 16:00 | 31 (4-kv./18) |
Number of resident population | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Migration of population | Annaul | 16:00 | |
The natural movement of the population | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Age and sex composition of the population | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Traumatism in the workplace | Annaul | 16:00 | |
The number of economically active population by sex | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Distribution of employment by ownership type | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Distribution of unemployed by sex | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Unemployment rate by regions | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Economically active population by regions | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Distribution of employment by economic activity | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Average monthly nominal accrued wages | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Movement of employees by type of economic activity | Annaul | 16:00 | |
The average monthly nominal wage in the Republic of Uzbekistan from 2000 to 2019. | Annaul | 16:00 |
Total income of population | Quarterly | 16:00 | 25 (4-kv./18) |
Consumption of basic foodstuffs, household consumption expenditures | Quarterly | 16:00 | 25 (4-kv./18) |
Estimated number and average composition of households, provision of the population with durable goods, differentiation of the population according to the main source of income and unevenness of the population's incomes, annual | Quarterly | 16:00 | 31 (4-kv./18) |
Estimated number and average composition of households, provision of the population with durable goods, differentiation of the population according to the main source of income and unevenness of the population's incomes, annual | Monthly | 16:00 |
Services | Monthly | 16:00 | 21 (Dekabr 2018) |
Transport | Quarterly | 16:00 | 21 (4-kv./18) |
Communication | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Transport | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Services | Annaul | 16:00 |
Information on crime prevention | Quarterly | 16:00 | 25 (4-kv./18) |
Education | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Education facilities | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Education outcomes | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Health care | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Health facilities | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Health outcomes | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Reproductive health | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Gender statistics | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Culture | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Tourism | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Science and innovation | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Social security | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Social-demographic indicators (SDG) | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Information on the state of crime in Uzbekistan | Annaul | 16:00 |
Main indicators of commercial banks | Annaul | 16:00 | 28 (2018) |
Main indicators of insurance companies | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Availability and movement of fixed assets and other non-financial assets | Annaul | 16:00 | |
Share of small business and private entrepreneurship | Quarterly | 16:00 | 25 (4-kv./18) |
The indicators of USREO | Monthly | 16:00 | 11 (Dekabr 2018) |