The 12th Session of the Statistical Committee of Organization of the Islamic Cooperation

 PUBLISHED: 04/10/2023

As previously reported, the 12th Session of the Statistics Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation is taking place in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Representatives of the delegation led by Begalov Bahоdir Abdusalomovich, director of the Statistics agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, are also present at this prestigious session. According to the session agenda, feedback on improving elektron-learning programs in official statistics was heard today. Reports and recommendations of experts from the arab Institute of education and research in statistics, the economic and Social Commission for West Asia were listened and studied the experiences of the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in this regard. Also, reports of the heads of the International Labor Organization, the World Trade Organization, the UN Department of Statistics, the National Statistical Office were heard on the monitoring and reporting of the indicators of Sustainable Development Goals: BRM-8 (decent labor and economic growth). Within the framework of the events, the delegation of the Statistics agency met with the leadership of foreign statistical agencies and foreign experts to exchange feedback on the issues of future cooperation.

The 12th session of the Statistical Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has begun

 PUBLISHED: 03/10/2023

On October 3 this year, the 12th session of the Statistical Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation began in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This prestigious meeting, which will be held on October 3-4 of this year, is attended by representatives of the delegation headed by the Director of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich. According to the agenda of the session, development of statistical capacity, the 2020 round of the World Population and Housing Census, use of geospatial technologies to support the census, and improvement of e-learning programs in official statistics will be discussed. Also during the event, sustainable development goals and best practices of member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation will be studied. For reference: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the biggest intergovernmental organization after the UN, uniting 57 member states and covering four continents. It should be said that the areas discussed during this event are of great importance in the implementation of large-scale reforms in the field of statistics in our country. Additional information will be provided on the participation of delegation representatives in the session and meetings with representatives of international organizations and statistical offices of other countries.

An advanced level course on “National Accounts Statistics” was organized in Washington

 PUBLISHED: 03/10/2023

On September 18-29 of this year, an advanced level training course was held in Washington, USA, organized by the Statistics Department of the International Monetary Fund on the topic “National Accounts Statistics”. This training course was attended by representatives of services responsible for compiling national accounts statistics for countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Oceania and South America. Ziyoda Kamilova, Head of the Division for Coordination of Statistical Assessment of the Hidden Economy of the Department of Macroeconomic Indicators and National Accounts of the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, took part in the training course. The main goal of the course was to develop the knowledge and skills of participants in using more advanced methods for generating national accounts statistics. During the course, participants shared their experiences in defining institutional units and sectors, compilation price and volume indicators, supply and use tables, estimating consumption of fixed capital and changes in inventories.

An online meeting was held between the Statistics Agency and the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic

 PUBLISHED: 03/10/2023

On September 29 of this year, a bilateral videoconference meeting was organized between the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic. At this meeting, opinions were expressed on the tasks to be completed in the future, with an emphasis on the work carried out within the framework of bilateral cooperation in the field of statistics. During the videoconference, the participants also exchanged views on the issues of establishing an exchange of experience in mutually beneficial areas between the Statistics Agency and the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic within the framework of cooperation. In addition, the Statistics Agency and the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic have agreed to develop a “Roadmap” defining further mutual actions in the field of statistics.

A presentation dedicated to the international seminar took place

 PUBLISHED: 29/09/2023

As previously reported, from September 18 to 22, 2023, a delegation of Uzbekistan, consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Statistics Agency, made a working trip to the Federal Authority for Competitiveness and Statistics of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). On September 29, 2023, a presentation was held at the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the results of seminars and sessions organized in Dubai. The seminar was attended by employees of the Department of International Cooperation and Information Exchange, as well as the Department of Social Sphere Statistics and Sustainable Development. Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Information Exchange Odiljon Mamadaliev and Deputy Head of the Department of Statistics of the Social Sphere and Sustainable Development Zhakhangir Kambarov presented a presentation on improving monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals, developing a methodology for indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals, and identifying effective methods for collecting and processing data. At the end of the event, participants were given answers to their questions.

The delegation of the Statistics agency participated in the high-level seminar

 PUBLISHED: 29/09/2023

On September 26-28 of this year in the city of Riga, Latvia, the Statistical Service of the European Commission Eurostat, together with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), organized a high-level seminar “Modernization of statistical systems” for statistical offices of the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia within the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy. Representatives of the delegation led by Deputy Director of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ikramov Agzam Anvarjonovich participated in this prestigious meeting of statistical offices. The high-level seminar was dedicated to the latest reforms, innovations and measures of modernization of statistical systems. During the event, representatives of the delegation from the Statistics Agency Agzam Ikramov and Ulugbek Noipov introduced participants to recent reforms, achievements and future priority plans in the statistical system of Uzbekistan. As part of the event, meetings to exchange an experience and to discuss views on further cooperation between the delegation of the Statistics Agency and representatives of Eurostat, UNECE, statistical agencies of other countries, including Latvia, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan.

The delegation of the statistics agency is participating in the high-level seminar “Modernization of statistical systems”

 PUBLISHED: 26/09/2023

On September 26-28 of this year in the city of Riga, Latvia, the Statistical Service of the European Commission Eurostat, together with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), is organizing a high-level seminar “Modernization of statistical systems” for statistical offices of the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia within the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy. Representatives of the delegation led by Deputy Director of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ikramov Agzam Anvarjonovich are attending this prestigious meeting of statistical offices. The high-level seminar discusses the latest reforms, innovations and measures of modernization of statistical systems. This event will serve as a platform for the exchange of best practices in modern official statistics. As part of the event, a meeting is planned between the delegation of the Statistics Agency and representatives of Eurostat, UNECE, statistical agencies of other countries, as well as an exchange of views on issues of further cooperation. We will additionally inform you on the results of the participation of the delegation of the Statistics Agency in events, as well as meetings with representatives of international organizations and statistical departments of other countries.

A presentation was held on the results of the seminar and the meeting of the expert group organized by the UN Economic Commission for Europe

 PUBLISHED: 26/09/2023

As we previously reported, from 18 to 22 September 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the United Nations Population Fund organized Census Week 2023: a workshop and expert group meeting on population and housing censuses. On September 26, 2023, a presentation was held at the Statistics Agency on the results of this seminar and expert meeting organized in Geneva. The seminar was attended by employees of the Department of Organization and Conduct of Census Processes and the Department of Demographic and Labor Statistics.

A meeting of the expert group on the population and housing census was held in the city of Geneva

 PUBLISHED: 25/09/2023

On September 18-22, 2023, the "United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Census Week 2023: Population and Housing Census Expert Group Meeting" took place in Geneva, Switzerland. In this event attended the Deputy of Head department of census methodology and work with cartographic documents of the Division for organizing and conducting census processes of Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Eshniyazov Djamshid Djaxangirovich. The purpose of the event is the exchange of experience between participating countries in the field of population and housing censuses, increasing knowledge and skills in preparing for and conducting a population and housing census, developing proposals for improving the Recommendations of the Conference of European Statisticians in the field of population and housing censuses. At the event the Deputy of Head department of census methodology and work with cartographic documents of the Division for organizing and conducting census processes of Statistics Agency, D.Eshniyazov, made a presentation on the preparatory work for the population census in Uzbekistan and informed the participants of the event about the work done to date to prepare for the population census. Reports of 13 task forces on improving the recommendations of the Conference of European Statisticians on population and housing censuses were also heard. Also at the event, there was an exchange of experience between the participating countries in the field of population and housing censuses, a discussion of existing problems and ways to solve them. At the end of the event, a proposal and recommendations were developed to further improve the efficiency of the population and housing census.

Official visit of the delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the UAE

 PUBLISHED: 22/09/2023

In pursuance of the instructions set out in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On organizational measures to attract financial and technical assistance from the United Arab Emirates to improve the efficiency of public administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan,” the delegation of Uzbekistan consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Statistics Agency from September 18 to 20 made a working trip to the Federal Authority for Competition and Statistics of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The head of the Department of International Cooperation and Information Exchange, Mamadaliev Odiljon Toirovich, and the Deputy Head of the Department of Statistics of the Social Sphere and Sustainable Development, Kambarov Zhakhongir Khoshimzhanovich, took part in this event from the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Seminar on the results of participation in OSCE Forum in Prague

 PUBLISHED: 22/09/2023

On September 22, 2023, the Statistics Agency held a seminar for responsible employees following the participation of the agency's representative in the OSCE Economic and Environmental Dimension Forum “Promoting Security and Stability in the OSCE Region through Achieving Sustainable Development, as well as sustainable and Inclusive Economic Growth” in Prague on September 14-15, 2023. At the seminar, it was noted that the main topics of the forum in Prague were: - Intensifying co-operation to combat climate change for sustainable and climate-resilient development - The role of new technologies in enhancing economic resilience, promoting good governance and preventing corruption in the OSCE area; - The importance of addressing the disaster risk management cycle in preventing and mitigating potential damage from natural or human-made disasters, to promote co-operation and joint action; - The role of trade and transport facilitation for sustainable development and food security. A presentation on the topic "Development of open data in Uzbekistan" was provided at this forum. As it was noted at the seminar, Uzbekistan's achievements in the field of open data in recent years have aroused great interest among the forum participants.

A meeting with the mission of the International Monetary Fund was held at the Statistics Agency

 PUBLISHED: 22/09/2023

On September 21, 2023, at the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a meeting was held with the Director of the Joint Vienna Institute Herve Joly and the Director of the International Monetary Fund Regional Center for the Development of the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia Norbert Funke. This meeting was attended by experts from the central office under the leadership of the Director of the Statistics Agency, Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov, and representatives of the mission of the International Monetary Fund. During the meeting, Director of the Statistics Agency Bahadir Begalov and Director of the Joint Vienna Institute Hervie Joly, as well as Director of the Regional Center of the International Monetary Fund for the Development of the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia Norbert Funke exchanged views on the experience of the Joint Vienna Institute and issues of further cooperation between the parties. The meeting took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The parties agreed to further use the experience of the Joint Vienna Institute and organize various online and offline seminars, as well as establish effective cooperation. Also, the management of the Institute of Personnel Training and Statistical Research and the director of the Joint Vienna Institute Hervey Joly, as well as the director of the Regional Center of the International Monetary Fund for Capacity Development of the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia Norbert Funke, discussed issues of developing cooperation in the field of training and retraining of specialists of the Institute statistical research.

A meeting with the World Bank mission was held at the Statistics Agency

 PUBLISHED: 20/09/2023

On September 20, 2023, a meeting was organized at the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with representatives of the Mission on Poverty and Equality, led by World Bank expert Obert Pimkhidzai. At this meeting, the director of the Agency of Statistics, Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich, and representatives of the mission, Obert Pimhidzai, Ikuko Uochi, Rakhimjon Asangaziev, exchanged views on the work to be carried out in the future within the framework of the project “Strengthening the statistical system in Uzbekistan”. During the event, information was provided on the current state of implementation of the project “Strengthening the statistical system in Uzbekistan”, as well as technical assistance was provided on poverty profile analysis. Issues related to cooperation between the World Bank and the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and measures that will be implemented in the future were also discussed. The meeting took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

A seminar was held on the results of the training organized by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

 PUBLISHED: 21/09/2023

As previously reported, on September 11-15 of this year, a training was held in Bangkok (Thailand) on the topic “Assessing inequalities in the completeness of civil registration”, organized by the UN Economic and Social Commissions for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). This training was attended by relevant organizations, including representatives of the statistical departments of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Cambodia, East Timor, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, India, Indonesia and Mongolia. The event was attended by Sherzod Abraev, Deputy Head of the Department of Demographic and Labor Statistics of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Regional training was conducted to assess inequalities in the completeness of civil registration

 PUBLISHED: 18/09/2023

On September 11-15 this year in Bangkok (Thailand) the regional training on the topic “Assessing inequalities in the completeness of civil registration”. Which was attended by representatives of statistical agencies of the Asia-Pacific region: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz, Turkmenistan, Cambodia, East Timor, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, India, Indonesia , Mongolia, as well as specialists from the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). The seminar was organized by ESCAP. At this event, the Deputy Head of the Department of Demographic and Labor Statistics, Abraev Sherzod, participated from the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the seminar, issues of assessing the completeness of registration of births and deaths by countries using secondary data sources were discussed. In addition, the seminar presented the results of experiments conducted in individual countries to assess the completeness of registration of civil status documents, as well as practical exercises using the developed data for the purpose of statistical analysis of the completeness of registration of births and deaths.

Representative of Statistics Agency took part in OSCE Forum in Prague

 PUBLISHED: 18/09/2023

On September 14-15, 2023, the OSCE Economic and Environmental Dimension Forum “Promoting security and stability in the OSCE area through achieving sustainable development, and resilient and inclusive economic growth” was held in Prague. This forum was attended by representatives of OSCE member countries, as well as representatives of other non-governmental organizations and the media. The main topics of the forum were: - Intensifying co-operation to combat climate change for sustainable and climate-resilient development - The role of new technologies in enhancing economic resilience, promoting good governance and preventing corruption in the OSCE area;

A meeting was held with representatives of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime

 PUBLISHED: 15/09/2023

On September 14, 2023, a meeting was organized at the Statistics agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with representatives of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). This meeting, led by Deputy Director of the Statistics agency Ziyayev Zokhidjan Muratovich, was attended by employees of the Department on Organization and Methodology of Statistical Works, the Department of Social and Sustainable Development Statistics, as well as of the Department of Summary and Information Work. The event was also attended by the Head of the UNODC Research and Analysis Branch at the headquarters in Vienna – Angela Me, the Regional Representative of the UNODC for Central Asia – Ashita Mittal, the Head of the UNODC Information Centre for researching and analyzing transnational threats related to drugs and crime – Salome Flores Sierra Franzoni. At the meeting, participants exchanged their views on issues of improving indicators for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. According to the results of the meeting, the parties agreed to further develop the cooperation between the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Statistics agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The delegation of the Statistics Agency took part in the 67th meeting of the Council of Heads of Statistical Departments of the CIS member States

 PUBLISHED: 14/09/2023

From September 12 to 14 of this year in St. Petersburg, Russia, the Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS held an International Forum of Statistics Producers and Users and the next 67th meeting of the Council of Heads of Statistical Departments of the CIS member states. On the third day of this international forum, the 67th meeting of the Council of Heads of Statistical Services of the CIS member States was held. The meeting was attended by heads of statistical departments of the CIS member states, representatives of government bodies, employees of business structures and international organizations, and international experts. During the event, new methods of organizing statistical work, improving the production of statistical data and the management of this process, the widespread use of the capabilities of big data and alternative data sources were discussed.

The UN Statistical Commission organized a videoconference

 PUBLISHED: 14/09/2023

On September 13, 2023, the UN Statistical Commission organized a videoconference on the expansion of inclusive processes reflecting the dynamics of data. The videoconference was attended by representatives of national statistical agencies, as well as many international experts. Odiljon Mamadaliev, Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Data exchange and Dilshod Zakirov, Head of the Department of Organization and Methodology of Statistical Work presented the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the work of this meeting. During the meeting, the participants were addressed by the Director of the UN Statistics Division, Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Mr. Georges-Simon Ulrich (Switzerland), Deputy Chairman of the UN Statistical Commission, Dr. Gabriella Vukovich (Hungary), Deputy Chairman of the UN Statistical Commission and expressed their opinion on the current issues on the meeting agenda. During the videoconference, information was provided on the measures to be taken by the UN Statistical Commission in the future, in particular on the preparatory processes for the upcoming 55th session of the UN Statistical Commission in 2024.

The International Forum of Statistics Poroducers and Users was held

 PUBLISHED: 13/09/2023

As we previously reported, on September 12-14, 2023, the International Forum of Statistics Producers and Users and the next 67th meeting of the Council of Heads of Statistical Offices of the CIS Member States will be held by the CIS Interstate Statistical Committee in St. Petersburg, Russia. The international forum was attended by representatives of the delegation headed by the Director of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich. On the first day of the international forum, participants exchanged views on improving the production of statistical data, digital statistical ecosystems and services. In this regard, information was provided on modern best practices and methods. Also, during the forum, issues of modern statistics and development of human potential were discussed from the point of view of users. The delegation of the Statistics Agency also met with the leadership of the CIS Interstate Statistical Committee and exchanged opinions on issues of future cooperation.

An international conference was organized within the framework of the ESCAP project “Big Data for Official Statistics”

 PUBLISHED: 13/09/2023

On September 11-13 this year in Jakarta, Indonesia, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) organized a conference as part of the Big Data for Official Statistics project. Deputy Director of the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ziyaev Zohijan Muratovich and other responsible persons took part in the online conference. At the international conference, the organizers exchanged views on the ongoing work on the “Big Data for Official Statistics” project. Deputy Director of the Agency of Statistics Zohijan Ziyaev made a presentation on the topic: “Big data for official statistics of Uzbekistan: today and challenges for the future”. Information was also presented during the conference about the upcoming launch of the “DataHub” big data processing center, which will open in Jakarta in the coming days. At the end of the event, representatives of ESCAP and international experts presented their proposals and recommendations for further development of cooperation within the framework of the Big Data for Official Statistics project.

The delegation of the Statistics Agency is participating in the International Forum of Statistics Producers and Users

 PUBLISHED: 12/09/2023

On September 12-14 of this year, the Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS is planning to hold an International Forum of Statistics Producers and Users and the next 67th meeting of the Council of Heads of Statistical Departments of the CIS member states in St. Petersburg, Russia. This international forum will discuss issues related to the proper establishment of communication between producers and users of statistical data, the full satisfaction of the needs of users of statistical data and improving the efficiency of statistical data production. Also, the experience of the widespread introduction of digital technologies in the processing and dissemination of statistical data in order to transmit them to the general public and fully meet the requirements of users will be considered. Representatives of the delegation headed by the Director of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich will also take part in this prestigious meeting of statistical departments. As part of the event, a meeting is planned between the delegation of the Statistics Agency and the leadership of the CIS Interstate Statistical Committee and an exchange of views on issues of further cooperation. Additional information will be provided on the participation of representatives of the delegation in meetings and also meetings with representatives of international organizations and national statistical offices of other countries.

An online meeting was held between employees of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

 PUBLISHED: 12/09/2023

On September 11, 2023, an online meeting was held between representatives of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and representatives of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the practice of organizing the collection of statistical information on labor. During the meeting, an exchange of experience took place on collecting and maintaining records of labor statistics, in particular, the methodology of surveys on labor statistics, data sources, the practice of organizing surveys, etc. At the conclusion of the meeting, the parties also agreed on further cooperation between their statistical institutions in the field of mutual exchange of experience.

A seminar was held at the end of the training course organized by the International Monetary Fund

 PUBLISHED: 08/09/2023

As previously reported, from August 21 to September 1 this year in the city of Vienna (Austria) a training course "Consumer Price Index (Advanced)" was held, organized by the International Monetary Fund and the Joint Vienna Institute. Representatives of the statistical offices of Uzbekistan, Armenia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Turkey, Austria, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Ukraine took part in this course. Head of the Department of Price Statistics Mukhtar Umarov, First Deputy Head of the Department of Statistics of the city of Tashkent Shavkat Norkulov, as well as specialists of the Department of Price Statistics Zhavokhirbek Jamaldinov, Ismailova Shakhnoza and Aziz Tuychiev took part in this course from the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the course, participants exchanged experience on the practice of calculating the consumer price index. Received theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the formation of indices. On September 7 this year, a seminar was held at the Agency of Statistics at the end of the training course organized in the city of Vienna. The seminar was attended by specialists of the Department of Price Statistics, the Department of Organization and Methodology of Statistical Works, the Department of International Cooperation and Information Exchange, as well as the Departments of Price Statistics of the Department of Statistics of the Tashkent region and the city of Tashkent. In the seminar, the participants shared their knowledge and skills, as well as the experience gained during the training course on the topic "Consumer Price Index".

The regional forum "Digital Transformation" was held in the Issyk-Kul region of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan

 PUBLISHED: 06/09/2023

On August 28-30, 2023, in the Issyk-Kul region of the Kyrgyz Republic, at the invitation of the International Telecommunication Union, a regional forum on the topic “Digital Transformation” was held. Representatives of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and other CIS countries took part in the regional forum "Digital Transformation" organized by the International Telecommunication Union. This regional forum was also attended by Bahadir Karshibaev, Head of the Department for Coordination of Household Sample Surveys of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In this international event, participants exchanged views on measuring digital transformation, analyzing and using statistical data through modern ICT. The organizers and participants of the forum agreed to continue to closely cooperate and exchange experiences.

Delegation of the Statistics Agency participated in a seminar organized by the Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS

 PUBLISHED: 29/08/2023

On August 23-25 of current year, a delegation of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan participated in the seminar organized by the Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS in Moscow. During the event, the delegation of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan also met with the Chairman of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS Konstantin Emilevich Laykam. Also, on August 24-25, a seminar was organized in Moscow on the formation of operational, accurate, convenient and transparent statistical data and its introduction into the statistical system using modern electronic software products. The seminar was attended by the head of the Division for the formation and analysis of indicators of the standard of living of the population R.Urazbaev, the head of the Division of International Cooperation and Relations D.Khamdamov, head of Division of Demography and Labor Statistics R.Satvaldiev, Head of the Division for the Development and Implementation of Information Systems G.Eshmurodov, and head of Division of Digitization of Statistical Reporting and Programming of Tasks of the D.Tozhiboev. At the seminar, the participants exchanged views on the topic and enriched their experience in introducing modern ICT tools into the statistical system and generating statistical data based on them.

Employees of the Agency on Statistics took part in a training course organized by the International Monetary Fund

 PUBLISHED: 24/08/2023

From August 21 to September 1 this year in the city of Vienna (Austria) there is a training course "Consumer Price Index (in-depth)", organized by the International Monetary Fund and the Joint Vienna Institute. Representatives of the statistical offices of Uzbekistan, Armenia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Turkey, Serbia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Ukraine take part in this course. Head of the Department of Price Statistics Mukhtar Umarov, First Deputy Head of the Department of Statistics of the city of Tashkent Shavkat Norkulov, as well as specialists of the Department of Price Statistics Zhavokhirbek Jamaldinov, Ismailova Shakhnoza and Aziz Tuychiev take part in this course from the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The main goal of the course is the exchange of experience between the participating countries, the provision of knowledge on the theoretical aspects of the formation of the consumer price index, as well as the improvement of practical calculation skills. During the course, the experience of the participating countries in the formation of the consumer price index is studied, as well as the recommendations of foreign experts.

A press conference was held on the topic "International information exchange and achievements in international ratings of the Agency for Statistics"

 PUBLISHED: 22/08/2023

On August 22, 2023, a press conference was held at the Agency for Information and Mass Communications under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the topic “International information exchange and achievements in international ratings of the Agency for Statistics”. The event was attended by the leadership of the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, heads of departments, media representatives and bloggers. As noted at the press conference, in 2017, about 20 questionnaires were filled out for 6 international organizations, in 2023 the Agency of Statistics plans to provide data on indicators of the socio-economic development of our country based on 49 questionnaires for 17 international organizations. The databases were integrated with the information systems of the United Nations “Comtrade” and UNICEF “TransMonEE“.

An online meeting with representatives of the World Bank was held at the Statistics Agency

 PUBLISHED: 18/08/2023

On August 18, 2023, an online meeting was held at the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with representatives of the World Bank as part of the project “Strengthening the statistical system in Uzbekistan”. It was attended by Deputy Director of the Agency for Statistics Ikramov Agzam Anvardzhonovich, heads of departments and departments of the central office of the Agency, as well as members of the World Bank working group - William Seitz, Sevilla Muratova and other experts. The purpose of the mission is to discuss further steps in the implementation of the project “Strengthening the statistical system in Uzbekistan”, an action plan, as well as requests for data within the framework of the project. We remind you that: in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 3, 2020 No. PP-4796, with the assistance of experts from the World Bank, the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020–2025 was developed and approved. At the meeting, members of the working group were briefed on the progress of the project, current tasks and a plan for further activities. The components of the project were reviewed, in particular capacity building, data preparation, equipment procurement and information dissemination plan, and project management. As a result of the negotiations, the parties agreed to continue joint consultations within the framework of this project.

An exchange of experience was organized between the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Statistics Agency

 PUBLISHED: 8/08/2023

On August 8, 2023, an online meeting was held between the representatives of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the representatives of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (QAZSTAT) in order to exchange the experience and familiarize themselves with the practice of organizing the collection of industry and energy statistics. In the course of the meeting, the representatives of the Statistics Agency got acquainted with the practice of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (QAZSTAT) in collecting and maintaining record of industry and energy statistics, in particular, with the methodology for forming the industry and energy indicators, the data sources, the practice of organizing the sample surveys, etc. Also, in their turn, the representatives of the Statistics Agency demonstrated the practice of Uzbekistan in collecting and maintaining record of industry and energy statistics to colleagues from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the course of this meeting, issues of interest to representatives of both parties on industry and energy statistics were discussed. At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed on further cooperation between the two statistical institutions in the field of mutual exchange of experience in statistical activities.

A final meeting was held with an expert from the International Monetary Fund on national accounts statistics

 PUBLISHED: 7/08/2023

On August 4, 2023, the final meeting was held at the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the representative of the International Monetary Fund technical assistance mission on national accounts statistics – Levan Gogoberishvili, an economist in the Real Sector Division of the IMF Statistical Department. At the event, Deputy Director of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ikramov Agzam Anvardjonovich and international expert Levan Gogoberishvili exchanged opinions on improving the national accounts statistics. The main objective of the mission is to improve the national accounts indicators and data sources for their compilation. During the event, an exchange of views took place on the use of data sources and international experience in improving the practice of national accounts. In addition to this, at this meeting the parties discussed issues related to future cooperation plans. At the end of the event, Levan Gogoberishvili was presented with a memorable gift from the Statistics Agency.

The experience of Belarus in the distribution of territories into census and enumeration areas during the census was studied

 PUBLISHED: 1/08/2023

Together with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus on July 25-26 this year in Minsk, the Republic of Belarus, a working meeting was held to study the experience of distributing territories into census and enumeration areas using GIS technologies . The working meeting was attended by the chief specialist of the Department for organizing and conducting census processes Huseynov Sardar and the chief specialist of the Department for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Interactive Public Services Toimasov Zufar of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, an employee of the Cadastre Agency under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic Uzbekistan as well as the staff of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Uzbekistan. At this meeting, specialists of the Belarusian National Statistical Committee shared their experience in using electronic cartographic data in preparation for the population census, organizing census tracts, as well as using GIS technologies to divide the territory into census and enumeration areas, including the use of modules for creating Geographic databases.

Almaty hosted the regional seminar on the topic “Monthly Indicator of Economic Growth”

 PUBLISHED: 24/07/2023

On July 17-21 this year, the city of Almaty (Kazakhstan) hosted the regional workshop on the topic “Monthly Indicator of Economic Growth”, organized by the Regional Capacity Development Center for the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia of the International Monetary Fund. The seminar was attended by representatives of statistical services of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. From the Agency of Statistics, the Deputy head of Department of Industry Statistics, the head of Division for Complex Statistical Observations of Industrial Production Karimov Ulugbek, the head of Division of Comprehencive Statistical Observations of Services, Transport and Information infrostructure Rakhimov Alisher and the deputy head of the Division of Formation and Analysis of Macroeconomic Indicators Mamatmuradov Khusniddin took part in this seminar. The main goal of the seminar is to study the unique experience of countries on the formation of monthly indicators of economic growth and to develop the knowledge and skills of participants. During the event, the participants exchanged views on methods for improving the sources of information necessary for the formation of monthly indicators of economic growth.

The leadership of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States visits Uzbekistan

 PUBLISHED: 20/07/2023

As previously reported, a delegation of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States arrived in the Republic of Uzbekistan on a visit on July 18-19, 2023. On July 19 of this year, the delegation of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States held talks with the leadership of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the meeting, a wide range of issues of regional cooperation and statistical development were discussed, as well as the participation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Program of international comparisons based on the purchasing power parity of currencies in the CIS region, in particular, the Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS will coordinate the issues of calculating the indicators of the Republic of Uzbekistan And publishing them before the end of the year to determine the purchasing power of the national currency. currencies in accordance with the results of the international comparison program for 2021-2022 The Chairman of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States - Konstantin Emilevich Laikam highly appreciated the reforms carried out in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The leaders of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States visited the "Museum of Statistics", created in the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and wrote their heartfelt wishes. The guests also got acquainted with the work processes and the conditions created for the employees of the Agency for Statistics.

A meeting was held with Mr. Toby Mendel – UNESCO expert

 PUBLISHED: 19/07/2023

On July 18 of this year, a meeting was held at the Statistics agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with Mr. Toby Mendel, an expert invited by the UNESCO Representative Office in Uzbekistan within the framework of the Project related to the Information Code. The event was attended by Usmon Abdurasulov – head of the information service – press secretary of the director, adviser on information policy; Hurshid Jurayev – head of the Department of Summary and Information Work, Omonilla Umarov – deputy head of the Department of monitoring and coordination of the open data portal, Jahongir Qambarov – deputy head of the Department of Social and Sustainable Development Statistics, Toby Mendel – UNESCO expert, executive director of the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD); Marius Lukosinas – UNESCO «Communications and Information Sector» Programme specialist and Sanjarbek Allayarov – Communication and Information Programme Officer at the UNESCO Representative Office in Uzbekistan. In the course of the meeting Toby Mendel and Marius Lukosinas and representatives of the Statistics agency discussed the following issues: Laws on the receipt and use of information, as well as their reflection in the Information Code, and issues related to open data. In addition to this, the parties discussed the National Indicator No. 16.10.2. of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The leadership of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States is visiting the Republic of Uzbekistan

 PUBLISHED: 19/07/2023

On July 18-19, a delegation of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States arrived in the Republic of Uzbekistan on an official visit. On July 18 of this year, as part of the Visit Program of the Leadership of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the delegation visited the Samarkand region and held talks with the leadership of the Statistics Department of the Samarkand region. During the discussion, issues and the strategy for the development of work within the framework of the International Comparison Program on the basis of parity were touched upon purchasing power of currencies in the CIS region, in particular, a survey of prices at the regional level. For information: The PPP–based International Comparison Program (ICP) is the largest international project that unites statistical services of almost all countries of the world. The implementation of this project allows you to get unique information about the world economy and its main regions. According to preliminary information, 177 countries are participating in the Global ICP cycle based on data for 2021. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan participate in the CIS International Comparison Program based on data for 2021 (CIS 2021 ICP as part of the Global ICP 2021).

In Washington (USA), a training was organized on the topic “Best Practices on Improving the Quality of Open Data”

 PUBLISHED: 20/07/2023

From 12 to 14 July 2023, staff members from the Statistics Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan benefited from a specialized training on data openness and quality, metadata and data dissemination in Washington D.C. (U.S.), delivered by Open Data Watch (ODW) and supported by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan (PCUz). The training aimed to further improve Uzbekistan’s open data record and impact for greater integrity of the public sector and a sound business climate. Thanks to the PCUz and the technical assistance provided by ODW, Uzbekistan’s Open Data Inventory (ODIN) score increased by 48 points since 2018, when the country first entered the ranking, marking one of the greatest improvements in any ODIN assessment. In addition, during the visit, the staff of the statistical agency met with representatives of the following organizations. An agreement was reached with the director of the Global Data Barometer (GDB) rating, Silvana Fumega, to work together to eliminate the identified shortcomings and to improve positions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Global Data Barometer (GDB) via Zoom. A meeting was organized with representatives of the Center for Open Data Enterprise Joel Gurin and Paul Kuhne. During the meeting best practices for data dissemination, including website usability, searchability, and interactive features such as data visualization were discussed. A meeting was organized with the Chief Statistician of the World Bank, Ms. Haishan Fu and Juderica Dias. During the meeting, representatives of the World Bank positively assessed the sharp improvement in the position of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the open data ranking.

Almaty hosted the fifth regional seminar on Government finance statistics and Public sector debt statistics on the topic “Improving the quality of fiscal statistics”

 PUBLISHED: 17/07/2023

On July 10-14 this year, the city of Almaty (Kazakhstan) hosted the fifth regional seminar on government finance statistics and public sector debt statistics on the topic “Improving the quality of fiscal statistics”, organized by the Regional Capacity Development Center for the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia of the International monetary fund. The seminar was attended by representatives of public finance and statistical services of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. From the Agency of Statistics, the head of the Division of Coordination of Statistical Evaluation of the Hidden Economy of the Department of Macroeconomic Indicators and National Accounts Kamilova Ziyoda took part. The main goal of the seminar is to develop the knowledge and skills of participants on the compilation of government finance statistics and public sector debt statistics and the use of these data in national accounts statistics. During the event, the participants exchanged views on methods for improving the sources of information necessary for the formation of indicators for government finance statistics and national accounts.

The 31st meeting of the High Level Panel on Partnership, Coordination and Capacity Building in Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was held

 PUBLISHED: 14/07/2023

On July 13, 2023, the 31st meeting of the High-Level Group on Partnership, Coordination and Capacity Building in Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was held. The meeting was organized by the United Nations Statistics Division. The event was attended by the Director of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov and heads of departments of the central office of the Agency for Statistics. Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich, expressed his opinion on partnership, coordination and capacity building in Statistics for the Sustainable Development Agenda. Also, in accordance with the agenda, information was provided on the following issues of statistical cooperation, coordination and capacity building in the field of sustainable development until 2030, in particular: - Preparations for the UN World Data Forum in Medellin, Colombia in November 2024; - Definition of measures on work related to the Cape Town Global Action Plan (CTGAP), its implementation and global initiatives. - support for global data funding initiatives. At the end of the event, the participants expressed their proposals on the agenda and other topical issues of statistics.

The survey was organized by the Statistical Agency and the National Statistical Service of Georgia

 PUBLISHED: 11/07/2023

On July 11, 2023, an online meeting was organized between representatives of the Statistics Agency and employees of the National Statistical Service of Georgia to discuss the exchange of experience, in particular, the creation and maintenance of a statistical business register of enterprises and the improvement of the development of information and communication technologies. During the meeting, representatives of the Statistics Agency got acquainted with the methodology of maintaining the statistical business register of enterprises by the National Statistical Service of Georgia, as well as with the procedure and practice for the development of information and communication technologies. Also, in turn, representatives of the Statistics Agency demonstrated the practice of Uzbekistan in creating and maintaining the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations to colleagues from Georgia. During this meeting, the best practices of Georgia in the use of information and communication technologies in the implementation of data integration and the modern methodology used in this process were discussed. At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed on further cooperation between the two statistical institutions in the field of mutual exchange of experience in statistical activities.

Experience was exchanged in Yerevan, Republic of Armenia on the improvement of national legislation of the model law on official statistics

 PUBLISHED: 12/07/2023

In order to study the experience of improving the model law on official statistics into national legislation, a study tour was organized in Yerevan, Republic of Armenia on July 4-5, 2023. Representatives of the national statistical offices of Norway, Georgia, Albania, Serbia, Moldova, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the European Free Trade Association and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe took part in this seminar on the topic "Model law on official statistics" of the UN Economic Commission for Europe. There was an exchange of experience with countries that used the “Model Law on Official Statistics”, developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe for the countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and approved on April 29, 2016, in improving national statistical legislation.

Bogotá, Colombia hosts a training workshop on “Measuring Multidimensional Poverty”

 PUBLISHED: 7/07/2023

On July 4-14 this year, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), together with the University of Oxford, will hold a training seminar on the topic "Measuring Multidimensional Poverty" in Bogota (Colombia). Professional employees of state bodies, specialists from international development institutions, researchers involved in the fight against poverty take part in the training seminar of the summer school. The summer school was led by Ms. Sabina Alcaïr, Director of the Oxford Poverty Reduction and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), and the OPHI team, including researchers who have extensive experience in the development and implementation of Multidimensional Poverty Indices (MPI). The training seminar is attended by the head of the Department of Statistics of Living Standards and Population Survey of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Madaminov Umid Kanjabayevich, and also the head of the Department of Statistics of the Republic of Karakalpakstan Ganiev Temirbai Turganbakhievich. The main goal of the seminar is the exchange of experience between the participating countries, the study of internationally tested methods for the development and implementation of multidimensional poverty indices.

An exchange of experience was organized between the Statistics Agency and the Department of Statistics of Singapore

 PUBLISHED: 6/07/2023

On July 5, 2023, an online meeting was organized between representatives of the Statistics Agency and the Department of Statistics of Singapore (DOS) to discuss the exchange of experience, in particular, improving industrial and labor statistics, conducting population censuses, creating and maintaining a statistical business register. During the meeting, representatives of the Statistics Agency got acquainted with the methodology for accounting for sectoral statistics of the Department of Statistics of Singapore, as well as with the procedure and practice for organizing sample surveys. Also, in turn, representatives of the Statistics Agency demonstrated the practice of Uzbekistan in collecting and producing sectoral statistics to colleagues from Singapore. Also, in turn, representatives of the Statistics Agency demonstrated the practice of Uzbekistan in collecting and producing sectoral statistics to colleagues from Singapore. At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed on further cooperation between the two statistical institutions in the field of mutual exchange of experience in statistical activities.

A training seminar is underway on the 16th goal of the Sustainable Development Goals

 PUBLISHED: 5/07/2023

On July 3-5, 2023 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific will organize a training workshop on measuring tax and commercial illicit financial flows. This seminar is attended by officials from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan responsible for the formation of the 16th SDG goal. From the Agency of Statistics, the event is attended by the Deputy Head of the Department of Statistics of the Social Sphere and Sustainable Development Kambarov Jahangir Hoshimjonovich. The main goal of the seminar is to improve the understanding of internationally approved methods for measuring tax and commercial illicit financial flows.

Employees of the Agency for Statistics took part in a meeting held as part of the Global ICP 2021 for the CIS region

 PUBLISHED: 3/07/2023

The Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS, with the support of the World Bank, on June 27-28, 2023 in the city of Astana of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as part of the global ICP 2021, held a meeting on balancing information on GDP expenditures in the CIS region according to 2021 data. with the participation of experts from the statistical services of the CIS countries. The meeting was attended by representatives of the statistical departments of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as heads and employees of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS. This meeting was attended by the head of the Department of Accumulation and Auxiliary Accounts of the Department of Macroeconomic Indicators and National Accounts of the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Khamraev Zafar Mamasaidovich and the head of the Department of Statistics of Price Observations under the International Comparison Program of the Price Statistics Department of the Agency Nishonboev Bunyodbek Tukhtapolat ugli. The main purpose of the meeting is to discuss the experience of national statistical services in the distribution of GDP expenditures in the CIS region according to 2021 data as part of the global ICP 2021 and the formation of price data under the ICP. The meeting participants also exchanged views on problematic issues that arise in the process of preparing data for participation in the next round of the ICP as part of the global ICP 2021 and ways to solve them.

A meeting was held between the Director of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Advisor to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on economic development, good governance and international cooperation Su

 PUBLISHED: 21/06/2023

On June 21 of this year, a meeting was held between the delegation of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, headed by Director Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov, and Suma Chakrabarti, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on economic development, good governance and international cooperation. The meeting took place in the adviser's office. During the meeting, the parties exchanged information on their activities, results achieved and plans for the future, as well as on problematic issues. In particular, the delegation of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan informed the adviser about the results of large-scale reforms carried out in the system in recent years, the latest changes in the framework of the administrative reforms of New Uzbekistan, and also shared medium term priority areas of an activity. The parties received answers to all their questions, and following the meeting, they agreed on issues of close cooperation in mutually beneficial areas.

An exchange of experience was organized between the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Agency for Statistics

 PUBLISHED: 20/06/2023

On June 19, 2023, an online meeting was held between representatives of the Agency for Statistics and representatives of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KAZSTAT) in order to exchange experience and get acquainted with the practice of organizing the collection of education statistics. During the meeting, representatives of the Agency for Statistics got acquainted with the sources of information collection by types of education, the mechanism for collecting data on education, the integration of databases of ministries and departments with the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the process of collecting data on SDG-4, as well as the process of generating information on SDG-4 indicators. Also, in turn, representatives of the Agency for Statistics demonstrated the practice of Uzbekistan in collecting and keeping records of education statistics to colleagues from Kazakhstan. During this meeting, issues related to the activities of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KAZSTAT) on statistics of the social sphere and sustainable development were discussed. At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed on further cooperation between the two statistical institutions in the field of mutual exchange of experience in statistical activities.

Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Held

 PUBLISHED: 15/06/2023

On June 15 this year, a meeting was organized at the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the mission of the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women "UN Women". The event was attended by Ms. Elisa Fernandez Saenz, Deputy Regional Director of UN Women for Europe and Central Asia and Ms. Ceren Güven Güres, Country Program Manager in the Republic of Uzbekistan. From the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the meeting was chaired by Zohidjan Ziyaev, Deputy Director of the Agency of Statistics. During the meeting, discussions took place on opportunities for increased participation of UN Women in measures to accelerate the implementation of the National Gender Strategy and the preparation of an initial roadmap for joint efforts and other issues of cooperation. The parties agreed to strengthen further cooperation.

Meeting with the mission of the World Health Organization

 PUBLISHED: 13/06/2023

On June 13 of this year, a meeting with the mission of the World Health Organization was organized at the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to discuss the Cooperation Agreement between the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The event was attended by responsible specialists of the Department of International Cooperation and Data Exchange, the Department of Social and Sustainable Development statistics, the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics, the Department of ICT and Interactive Government Services, the Department for monitoring and coordinating of the open data portal of the central office of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the meeting, issues of data collection on health statistics, demographic indicators (fertility, mortality), migration statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan, issues of interdepartmental information exchange and integration of data on health statistics were discussed. The parties agreed to strengthen further cooperation.

Information on Uzbekistan has started to be published in the international database "Key Transport Statistics" of the International Transport Forum

 PUBLISHED: 12/06/2023

In the Resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 9, 2019 No. PP-4273 “On additional measures to ensure openness and transparency of public administration, as well as to increase the statistical potential of the country", as well as No. PP-4796 dated August 3, 2020 “On measures for further improvement and development of the national statistics system of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, tasks are assigned to achieve the membership of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the International Transport Forum and display information about the Republic of Uzbekistan in the database of the Main Transport Statistics of the International Transport Forum (Key Transport Statistics, International Transport Forum). Since 2019, several meetings and seminars have been organized jointly with the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the implementation of the requirements of the resolution. There was also an exchange of views with an international expert of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) via ZOOM. As a result of the work carried out in cooperation, during 2020-2021, Uzbekistan was admitted to the number of participating countries of the International Transport Forum. To date, 66 countries have become members of this organization. As a result, starting from May 2023, information on Uzbekistan began to be published in the international database of Basic Transport Statistics, the International Transport Forum (Key Transport Statistics, International Transport Forum). For information, the International Transport Forum at the OECD is an intergovernmental organization that includes 66 member countries. It acts as a think tank on transport policy and organizes the annual summit of transport Ministers. MTF is the only global organization covering all modes of transport. Their mission is to promote a deeper understanding of the role of transport in economic growth, environmental sustainability and social integration, as well as to raise the public profile of transport policy.

The delegation of the Statistics Agency participated in the international seminar

 PUBLISHED: 12/06/2023

On June 6-8 this year, the delegation of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, at the invitation of Eurostat, participated in a seminar to study the experience of the European Statistical System in the implementation of the "European Code of Practice" and quality assurance standards. The seminar was held in Krakow, Poland. The seminar was attended by representatives of the statistical offices of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, as well as experts from Eurostat. During the seminar, experts presented the best practices of the European Statistical System in the implementation of the "European Code of Practice" and compliance with quality assurance standards. Also, representatives of the statistical offices of the countries participating in the seminar had the opportunity to present national experience on separately identified issues. In particular, the delegation of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan made a presentation on improving the quality of institutional environment and statistical processes. At the presentation, representatives of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan briefed the event participants on the results of ongoing reforms in Uzbekistan in terms of improving statistics, progress achieved and plans for further development. Based on the results of participation in the seminar, the delegation presented its recommendations to the responsible departments of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on further actions in matters of compliance with quality assurance standards.

Uzbekistan hosts an international round table on the results of demographic development forecasts until 2050

 PUBLISHED: 08/06/2023

On June 8, 2023, at the Hilton Hotel in Tashkent, in cooperation with the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the representative office of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Uzbekistan, a round table was held on the results of forecasts for the demographic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its territories until 2050 and the results of a sample survey of fertility in the republic. The round table was attended by representatives of international organizations and embassies operating in our country, heads and employees of ministries, departments, research institutes and universities. At the event, Deputy Director of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ziyaev Zakhidjon Muratovich, thanked the UNFPA office in Uzbekistan for their cooperation in organizing the event. As of April 1, 2023, the permanent population of our republic was 36,197,781 people. The permanent population of our republic increased by 2.2% compared to the same period last year. The population of our country since the beginning of 2023 has increased by 172.8 thousand people. The population of Uzbekistan for each month of 2023 increased by an average of 57.6 thousand people. Every day in 2023, the resident population increases by an average of 1.9 thousand people. The event was also attended by the head of the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics of the Agency for Statistics Zoyir Yuldoshev, who exchanged views on the field of demographic statistics in our country. In January-December 2022, the total number of economically inactive population in the Republic of Uzbekistan amounted to 4423.3 thousand people. This figure increased by 69.1 thousand people compared to the corresponding period in 2021. The issues raised at this round table will play an important role in the further development of short-term and long-term programs in the field of demography and the labor market in our country.

An exchange of experience between the National Statistics Office of Georgia and the Statistics Agency

 PUBLISHED: 06/06/2023

On June 5, 2023, an online meeting was held between representatives of the Statistics Agency and representatives of the National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT) to exchange experience and familiarize with the practice of organizing the collection of sectoral statistics, in particular, statistics on prices, construction, industry and services. During the meeting, representatives of the Statistics Agency got acquainted with the methodology, the procedure for organizing sample surveys and the practice of accounting for GEOSTAT sectoral statistics in these areas. Also, in turn, representatives of the Statistics Agency described the practice of Uzbekistan in collecting of sectoral statistics to colleagues from Georgia. During this meeting, issues related to the activities of sectoral departments of business statistics, statistics of services, statistics of industry, construction and energy, as well as in the field of price statistics were discussed. At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed on further cooperation between the two statistical institutions in the field of mutual exchange of experience in statistical activities.

A representative of the Agency on Statistics took part in an international seminar on labor statistics

 PUBLISHED: 31/05/2023

On May 24-25, 2023, in Turin, Italy, the European Training Foundation organized a seminar on the topic “Integration and use of information on the labor market and the transition to work with a focus on skills”. The event was attended by state and non-state organizations relevant to the topic, including representatives of statistical, labor and educational institutions, international experts, as well as representatives of the European Training Foundation. The event was attended by the head of the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Yuldoshev Zoyir. During the seminar, general information was obtained on labor policies in countries bordering the European Union, the availability of labor statistics, methods of measurement, approaches, results and main problems in countries, expanding the information actually available on active labor market policies, monitoring and country experiences in assessing them.

Innovations and new data sources in the EAEU statistics

 PUBLISHED: 30/05/2023

The second Eurasian Economic Forum was held on 24–25 May in Moscow and was timed to coincide with a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council with the participation of heads of member and observer states of the Eurasian Economic Union. The theme of the Forum was ‘Eurasian Integration in a Multipolar World’. The Forum Business Programme consisted of 35 sessions. The Forum was attended by more than 2,700 participants and media representatives from 59 countries. Within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Forum, a session was held: "Innovations and new data sources in the statistics of the EAEU". The session was attended by Batir Irgashev, Head of the Department of Statistics of Foreign Economic Activity and Trade of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Topics were focused primarily on the most relevant issues concerning integration processes in the Eurasian Economic Union, including the preparation of new long-term planning documents and defining the main areas for cooperation on integration until 2030 and 2045, the development of EAEU cooperation with countries from beyond the CIS, customs regulations, prospects for the market within the EAEU, the digital transformation, and improving mechanisms for international settlement. Events were divided by theme into seven groups: Human Capital, Technology and Cooperation, The EAEU in a Changing World, Eurasian Collectiveness, The EAEU Internal Market, Cooperation in Customs, Competition, and State Procurement, Strategic Section, EAEU Business Council Section, For reference: The EAEU member states are the Republic of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and the Russian Federation. The Republic of Uzbekistan, as part of the Eurasian Economic Union, holds the observer status, together with Moldova and Cuba. On the agenda of the event, the participants discussed the possibilities of using new sources of information and the use of information technologies to improve the processes of collecting, processing and distributing official statistical information.

The international forum on the topic has ended: "Population Census: Problems and Opportunities"

 PUBLISHED: 26/05/2023

As previously reported, the international forum "Population Census: Problems and Opportunities", held in the city of Almaty of the Republic of Kazakhstan, has ended. The international forum considered the results of the 2020 round of population censuses in the countries of the UN Economic Commission for Europe and the CIS member states, the use of census data to predict the socio-economic development of countries and develop effective policy measures, as well as to implement the Sustainable Development Goals. The forum also discussed the transition from the traditional method of conducting a population census to new methods, including the use of Big Data and BI platforms in the processing and analysis of population data. This international forum was attended by the Deputy Director of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Zohidjon Ziyaev and the Head of the Department for Organization and Conducting Census Processes of the Statistics Agency Kobil Berdikulov, who made a presentation on the preparatory work carried out in the Republic of Uzbekistan for the population census, including the results of the pilot census population in 2021. During the international forum with the Chairman of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus I. Medvedeva and the head of the National Bureau of Statistics of Kazakhstan Zh.

A meeting was held with an expert from the International Monetary Fund on national accounts statistics

 PUBLISHED: 26/05/2023

On May 26, 2023, a meeting was held at the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with a representative of the mission of the International Monetary Fund on national accounts statistics, headed by Maria Mancheva. At the event, Deputy Director of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ikramov Agzam Anvardzhonovich and international expert Maria Mancheva exchanged views on improving the statistics of national accounts. The main objective of the mission is to improve data sources for the compilation of national accounts. During the event, an exchange of views took place on the use of data sources and international experience in improving the practice of national accounts. At the meeting, the parties agreed to implement the necessary measures to develop cooperation. At the end of the event, Maria Mancheva was presented with a memorable gift on behalf of the team of the Agency for Statistics.

An international forum on the topic "Population Census: Problems and Opportunities" was held in Almaty

 PUBLISHED: 23/05/2023

On May 22-24, 2023 in Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan, an international forum on the topic "Population Census: Problems and Opportunities" was held. The event was attended by Deputy Director of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Z. Ziyaev and Head of the Department for Organization and Conduct of Accounting Processes of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan K. Berdikulov According to the agenda, the forum was expected to discuss the following issues: - round 2020 in the Commonwealth countries on the exchange of national experience in preparing for the population and housing census, its conduct, analysis and dissemination of results; - monitoring the achievement of sustainable national development aimed at improving the living standards of the population, ensuring decent work, developing health care, education, social services, leveling internal imbalances in the country, the importance of the population census as the most important source of data for program planning. It was expected that the forum will be full of intensive discussions and exchange of views on the agenda items.

For the first time, within the framework of the "I International Student Festival of Statistics" in Moscow, an international student Olympiad in statistics was organized

 PUBLISHED: 19/05/2023

On May 15-19 of this year, the CIS Statistical Committee for the first time organized an international student Olympiad in statistics as part of the "I International Student Festival of Statistics" at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in Moscow. Two teams from Uzbekistan took part in it. At this festival, teams from Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and Uzbekistan will compete in a three-stage competition. In addition, the festival provides for the establishment of cooperation with higher educational institutions and research institutes of other countries in the field of statistics. The main goal of this event is the formation of qualified personnel for the field, further strengthening of the position of statistics, further development of scientific cooperation between foreign students. Students of the Institute for Training and Statistical Research of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan take part in the student Olympiad as part of the International Festival of Student Statistics. In particular, our representatives won in the nominations "Best Regional Analysis" and "Creativity in Scientific Research".

The delegation headed by the Director of the Agency for Statistics participated in the regional conference “Effective Governance for Economic Development”

 PUBLISHED: 18/05/2023

On May 17-18 this year in the city of Almaty of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an regional conference "Effective Governance for Economic Development in Central Asia" is being held. This regional conference is attended by representatives and specialists of more than 150 government agencies, from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, and Great Britain. The regional conference is held within the framework of the Effective Governance for Economic Development (EGED) program funded by the UK government through the UK Department of Foreign, Commonwealth and Development and implemented by the World Bank and the Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development. This regional conference is also attended by a delegation headed by the Director of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Begalov Bahadir Abdusalomovich.

Representatives of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Korea visited the Department of Statistics of the Samarkand region

 PUBLISHED: 17/05/2023

As it was reported earlier, on May 15-19 this year, a delegation of Statistics Korea of the Republic of Korea is on a practical visit to Uzbekistan to further expand cooperation and exchange experience on bilateral issues in the field of statistics. The delegation of the "Statistics Korea" of the Republic of Korea visited the Samarkand city, the Samarkand regional statistical department of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the visit, the guests had the opportunity to get acquainted with the activities of the Samarkand regional Statistical department of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the meeting, the parties made presentations on their activities, received detailed answers to their questions.

A representative of the Statistics Agency participated in the 4th United Nations World Data Forum

 PUBLISHED: 02/05/2023

The 4th United Nations World Data Forum was organized by the Statistics Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China on April 24-27, 2023 in Hangzhou, China. The forum was attended by more than 7,000 experts online and live from nearly 150 countries. The UN World Data Forum brings together data and statistical experts and users from governments, civil society, the private sector, donor and philanthropic bodies, international and regional agencies, the geospatial community, the media, academia and professional bodies. Data experts and users gather to spur data innovation, mobilize high-level political and financial support for data, and build a pathway to better data for sustainable development. The event was attended by Akrom Sultanov, Head of the Monitoring and Coordination Department of the open data portal of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Meetings were held within the framework of the forum: with Stefan Schweinfest, Director of the UN Department of Statistics; with Rachel Bevan, Director of the Statistical Committee of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP); with Shaida Badiee, Managing Director of the international organization Open Data Watch; with Sylvana Fumega, Director of the Global Data Barometer project. As well as meetings with the heads of statistical services of Georgia, Tajikistan, Indonesia, Mongolia, Cambodia, etc. The main purpose of the meetings and negotiations was to inform about the large–scale reforms carried out in our country and the results achieved in the field of open data, as well as to establish close cooperation in the implementation of the latest international recommendations and best foreign experience in practice.

A qualitatively new level of cooperation between the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the office of "Statistics Korea" of the Republic of Korea

 PUBLISHED: 17/05/2023

As it was reported earlier, on May 15-19 this year, a delegation of Statistics Korea of the Republic of Korea is on a practical visit to Uzbekistan to further expand cooperation and exchange experience on bilateral issues in the field of statistics. On the second day of the visit, the delegation of Statistics Korea of the Republic of Korea continued its work at the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. There was an exchange of experience on the introduction of advanced quality management systems and digital technologies in the system's activities. The parties presented their experience, received answers to existing questions and agreed on further areas of cooperation.

A qualitatively new level of cooperation between the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the office of "Statistics Korea" of the Republic of Korea

 PUBLISHED: 15/05/2023

On May 15-19 of this year, a delegation of Statistics Korea of the Republic of Korea is on a practical visit to Uzbekistan to further expand cooperation and exchange experience on bilateral issues in the field of statistics. On the first day of the visit, a delegation from Statistics Korea of the Republic of Korea visited the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the visit, the guests met with the Director of the Statistics Agency and exchanged views on issues related to the visit. Then, an updated memorandum was signed between the Department of Statistics Korea of the Republic of Korea and the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. For reference: relations between the Office of Statistics Korea of the Republic of Korea and the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (formerly the State Committee on Statistics) were first established in 2011, and on August 24 a memorandum of cooperation was signed in Tashkent. Over the past period, an exchange of experience took place on more than 40 issues (in the main areas) in the field of statistics. The updated memorandum serves as an official expression of the readiness of the two sides to continue and expand areas of cooperation. Information on the course of the delegation's visit to the Statistics Agency will be provided.

A regional United Nations workshop on the implementation of the methodology for assessing the degree of urbanization was held

 PUBLISHED: 16/05/2023

On May 8-12, 2023, the UN Statistics Department (UNSD), together with UN-Habitat and the European Commission, organized a regional workshop on the implementation of the methodology for assessing the degree of urbanization in Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan. This seminar was attended by specialists from the countries of Central Asia and the Republic of Azerbaijan. The seminar was also attended by the chief specialist of the Department for organizing and conducting census processes S. Huseynov, and the chief specialist of the Department for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Interactive Public Services of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Z. Toymasov. The seminar discussed the methodology for assessing the degree of urbanization, the division of cities and rural areas on a scientific basis, as well as the application of methods for dividing the population census into registration and settlement areas using GIS technologies, in addition, training sessions were held with the population on the use of GIS technologies during the announcement registration results.

Participation of representatives of the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Meeting and Workshop of the UNECE Expert Group on Gender Statistics

 PUBLISHED: 16/05/2023

From 9 to 12 May 2023, the Meeting and Workshop of the UNECE Expert Group on Gender Statistics was held in Geneva, Switzerland. For reference: in the Republic of Uzbekistan, more than 180 indicators of gender statistics are formed on the basis of 24 legislative documents on gender equality and the minimum set of gender indicators defined in 5 UN recommendations. This meeting was attended by representatives of statistical agencies from more than 20 countries (America, Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia), as well as experts from more than 12 international organizations. In the agenda of the events, the experts considered the issues of the gender pay gap and income inequality; gender digital divide; gender, climate and environment issues; measurement of sex and gender indicators; measuring indicators of violence against women; new data sources for gender statistics, new approaches to measuring unpaid work and work-life balance; gender and trade; current and future work on gender statistics within the CES. The Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the work of these events was presented by the Deputy Head of the Department for the formation of demographic indicators, the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics - Chodiev Maruf Sharif ugli and the Head of the Protocol Service Maksumova Komila.

An online seminar was organized with representatives of the National Committee of Statistics of the Republic of Belarus

 PUBLISHED: 11/05/2023

An online seminar was organized between employees of the Department of Statistics of Foreign Economic Activity and Trade of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Main Department of Statistics of Services and Domestic Trade of the National Committee of Statistics of the Republic of Belarus. At the event, the Head of the Main Department of Statistics of Services and Internal Trade of the National Committee of Statistics of the Republic of Belarus Chigireva Irina Gennadievna and the Head of the Department of Statistics of Foreign Economic Activity and Trade of the Agency for Statistics Batyr Irgashev exchanged views on the formation of indicators of internal trade statistics in the process of structural changes and inclusive development. During the seminar, there was also an exchange of views on the development of the sphere of foreign economic activity and trade statistics, discussion and analysis of existing problems and shortcomings of the system. I must say that on the basis of the mutual experience gained at this seminar, an opportunity will be created to develop fundamental recommendations in this area.

Samarkand hosts international event on migration

 PUBLISHED: 03/05/2023

Today in Samarkand, in cooperation with the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Representative Office of the International Organization for Migration in Uzbekistan, a round table is being held on the topic “Statistical information on migration: current practice and plans for the future”. The round table is attended by high-level representatives of the statistical departments of the Central Asian countries, including representatives of the delegation headed by the Director of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bahodyr Abdusalomovich Begalov, IOM specialists and experts, as well as the relevant state bodies of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan, IOM regional office in Vienna. At the event, the director of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich, thanking the representative office of the International Organization for Migration in Uzbekistan for cooperation in organizing the event, congratulated the participants on their visit to Uzbekistan and spoke about the importance of international meetings on this topic, the relevance of statistical data related to migration. Also, the heads of departments of the Agency for Statistics Odiljon Mamadaliev and Zoir Yuldashev made presentations for the participants on the work on the formation of statistical data on migration in our country, on the work to improve the structure and quality of data, as well as on the tasks that should be implemented in the future, and provided detailed answers to questions.

An employee of the Agency for Statistics took part in an international event

 PUBLISHED: 02/05/2023

On April 25-27, 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe organized an expert group meeting on national accounts. The meeting was attended by experts from national statistical services and central (national) banks of the CIS and foreign countries, as well as the UN EBRD, IMF, Eurostat and the World Bank, as well as a number of international organizations. The meeting was attended by the head of the department of macroeconomic indicators and national accounts of the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abrorali Mamadzhanov. The main goal of the seminar is to support the implementation of the System of National Accounts, the Balance of Payments and other relevant international statistical methodologies by encouraging the use of best practices and facilitating the development of recommendations and methodological materials.

A representative of the Statistics Agency participated in the 4th United Nations World Data Forum

 PUBLISHED: 02/05/2023

The 4th United Nations World Data Forum was organized by the Statistics Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China on April 24-27, 2023 in Hangzhou, China. The forum was attended by more than 7,000 experts online and live from nearly 150 countries. The UN World Data Forum brings together data and statistical experts and users from governments, civil society, the private sector, donor and philanthropic bodies, international and regional agencies, the geospatial community, the media, academia and professional bodies. Data experts and users gather to spur data innovation, mobilize high-level political and financial support for data, and build a pathway to better data for sustainable development. The event was attended by Akrom Sultanov, Head of the Monitoring and Coordination Department of the open data portal of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Meetings were held within the framework of the forum: with Stefan Schweinfest, Director of the UN Department of Statistics; with Rachel Bevan, Director of the Statistical Committee of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP); with Shaida Badiee, Managing Director of the international organization Open Data Watch; with Sylvana Fumega, Director of the Global Data Barometer project. As well as meetings with the heads of statistical services of Georgia, Tajikistan, Indonesia, Mongolia, Cambodia, etc. The main purpose of the meetings and negotiations was to inform about the large–scale reforms carried out in our country and the results achieved in the field of open data, as well as to establish close cooperation in the implementation of the latest international recommendations and best foreign experience in practice.

Employees of the Agency for Statistics took part in an international conference

 PUBLISHED: 17/04/2023

On April 12-13, 2023, in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation, the Russian Statistical Association and the Higher School of Economics held an international conference on the topic: “Development of the CIS statistical community to help improve the efficiency of government decisions, create a digital infrastructure for the economy, develop statistical science and education”. This international conference was attended by specialists from the statistical departments of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as employees of research communities. The international conference was attended by the first deputy director for educational and methodological work of the Institute for Advanced Training and Statistical Research of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Botir Eshboevich Turaev and the head of the department of accumulation and auxiliary accounts of the Department of Macroeconomic Indicators and National Accounts of the Agency Khamraev Zafar Mamasaidovich. The main goal of the international conference is to promote the development of cooperation in the consolidation of the statistical community of the CIS countries. The participants of the event also exchanged views on the creation of a digital infrastructure for the economy, the development of statistical sciences and education.

A meeting with representatives of the World Bank was held at the Statistics Agency

 PUBLISHED: 13/04/2023

On April 12, 2022, a meeting was held at Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with representatives of the World Bank as part of the project “Strengthening the statistical system in Uzbekistan”. It was attended by Director of the Statistics Agency Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich, heads of departments and departments of the central office of the committee, as well as members of the World Bank working group - William Seitz, Sevilla Muratova and other experts. The purpose of the mission is to discuss further steps in the implementation of the “Strengthening the Statistical System in Uzbekistan” project, an action plan, as well as requests for data within the framework of the project. We remind you that: in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 3, 2020 No. PP-4796, with the assistance of experts from the World Bank, the “National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020–2025” was prepared and approved. At the meeting, the members of the working group briefed the Director on the progress of the project, current tasks and a plan for further activities. Components of the project were reviewed, in particular capacity development, data preparation, equipment procurement and information dissemination plan, and project management. Following the negotiations, the parties agreed to continue joint consultations within the framework of this project.

Representatives of the Agency for Statistics take part in a seminar organized by the UN Children's Fund UNICEF

 PUBLISHED: 03/04/2023

From March 30 to April 6, 2023 in Belgrade, Serbia, the representative office of the United Nations International Children's Fund UNICEF in Uzbekistan organized a training seminar on the topic: "Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Round 7 (MICS-7)". This international seminar is attended by representatives of the statistical departments of the countries of Europe and Central Asia. The seminar is attended by the Head of the Department of Statistics of the Social Sphere and Sustainable Development of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Kirgizov Dilshodbek Erkinbayevich, the Deputy Head of the Department for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Interactive Public Services Samadov Shahboz Bakhrom ugli and the Deputy Head of the Department for the Formation of Consolidated Analytical Information on Statistics of Sustainable Development and branches of the social sphere Aleshunina Olga Vladimirovna. The main goal of the workshop is to provide an opportunity for statistical staff of countries planning to participate in the 7th round of Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys to exchange experiences on changes and innovations introduced in the 7th round of MICS, to develop the knowledge and skills of participants in the formation of indicators related to women and children. During the event, the participants exchange views on methods for improving the sources of information necessary for the formation of indicators for the 7th round of Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys.

Representatives of the Agency for Statistics took part in the international scientific and practical conference

 PUBLISHED: 31/03/2023

Representatives of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Information Exchange, independent researcher Mamadaliev Odiljon Toirovich and Head of the Department of ICT and Interactive Government Services Odilov Shohruh Gayratjonovich participated in the international scientific and practical conference on the topic "Regional Strategies and Project Management of Ecological, Economic and Social Development of Territories", organized by the section of Intersectoral Ecological and Economic System Research of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (IEESR RANS). Mamadaliev made a scientific report at the conference on the topic "Socio-economic development of regions: the practice of Uzbekistan." The report and the results of the research were highly appreciated by the participants of the conference and the scientific community of the section of Intersectoral Environmental and Economic System Research of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

An online meeting was held with representatives of the Federal Center for Competitiveness and Statistics of the United Arab Emirates

 PUBLISHED: 31/03/2023

In accordance with the paragraph 20 of the Roadmap, following the participation of the delegation of the Statistics Agency in the 54th Session of the UN Statistical Commission in New York, USA, on March 30, 2023, an online meeting was held to establish links and identify priority areas for cooperation in the field of statistics between the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Center of the United Arab Emirates. The meeting was attended by the Statistical Agency: Odiljon Mamadaliyev, Head of the International Cooperation and Data Exchange Department; Anvarjon Tulyaganov, Deputy Head of the Department on Organization and Methodology of Statistical Works; Abrorali Mamadzhanov, Head of the Department on Macroeconomic Indicators and National Accounts; Khurshid Juraev, Head of the Department of Summary and Information Work, Otabek Kakhkhorov Deputy Director of the Institute for Professional Development and Statistical Research under the Statistics Agency. From the Federal Center for Competitiveness and Statistics of the United Arab Emirates Ms. Nora Ali, Director of the Department of Methodology Mr. Zaid al - Qadhi Assistant Director of the Department of Methodology; Ms. Fayeda Abdullah, Director, Department of Economic Statistics, Ms. Maryam Sultan Al-Olamah, Specialist, Department of Demographic Statistics, Ms. Asma Al-Shehi, Specialist of the Department of Methodology, researcher Ms. Amal Almarzouki participated in the meeting. During the meeting, discussions were held on the development of statistics, data dissemination, the exchange of methodological practices and the implementation of GSIM and GSBPM quality systems. In their presentation, representatives of the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Center of the United Arab Emirates outlined the main activities of the Center, presented the official website and practice of the implemented quality system GSIM and GSBPM. As a result of the negotiations, agreements were reached on the continuation of cooperation between the two countries.

A meeting was organized for with the 54th session of the UN Statistical Commission

 PUBLISHED: 15/03/2023

On March 15, 2023, a meeting was held at the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the implementation of proposals and recommendations considered at the 54th session of the UN Statistical Commission within the framework of the National Statistical System. Together with the Agency for Innovative Development, issues of cooperation on the use of departmental data in the formation of indicators of the National Sustainable Development Goals 9.5.1 and 9.5.2, as well as measures to ensure the completeness of data generated in this direction, were discussed. In order to improve the mechanism for the formation of indicators related to science and innovation, issues of cooperation on the exchange of experience with representatives of the Agency for Innovative Development were agreed. For the qualitative fulfillment of the upcoming tasks and filling out the questionnaire of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (R&D), an exchange of views took place on considering the possibilities of using the existing administrative data of the Agency for Innovative Development.

A meeting was held with the next mission of the Japan International Cooperation Agency “JICA”

 PUBLISHED: 10/03/2023

On March 10, a meeting was organized at the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the Chief of the representative of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in the Republic of Uzbekistan to discuss issues of bilateral cooperation. The event was attended by the Director of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov, the Chief of the representative of the JICA Mr. Miyazaki Suguru and other specialists. During the meeting, the Director of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bakhodir Begalov and the Chief of the representative of the JICA Mr. Miyazaki Suguru, exchanged views on current and future areas of bilateral cooperation, including the preparation process for the population census and agricultural census, and exchange of data on tourism statistics. The meeting participants also agreed to further strengthen cooperation and develop other potential areas of cooperation.

The Statistics agency delegation participate in the 54th session of the UN Statistical Commission

 PUBLISHED: 28/02/2023

The 54th session of the Statistical Commission is scheduled to be held from February 28 to March 3 this year at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York (USA). Delegation headed by the Director of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov also arrived at the UN General Office to participate in the most prestigious meeting of statistical bodies all over the world. The delegation also took part in the "Statistical forum", which was organized on February 27. Within the framework of the Forum, the heads of statistical offices and representatives of international organizations exchanged their experience. For reference: The UN Statistical Commission, established in 1947, is the supreme body of the world statistical system. It brings together the heads of statistical offices of UN member states from around the world. It is the main decision-making body in the field of international statistics, in particular, the development of statistical standards, concepts and methodologies, and their implementation at the international and national levels. It is also a functional commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), helping the council develop national statistical systems and ensure the comparability of national statistics, coordinate the activities of UN specialized agencies in the field of statistics, and improve statistics and statistical methodology. During its more than 75 years of activity, the Statistical Commission has become the main platform for the discussion and adoption of major international standards, conceptual definitions and guidelines in all areas of statistics. Currently, the delegation is participating in the discussion of the issues included in the 54th session agenda. Also, between the sessions, the delegation meets with Mr.Stefan Schweinfest the director of the Statistics Department of UN, Ms. Rachel Biven the director of the Statistical Committee of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the heads of national statistical offices of other countries where also discussed issues of bilateral cooperation. During the meetings, representatives of international organizations acknowledged that the results achieved in Uzbekistan in relation to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals are positive. In the official website of the UN Department of Statistics noted that “The website is an excellent example of good practice among the CIS countries and the result of successful cooperation with the UN system”. In addition, during the dialogue, most experts recognized that Uzbekistan's position in the Open Data Ranking (ODIN) has improved, ranking 40th among 192 countries (first in Central Asia) with 66 points, which means that effective reforms are being carried out in this regard. The session continues. Additional information will be provided on the participation of representatives of the delegation in meetings and also meetings with representatives of international organizations and national statistical offices of other countries.

A meeting was held with the leadership of the UN Children's Fund UNICEF

 PUBLISHED: 20/02/2023

On February 20 this year, a meeting was organized at the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the head of the representative office of the UN Children's Fund UNICEF to discuss further cooperation. The event was attended by the Director of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov, the head of the UNICEF Office in the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. Munir Mammadzade and other specialists. During the meeting, B. Begalov and Mr. Munir Mammadzade exchanged views on current and future areas of bilateral cooperation, including the process of preparing the next round of the MICS 7 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey and improving data on children. The participants of the meeting also agreed to continue further strengthening cooperation in the preparation of joint projects and initiatives that need to be taken in the future.

Employees of the Agency for Statistics took part in a seminar organized by the International

 PUBLISHED: 20/02/2023

A seminar on the topic "Financial Programming and Policy" was held on February 6 -17 2023 in the city of Vienna (Austria), organized by the International Monetary Fund jointly with the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI). The seminar was attended by representatives of ministries and organizations of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Albania, Germany, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Luxeburg, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkey, Serbia, Slovakia and Uzbekistan. The Statistics agency was represented by Deputy Head of the Division of Capital and Satellite Accounts Yunusova Makhmuda and Chief Specialist of the Division of cost and production statistics Rakhmatullaeva Gulnora. The main goal of the workshop is to diagnose macroeconomic imbalances and correct them through a coordinated set of adjustment policies. It covers the main characteristics of the macroeconomic sectors and their interrelationships.

A meeting was held with representatives of the consulting organization Whiteshield Partners

 PUBLISHED: 17/02/2023

On February 17 of this year, a meeting was held at the statistical agency with representatives of the Whiteshield Partners consulting organization. The meeting discussed issues raised by representatives of the international rating agency within the framework of the World Bank's project on coordinating work with international ratings and indices within the framework of the institutional capacity building project. Representatives of the consulting organization Whiteshield Partners received comprehensive answers and clarifications on all issues raised during the meeting. The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

The mission of the expert of the International Monetary Fund has ended

 PUBLISHED: 17/02/2023

As previously reported, on February 6 this year, the representative of the International Monetary Fund on national accounts statistics Levan Gogoberishvili visited the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the visit, which lasted until February 17 this year, the expert expressed his proposals and recommendations on improving the methodology and practice of forming discrete quarterly national accounts indicators, supply and use schedules, assessing the non-observed economy and calculating indicators related to other economic statistics.  At the end of the visit, a meeting was held with the participation of the leadership of the Agency of Statistics and the Heads of sectoral departments of statistics. At the meeting, it was recognized that Uzbekistan has put into practice the international methodology of the system of national accounts - 2008. The results of the visit, the necessary work to improve national accounts, as well as issues of continuing cooperation with the International Monetary Fund were discussed with the expert.

A seminar on labor migration was held

 PUBLISHED: 16/02/2023

On February 13-15, 2023, the Agency for External Labor Migration under the Ministry for Poverty Reduction and Employment of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Representative Office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in the Republic of Uzbekistan organized a seminar on the topic “Labor Migration Program in Central Asia”. The event was attended by representatives of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry for Poverty Reduction and Employment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the International Organization for Migration, the Central Bank, the Agency for External Labor Migration, the National Center for Human Rights, the Paynet payment system, non-profit organizations. From the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Head of the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics Yuldashev Zoir Toshkanovich took part in the event. The participants of the seminar touched upon the issues of further development of cooperation between states in migration issues within the framework of the “Labor Migration Program in Central Asia”, as well as the measures currently being implemented. An exchange of views also took place on the implementation of a safe and orderly migration system, vocational training for migrants.

A meeting was held with members of the representative office of the International Organization for Migration in Uzbekistan

 PUBLISHED: 09/02/2023

On February 9 this year, the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a meeting with the head of the representative office of the International Organization for Migration in Uzbekistan. The event was attended by the Deputy Director of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Zohidjon Ziyaev, the head of the International Organization for Migration in Uzbekistan Sanzharbek Tashbaev and other specialists. During the meeting, Zohidjon Ziyaev and Sanzharbek Tashbaev exchanged views on current and promising areas of bilateral cooperation, including the issues of maintaining migration statistics in our country and its further improvement. The meeting participants also agreed on further strengthening cooperation in the field of migration statistics, on measures to be taken in the future.

The mission of the International Monetary Fund began its activities at the Agency of Statistics

 PUBLISHED: 06/02/2023

On February 6, 2023, a meeting was held at the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the representative of the technical support mission of the International Monetary Fund on national accounts statistics Levan Gogoberishvili. At the meeting, the director of the Agency for Statistics Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich and Levan Gogoberishvili exchanged views on the objectives of the mission. The main objectives of the mission are to improve quarterly national accounts, improve annual supply and use tables, and discuss other issues related to the compilation of quarterly economic statistics. In accordance with the program of the mission's stay, on the first day of the visit, responsible employees of the Agency for Statistics conducted a general review of the current practice of national accounts of Uzbekistan.

Employees of the Agency for Statistics took part in a seminar organized by the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

 PUBLISHED: 06/02/2023

A seminar on the topic "National Accounts Statistics" was held on January 21 - February 4, 2023 in Vienna (Austria), organized by the International Monetary Fund jointly with the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI). The seminar was attended by representatives of the statistical services of Armenia, Albania, Georgia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Kosovo Kyrgyz Republic, Turkey, Serbia, Ukraine and the Republic of Uzbekistan. From the Agency on Statistics, head of the Division of Current Accounts Mekhmonov Jakhongir, deputy head of the Division of Formation and Analysis of Macroeconomic Indicators Mamatmuradov Khusniddin, a senior specialist of the Division of Formation and Analysis of Macroeconomic Indicators Berdiyorov Fazliddin and a senior specialist of the Division Kushchiev Davron, took part in this seminar. The main goal of the seminar was to exchange experience between the participating countries, to develop the knowledge and skills of the participants on the formation of indicators of the SNA. During the seminar, the participants exchanged opinions on ways to improve the sources of information necessary for the formation of national accounts indicators.

A meeting took place with the subsequent mission of the Japan International Cooperation Agency “JICA”

 PUBLISHED: 27/01/2023

On January 27, 2023, a meeting took place between the representatives of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the subsequent mission of the Japan International Cooperation Agency “JICA”, led by an expert of the “World Business Associates Co., Ltd.” company – Mr. Koichi Tanaka, within the framework of the implementation of the technical assistance project for “Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation”. The purpose of implementing a visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan of the subsequent mission of the Japan International Cooperation Agency “JICA” is to continue to hold the meetings and to implement the visits to enterprises of the republic in order to render the consulting services on issues of energy efficiency and energy conservation policy. In the course of this meeting, the issues related to the “Energy Information System” in Uzbekistan; the relationship between the e-Stat 4.0 software and relevant ministries; as well as the issues related to the e-Stat 4.0 software, were discussed.

A meeting was organized with the participation of the delegation of Tajikistan and Mongolia, led by the UN and ESCAP

 PUBLISHED: 25/01/2023

On January 24 this year, the Agency on Statistics hosted a presentation for the delegation of Tajikistan and Mongolia, led by the UN and ESCAP, on the work carried out by the Agency on Statistics within the framework of the sustainable development goals in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The main purpose of this event is to exchange experience and improve skills with representatives of Mongolia and Tajikistan on the preparation of the Voluntary National Report (Twinning) program on achieving national sustainable development goals until 2030. During the event, the heads of departments of the central office of the Agency made a presentation on the work carried out within the framework of monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals, reforms in the field of statistics, the Open Data Portal and the national Sustainable Development Goals. Information was also given on the work carried out in Mongolia and Tajikistan in this area. The meeting continued in interactive mode, in the form of questions and answers. Such meetings will continue until January 27 this year in various ministries and departments of the republic.

A meeting of the Bureau of the ESCAP Committee on Statistics was held

 PUBLISHED: 18/01/2023

On January 18, 2023, the Director of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov took part in the meeting of the Bureau of the ESCAP Committee on Statistics. For information: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) was established on March 28, 1947. The headquarters of the commission is located in Bangkok. ESCAP is the largest of the five UN regional commissions in terms of geographical coverage and population. The Commission consists of 53 voting countries, including eight CIS countries (Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). By the decision of the 8th session of the ESCAP Statistical Committee, whose meeting was held on August 23-25, 2022 in Bangkok (Thailand), Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov was elected Deputy Chairman of the Bureau of the ESCAP Committee on Statistics. The meeting was attended by members of the Bureau of the ESCAP Committee on Statistics, in particular the Chairman of the Bureau, Mr. Batdavaa Batmunkh (Mongolia), Vice-Chairmen of the Bureau, Ms. Maria Musudroka (Fiji), Mr. Gobinda Prasad Samanta (India), other members of the Bureau consisting of: Ms. Piyanuch Wuttisorn (Thailand), Mr. En Chuan Koh (Singapore), and Ms. Rachel Beeven - Director of the UNESCAP Statistics Division, representatives of the Secretariat of the UNESCAP Committee on Statistics and other responsible persons. The agenda of the meeting of the Bureau of the ESCAP Committee on Statistics considered documents for submission to the upcoming 54th meeting of the UN Statistical Commission in February-March 2023 in New York, USA. Organizational issues of the Bureau of the ESCAP Committee on Statistics, papers, reviews of groups and communities of practice supporting the work of the Committee on Statistics. There was also a request for nominations for the new composition of the Inter-Agency Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDG) and the High-Level Group on Partnership, Coordination and Capacity Building in Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (HLG- PCCB).

Expert Group Meeting on Statistics of Refugees, Displaced Persons and Stateless Persons Held in Addis Ababa

 PUBLISHED: 19/12/2022

On December 12-14 this year, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia hosted the Expert Group Meeting on Statistics “Fulfilling our mandate and looking to the future 2022: Meeting of the Expert Group on Refugee, Internally Displaced Persons and Stateless Persons Statistics (EGRISS)”. The meeting was attended by more than 80 participants from 35 countries and international organizations, as well as from the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, Head of the Department of Consolidation and Information Work - Khurshid Zhuraev and Deputy Head of the Department for Organizing and Conducting Census Processes - Sherzod Dusnaev. The purpose of the meeting was to exchange experience between the countries participating in the Expert Group, review normative documents on statelessness statistics and develop international recommendations on refugee and IDP statistics, within the mandate of the EGRISS Expert Group valid until 2024. At the meeting, the participating countries exchanged experience, received recommendations from experts in the field of statistics on refugees, IDPs and stateless persons, discussed existing problems and ways to solve them. Goskomstat specialists were able to improve their knowledge and skills in this area, took part in the development of proposals for improving the methodology in the field of population census for refugees, IDPs and stateless persons, as well as presented the experience of preparing for the population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan. At the meeting, the participating countries exchanged experience in the field of refugees, forced displacement and statelessness, discussed existing problems and ways to solve them. At the end of the meeting, recommendations and proposals were developed for the collection of data on refugees, internally displaced persons and stateless persons.

A meeting was held with UN Women

 PUBLISHED: 16/12/2022

On December 16, a meeting was held between the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, Bahodir Abdusalomovich Begalov, and the representative of the UN Women in the Kyrgyz Republic, Ms. Ulziysuren Jamsran, to discuss potential cooperation in the field of gender statistics and to study the interest of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics to become a participant global data collection initiative to count every woman and girl/Women Count (WCP). During the meeting, the parties discussed a wide range of issues, in particular: analysis of gender data in Uzbekistan; assessment of the capacity of the national statistical system of Uzbekistan in the field of monitoring and reporting on national and international commitments in matters of gender equality, empowerment of women; discussing the prospects for developing a national roadmap/strategy for gender statistics; the role of the Committee in the development of the Gender Profile of Uzbekistan, carried out at the initiative of UN Women, in close cooperation with the UN Statistics Division and other issues of cooperation. The representative of the UN-Women highly appreciated the ongoing reforms and initiatives of the Government of the Republic in achieving national and international commitments in matters of gender equality and the empowerment of women. The parties agreed to continue developing close cooperation.

Representatives of the State Committee on Statistics took part in an international seminar on statistical assessment

 PUBLISHED: 13/12/2022

On December 6-7 this year in Krakow, Poland, a seminar on statistical evaluation was held for employees of statistical departments of countries in Europe, East and Central Asia. The event was organized by Eurostat in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). It was attended by representatives of the statistical departments of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, as well as international experts from EUROSTAT, UNECE and EFTA. From the State Committee on Statistics, the seminar was attended by the Head of the Department for the Organization and Methodology of Statistical Works Zakirov Dilshod Tairovich and the Deputy Head of the Personnel Department Turaev Farhod Samadovich. The main purpose of the workshop was to share experience on statistical assessments carried out in the participating countries with the support of international organizations, as well as to share plans for the future.

A meeting of experts on measuring poverty and inequality was held

 PUBLISHED: 12/12/2022

From December 7 to 9, 2022, an expert meeting on measuring poverty and income inequality within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as a workshop on the harmonization of poverty statistics, took place in Geneva, Switzerland. The event was organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. It was attended by specialists from statistical departments of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Canada, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Poland, Russia, USA, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and a number of other countries. The Republic of Uzbekistan was represented by the Deputy Head of the Department for Coordination of Sample Surveys of Households of the Department of Statistics of Living Standards and Population Surveys of the State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan Otazhon Yusupov. The main purpose of this event was to share experience in measuring poverty and inequality and harmonizing poverty statistics within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals. Also within the framework of the event, international organizations presented a number of proposals and recommendations.

A meeting with representatives of the World Bank was held at the State Statistics Committee

 PUBLISHED: 06/12/2022

On December 6, 2022, a meeting was held at the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics with representatives of the World Bank as part of the project “Strengthening the statistical system in Uzbekistan”. It was attended by the chairman of the committee Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich, heads of departments and departments of the central office of the committee, head of the statistics department of the Namangan region, as well as members of the World Bank working group - William Seitz, Sevilla Muratova and other specialists. The purpose of the mission is to discuss further steps in the implementation of the “Strengthening the Statistical System in Uzbekistan” project, an action plan, as well as requests for data within the framework of the project. We remind you that: in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 3, 2020 No. PP-4796, with the assistance of experts from the World Bank, the “National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020–2025” was prepared and approved. At the meeting, the members of the working group briefed the Chairman on the progress of the project, current tasks and a plan for further activities. Components of the project were reviewed, in particular capacity development, data preparation, equipment procurement and information dissemination plan, and project management. Following the negotiations, the parties agreed to continue joint consultations within the framework of this project.

Tokyo hosted an international conference with the participation of experts in the field of statistics

 PUBLISHED: 05/12/2022

From November 29 to December 1 this year, an international conference was held in Tokyo, Japan on the topic “Assessing the impact and addressing challenges in the 2020 census round during the COVID-19 pandemic”. The conference was organized under the auspices of the National Association of Censuses and Statistics for the Americas, Asia and the Pacific (ANCSDAAP) and the Japan Bureau of Statistics. The international conference was attended by the US Bureau of the Census, experts in the field of national statistics from Indonesia, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Korea, Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Singapore, India, Uzbekistan and other countries. From the State Statistics Committee, the head of the department for the development of information and communication technologies and interactive public services, Odilov Shahrukh Gayratzhanovich, took part. During the conference, participants exchanged views on the advantages and disadvantages of using modern technologies in population census processes, on the use of the Internet and tablet devices in the population census, as well as on methods for collecting and processing large amounts of data.

Sub-regional training workshop organized in Central Asia on the Sustainable Development Goals

 PUBLISHED: 30/11/2022

From November 29 to December 1, 2022 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO will host a Sub-regional training workshop in Central Asia on the topic: “Strengthening national capacity in the field of education data and statistics for policy development, evidence-based planning and monitoring of SDG4”. The seminar is attended by representatives of statistical agencies, ministries of education and finance of Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan. From the State Committee on Statistics, the event is attended by Deputy Head of the Social Sphere and Sustainable Development Statistics Department Kambarov Jahangir Hoshimjonovich. The main objective of the training workshop is to develop the relevant skills and capabilities of the Central Asian Member States in using MIS tools and methodologies to obtain education data and indicators for quality planning, monitoring and decision making.

A training seminar was held in Almaty on the topic: “Public Finance Statistics and Public Sector Debt”

 PUBLISHED: 30/11/2022

On November 21-25, 2022, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Regional Capacity Development Center for the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia organized a training seminar in Almaty, (Kazakhstan) on the topic “Government Finance Statistics and Public Sector Debt”. The seminar was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank and the Statistical Service of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan. Farhod Ganiev, Deputy Head of the Department of Current Accounts of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, took part in the seminar. The main goal of the seminar is to exchange experience between the participating countries, develop the knowledge and skills of participants in the field of government finance statistics and public sector debt statistics, as well as explore ways to improve the data sources needed to generate these indicators.

A meeting was held with an expert of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

 PUBLISHED: 28/11/2022

On November 22-25, 2022, a meeting was held at the State Committee on Statistics with an expert from the regional office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for Europe and Central Asia, Georgy Kvinikadze. The meeting was attended by the leadership of the State Committee on Statistics, employees of the Department of Agriculture and Ecology Statistics, the Department of Organization and Conduct of Census Processes. During the event, participants also got acquainted with the draft methodology for preparing for registration in the agricultural sector by reviewing the questionnaires for registration in the agricultural sector. The event discussed the preparations for the agricultural census and the tasks assigned in this regard to the republican and territorial commissions, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the khokimiyats of the regions and the city of Tashkent, as well as all involved ministries and departments. At the end of the meeting, the staff of the State Committee on Statistics and the international expert discussed further steps in conducting the agricultural census in Uzbekistan.

A meeting took place with the mission of the Japan International Cooperation Agency “JICA”

 PUBLISHED: 28/11/2022

On November 25, 2022, a meeting took place between the representatives of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and the subsequent mission of the Japan International Cooperation Agency “JICA”, led by an expert of the “World Business Associates Co., Ltd.” company – Koichi Tanaka, within the framework of the implementation of the technical assistance project entitled “Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation”. For information: The purpose of implementing a visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan of the subsequent mission of the Japan International Cooperation Agency “JICA” is to hold meetings and to implement visits to enterprises of the republic in order to render the consulting services on issues of energy efficiency and energy conservation policy. In the course of this meeting, the data on the pilot fuel and energy balance, as well as the issues related to the collection and compilation of relevant data, were discussed. The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

An international scientific and practical conference "Modern problems of statistics: theory, methodology and practice" was held

 PUBLISHED: 26/11/2022

On November 26 of this year, an international scientific and practical conference was held at the Institute for Advanced Training and Statistical Research under the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics on the topic: “Modern problems of statistics: theory, methodology and practice”. The conference was attended by representatives of prestigious higher educational institutions such as the US Pennsylvania and Georgia International Universities, the Ural State University of Economics, the Southern Federal University of Russia, the Polish Academy of International Business, as well as employees of various ministries and departments of our country. At the beginning of the event, Doctor of Economics, Academician, Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan Gulyamov Saidakhror Saidakhmedovich made a presentation on the topic. Also, Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Statistical Research, Doctor of Economics, Professor Gayibnazarov Bakhodir Karimovich, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of the Polish Academy of International Business, Doctor of Economics, Professor Rafal Rebilas expressed their opinion on the topic. During the international conference, information was provided on the broad coverage of theoretical and methodological aspects of the study of the development of statistical science, the improvement of the methodology for solving urgent problems of macroeconomic statistics. The participants also exchanged views on the issues of indicating the role and place of priority areas for the development of sectoral statistics, determining the current state and prospects for the development of statistics on the country's foreign economic activity. At the end of the event, experts answered questions on the topic in detail.

Discussed preparations for the first agricultural census in Uzbekistan

 PUBLISHED: 24/11/2022

On November 24, 2022, a round table was held in Tashkent to discuss further plans for conducting the first agricultural census in Uzbekistan. The event was attended by experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of other interested ministries and departments. During the round table, Georgy Kvinikadze, Statistician of the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, spoke about the experience of other countries in organizing an agricultural census, as well as the work done by FAO in this direction. It was noted that the agricultural census is an important tool for collecting basic agricultural statistics. A comprehensive statistical survey, carried out according to a single program and methodology, makes it possible to obtain the most complete and objective information about the state and structure of agriculture, the availability and use of its resource potential. Within the framework of the event, the representative of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics Humayun Urazbekov acquainted the participants with the legal framework of the Republic of Uzbekistan in this area and the stages of the agricultural census, spoke about the organization of the pilot census. As well as the preparations for the main census and the tasks assigned to this communications to the republican and territorial commissions, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of regions and the city of Tashkent, to all involved ministries and departments. During the round table, further steps for conducting the main agricultural census were discussed, the participants received answers to all their questions. As you know, in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the expansion and improvement of the statistical information base in the field of agriculture” dated February 26, 2021, in 2024, for the first time, a major event will be implemented in Uzbekistan to conduct a census in the field of agriculture. The authorized body in this case is the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics. To ensure that the planned activities are in line with international standards, FAO is supporting the census organizers through the “Support to the Pilot Agricultural Census” project. The goal of the project is to improve the system of agricultural statistics in Uzbekistan and train the employees of the State Committee on Statistics in methodology and conduct field work on the agricultural census. Recall that from August 1 to August 31, a trial agricultural census was conducted in the Parkent district of the Tashkent region and in the Dzhambay district of the Samarkand region. Statistician of the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia Georgy Kvinikadze also took part in the events and provided his recommendations on improving the developed questionnaires for the agricultural census. To support the pilot agricultural census, FAO organized training sessions for temporary recruits, and provided outreach materials, such as banners, posters, brochures, booklets, flyers, etc.

Press conference: The importance of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys to assess the status of children and women at the international level

 PUBLISHED: 23/11/2022

On November 23, 2022, at 15:00, a press conference was held at the National Press Center of Tashkent on the topic “The Importance of Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Conducted to Assess the Condition of Children and Women at the International Level” held by the State Committee on Statistics and the representative office of the International Children's Fund United Nations UNICEF in Uzbekistan. The event was attended by representatives of the central office of the State Committee on Statistics, UNICEF, international experts in this field, heads of relevant ministries and departments, as well as representatives of the media. As noted at the press conference, in order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4273 dated April 9, 2019 “On additional measures to ensure openness and transparency of public administration, as well as to increase the statistical potential of the country”, as well as assessing the condition of children and women in the country at the international level, in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 625 of July 24, 2019, in 2020-2021 it was planned to conduct Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys is an international household sampling program developed by the United Nations International Children's Fund UNICEF that collects data on several indicators, mainly to assess the situation of children and women, and is the world's largest source of statistics on mothers and children. MICS surveys were conducted 349 times in 118 countries around the world from 1995 to 2022. These surveys include important statistics such as maternal and child health, women's reproductive health, children's rights and educational attainment, and children's health and physical development. Conducting Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2021-2022 is organized in cooperation with the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and the representative office of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Uzbekistan. The State Committee on Statistics is designated as the authorized state body to conduct the survey. The MICS survey in the Republic of Uzbekistan was conducted more than 15 years ago, over the past years, large-scale reforms have been carried out aimed at protecting the rights of women and children, ensuring gender equality, improving the status of women in society, creating the necessary conditions for the development of children in the country, which made it possible to update information in accordance with international recommendations and provide users with reliable, complete and up-to-date information. indicates that statistical data should be provided. The main purpose of the MICS survey is to compare the results of a survey of women aged 15 to 49, specific data on children under the age of 5 received from their mothers or guardians, all data collected by the standard of living of the population, place of residence (urban or rural) and gender, internationally by country. The indicators generated from the results of the survey cover 40% of the indicator of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the household. This, in turn, will help improve the performance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the World Bank's Statistical Capacity Index and other international rankings. During the survey, data were collected in 556 mahallas, selected in the Republic of Uzbekistan, through personal interviews with respondents in the field, filling out questionnaires electronically on tablets. The data generated by the MICS results are posted on the official website of the State Committee on Statistics ( and on the UNICEF website ( Based on the results of the survey, a statistical review was prepared and published. In surveyed households, 3% of children do not live with their biological parents. 23% of households are run by women. Analysis of infant mortality: the under-five mortality rate is 25 per 1,000 births. This figure was 57 in the results of the MICS conducted in 2006. As noted above, over the past 15 years, there has been a downward trend in the mortality rate among infants and children under the age of five years. The total fertility rate is 3.3 children per woman. During prenatal care, 90% of women were seen at least four times by a qualified health care provider, and 98% at least two times. 99% of births were carried out in public health facilities with the participation of qualified medical personnel. 21% of births were performed using caesarean section. Higher rates, that is, 24%, are observed in the relatively rich strata compared to 19% in the relatively poor strata. Feeding at an early age, including breastfeeding: 40% of women have been observed to breastfeed their babies within an hour of giving birth. Survey results show that only one out of every four babies (25%) was exclusively breastfed before 6 months of age. 7% of children under the age of 5 are stunted. This indicator has decreased two times in comparison with the result of 2006 (14.6%). Also, this figure is the lowest among the CIS countries. The indicator of malnutrition was also noted within the biological norm. Malnutrition occurs in 2% of children under 5 years of age. There is a decrease in comparison with the results of 2006 (5.1%). Overweight is observed in 5% of children under 5 years of age (boys 5%, girls 4%). In the 2006 MICS survey, this figure was 7%. The total fertility rate is 3.3 children per woman. During prenatal care, 90% of women were seen at least four times by a qualified health care provider, and 98% at least two times. 99% of births were carried out in public health facilities with the participation of qualified medical personnel. 21% of births were performed using caesarean section. Higher rates, that is, 24%, are observed in the relatively rich strata compared to 19% in the relatively poor strata. Feeding at an early age, including breastfeeding: 40% of women have been observed to breastfeed their babies within an hour of giving birth. Survey results show that only one out of every four babies (25%) was exclusively breastfed before 6 months of age. 7% of children under the age of 5 are stunted. This indicator has decreased two times in comparison with the result of 2006 (14.6%). Also, this figure is the lowest among the CIS countries. The indicator of malnutrition was also noted within the biological norm. Malnutrition occurs in 2% of children under 5 years of age. There is a decrease in comparison with the results of 2006 (5.1%). Overweight is observed in 5% of children under 5 years of age (boys 5%, girls 4%). In the 2006 MICS survey, this figure was 7%. 46% of children aged 3-4 participated in early education programs. This indicator represents the result at the time of the survey. At this stage, an improvement of 2.3 times compared to the results of 2006 (19.7%) can be observed. 96% of children aged 2-4 years showed normal development in terms of health, education and psychology. This is one of the highest rates in the CIS region. 72% of children aged 7-14 who go to school and do their homework receive help from their parents. However, younger children are helped more often than older children. At the end of the press conference, detailed answers were provided to journalists' questions by the staff of the State Committee on Statistics and representatives of UNICEF.

An international seminar on the topic “Financial reporting” was held in Brussels

 PUBLISHED: 22/11/2022

From November 14 to 16, 2022 in Brussels, Belgium, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the European Free Trade Association organized a seminar on the topic: "Financial reporting". The seminar was attended by representatives of the statistical services of Armenia, Moldova, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Iceland, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The seminar was attended by the head of the Department of Macroeconomic Indicators and National Accounts of the State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abrorali Mamadzhanov. The main goal of the seminar is to exchange experience between the participating countries, develop the knowledge and skills of participants in financial accounts, as well as explore ways to improve the sources of information needed to generate these accounts.

A round table was organized dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Uzbekistan's accession to the Convention on the Rights of the Child

 PUBLISHED: 16/11/2022

On November 16, 2022, the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted a round table dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Uzbekistan's accession to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The event was attended by the leadership of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, representatives of the United Nations International Children's Fund UNICEF, international experts, heads of the State Committee on Statistics and other relevant ministries and departments, and media workers. Tanzila Narbayeva, Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, opened the round table with an introductory speech. She informed in detail about the large-scale work carried out in our country under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Malika Kadyrkhanova, Chairman of the Oliy Majlis Senate Committee on Women and Gender Issues, Bakhodir Begalov, Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics, Afshan Khan, UNICEF Regional Director for Europe and the CIS, and others expressed their opinion on efforts to create conditions for the healthy and comprehensive development of children. As noted at the event, in order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4273 dated April 9, 2019 “On additional measures to ensure openness and transparency of public administration, as well as increase the statistical potential of the country”, as well as assessing the condition of children and women in the republic at the international level, in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 625 of July 24, 2019, in 2020-2021, it was planned to conduct Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys is an international household sampling program developed by the United Nations International Children's Fund UNICEF that collects data on several indicators, mainly to assess the situation of children and women, and is the world's largest source of statistics on mothers and children. MICS surveys were conducted 349 times in 118 countries around the world from 1995 to 2022. These surveys include important statistics such as maternal and child health, women's reproductive health, children's rights and educational attainment, and children's health and physical development. Conducting Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2021-2022 is organized in cooperation with the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and the representative office of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Uzbekistan. The State Committee on Statistics is designated as the authorized state body to conduct the survey. During the survey, data were collected in 556 mahallas, selected in the Republic of Uzbekistan, through personal interviews with respondents in the field, filling out questionnaires electronically on tablets. On the basis of the generated analytical tables, taking into account the proposals and comments of UNICEF international experts, work was carried out to form reporting applications and summary tables, and prepare a draft report. The final data on the results of the survey are provided to the relevant ministries and departments of the republic for the development of comprehensive measures for the development of relevant industries and areas. Based on the results of the conducted MICS, more than 20 indicator indicators related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be formed. As noted at the event, the publication of the results of the MICS conducted in our country will serve to update the indicators relating to the Republic of Uzbekistan, which have not been updated in international databases for many years, as well as improve the position of our country in international ratings and indices, as well as increase its prestige in the world community.

A meeting was held with international expert, professor Tatiana Polyakova

 PUBLISHED: 14/11/2022

On November 14 of this year, a meeting was held at the State Committee on Statistics with an international expert, professor Tatyana Mikhailovna Polyakova. The event discussed issues of widespread use of information technology in the census process. The international expert made a presentation and spoke about the evolution of information technologies for the needs of the development of statistical systems in the CIS. She presented practical recommendations for processing and storing large amounts of Big Data. For information, within the framework of a two-week visit, the international expert will visit the Department of Statistics of the Tashkent region and the Department of Statistics of the Samarkand region and get acquainted in detail with the implementation of the preparations for the population and agricultural census.

A meeting was held with representatives of the mission of the International Monetary Fund

 PUBLISHED: 11/11/2022

On November 11 of this year, a meeting was held between the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics - Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov and representatives of the mission of the International Monetary Fund. At the meeting, organized by the State Committee on Statistics, economic indicators, processes of preparation for the population census, foreign trade, export-import of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the issues of the transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a special data dissemination standard of the International Monetary Fund were discussed. In addition, at the meeting, an exchange of views took place on issues of bilateral cooperation, technical assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and on the organization of special IMF programs to improve the skills and knowledge of statisticians and economists. The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

A meeting was held with foreign experts on preparations for the population census

 PUBLISHED: 07/11/2022

On November 5 this year, the State Committee on Statistics organized a meeting with the UN Population Fund on preparations for the census in the Republic of Uzbekistan and on gender equality. The event was attended by Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov, UNFPA Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Florence Bauer, Head of the UN Population Fund in the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. Yu Yu and other specialists. During the meeting, Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Bakhodir Begalov and Regional Director of the United Nations Population Fund for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Florence Bauer exchanged views on what should be paid attention to in the population census process, foreign experience, as well as the effective use of ICT in this sphere. Information was also provided on the ongoing work on maintaining gender statistics. In particular, a separate division for the collection, processing and analysis of gender statistics has been created at the State Statistics Committee, and the official website of the State Statistics Committee has been developed and launched. To date, more than 140 indicators of gender statistics have been posted in all sections of the site in 3 languages, in 5 different formats. The participants of the meeting also agreed on further strengthening of cooperation in preparation for the population census, on measures to be taken in the future.

A presentation was held on the results of the international seminar

 PUBLISHED: 02/11/2022

On November 2 this year, the State Committee on Statistics hosted a presentation on the results of the participation of the head of the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics Yuldashev Zoir Tashkanovich in a meeting of the expert group on migration statistics organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva, Switzerland, October 26-28, 2022. During the presentation, Zoir Yuldashev presented data on the maintenance of country migration statistics, the use of administrative data, innovative practices, the study of observed problems and their solution. The speaker spoke in detail about the knowledge and skills gained during the workshop, the latest news and experience gained on new methods of processing migration statistics data. The speaker answered in detail the questions of interest to the participants on the topic.

For the first time in 16 years, MICS results are posted on the UNICEF website

 PUBLISHED: 31/10/2022

In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4273 dated April 9, 2019 “On additional measures to ensure openness and transparency of public administration, as well as to increase the statistical potential of the country”, as well as assessing the condition of children and women in the republic at the international level in in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 625 of July 24, 2019, in 2020-2021 it was planned to conduct cluster observations of multi-indicators in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys is an international household sampling survey program developed by the United Nations International Children's Fund UNICEF, which collects data on several indicators, mainly to assess the situation of children and women, and is the world's largest source of statistics on mothers and children . MICS surveys were conducted 349 times in 118 countries around the world from 1995 to 2022. These surveys include important statistics such as maternal and child health, women's reproductive health, children's rights and educational attainment, and children's health and physical development. For the first time in 16 years, MICS results are available on the UNICEF website (

The representative of the State Committee on Statistics took part in the seminar of the expert group on migration statistics

 PUBLISHED: 28/10/2022

An expert group meeting on migration statistics is currently taking place in Geneva, Switzerland. The event is organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, it is planned to be attended by representatives of state and non-governmental organizations, including statistical bodies, international experts, as well as representatives of the offices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. This meeting is attended by the head of the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics Yuldashev Zoyir Toshkanovich. The main goal of the event is to study the experience of countries in maintaining migration statistics, in particular, innovative practices in the use of administrative data, observed problems and their solutions.

A meeting with ESCAP experts was organized

 PUBLISHED: 27/10/2022

On October 27 this year, the State Committee on Statistics hosted a meeting with experts from the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). It should be noted that this meeting was organized as part of the implementation of the "Road Map" developed following the participation of the delegation of the State Committee on Statistics in the work of the 8th session of the ESCAP Statistical Commission. This event was attended by ESCAP experts Alik Mjuma Nyasulu, Anastasia Maga and Ayodele Marshall. At the meeting, the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov discussed with ESCAP experts issues of development of cooperation, monitoring of indicators of the sustainable development goals of the SDGs and improvement of the methodology for a number of SDG indicators. As a result of the meeting, agreements were reached to continue discussing the issues of improving the methodology of SDG indicators and cooperation in the field of statistics.

An online meeting between the State Committee on Statistics and the Korean Statistics Office was held

 PUBLISHED: 26/10/2022

On October 26 this year, the State Committee on Statistics held an online meeting with the Korean Statistics Office and its educational and research institutes. It was attended by the leadership of the State Committee on Statistics, employees of the Institute for Professional Development and Statistical Research under the State Committee on Statistics, as well as representatives of the Korean Statistics Department. The event was organized in accordance with the memorandum of cooperation in the field of statistics, signed between the State Committee on Statistics and the Korea Statistics Department on August 24, 2011. At the meeting, the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Bakhodir Begalov informed about the work carried out within the framework of the implementation of the "National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2025", approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 3, 2020 No. UP-4796 "On measures to further improve and development of the National Statistical System of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, as well as on cooperation between the two states. Commissioner of the Korea Statistics Bureau Hong Han also mentioned the issues of cooperation. During the meeting, presentations were made by Deputy Director of the Institute for Advanced Training and Statistical Research Botir Turaev, President of the Statistical Institute for Advanced Training of the Korean Statistics Office Bo Kyung Kim, representative of the Institute for Statistical Research of the Korean Statistical Bureau Pilgeun Choi. The presentations provided information on the activities of the institutes, training of personnel, curricula and experience in conducting scientific research. As a result of the negotiations, an agreement was reached on the continuation of cooperation between the institutions of the two countries.

A presentation was held on the results of the international seminar

 PUBLISHED: 26/10/2022

On October 26 of this year, a presentation was held at the State Committee on Statistics on the results of the participation of the head of the Department for the formation of indicators of the balance of labor resources, employment and wages Tashmukhamedov Umid Egamberdievich in the 8th international seminar on labor migration, organized by the International Labor Organization and the Korean Statistical Office on October 18-20 2022 in Seoul city. The speaker acquainted the participants with the experience gained during the seminar, with the mastered experience in mastering new methods of processing data on international labor migration. Also during the presentation were presented recommendations on international labor migration statistics and measurements of estimating the costs of hiring migrants, as well as data on the analysis of the United Nations database on international migration. The speaker gave a detailed answer to the questions of the audience.

A meeting was held between representatives of the State Committee on Statistics and QULIX

 PUBLISHED: 26/10/2022

As we reported earlier, from 24 to 27 October this year, Samarkand hosts the week of Information and Communication Technologies of Uzbekistan - ICTWEEK UZBEKISTAN Week. ICTWEEK UZBEKISTAN is the largest and most important annual information technology event in Uzbekistan, held since 2004. Traditionally, this event brings together a number of specialized events in one format. Within the framework of the week, a summit, an international forum, exhibitions, seminars and various presentations are planned. Also within the framework of this week, a meeting was held between the employees of the Central Office of the State Committee on Statistics headed by the Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics for Information and Communication Technologies and Information Security Ziyaev Zohidzhan Muratovich and the Custom Software Development Company (QULIX). The main objective of the ICTWEEK is to create a platform for the exchange of experience and demonstration of the achievements of modern technologies and innovations. It is also an ideal platform for demonstrating the attractiveness of the Uzbek IT market to foreign investors, the interaction between the state, companies and consumers.

Representative of the State Statistics Committee took part in a seminar on international labor migration

 PUBLISHED: 25/10/2022

From October 18 to October 20, 2022, the 8th International Workshop on Labor Migration in the Asia-Pacific region was held in Seoul, South Korea. The seminar was attended by specialists from statistical bodies and labor ministries of such countries as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Uzbekistan, experts from the International Labor Organization ( ILO), Statistics Korea (KOSTAT), Institute for the Development of Statistics of Korea under Statistics Korea. The seminar was attended by the head of the department for the formation of indicators of the balance of labor resources, employment and wages of the State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan Umid Tashmukhamedov. The main purpose of the seminar is to inform participants about the latest developments in the field of international labor migration statistics (IMML), to present the new ILO data collection tool on international labor migration and the results of the ILO data collection on international labor migration statistics for 2021. During the seminar, presentations were made regarding the activities of the International Labor Organization, detailed information was given on the questionnaires developed by the World Bank and the ILO to determine the costs of attracting an international migrant. In addition, presentations of the countries participating in the seminar on international labor migration were heard.

Head of the Personal Department of the State Committee on Statistics took part in an international seminar organized in Brussels

 PUBLISHED: 17/10/2022

On October 11-13, 2022, an international workshop on human resources management and training was organized by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the Statistics Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in Brussels, Belgium. This seminar was organized as part of the work program of the European Statistical Conference for 2022. The seminar is intended for mid and senior-level employees responsible for human resources management and training in their respective organizations. Talipova Zulxumor Normatovna, head of the Personnel Department of the State Committee on Statistics, took part in the seminar. The agenda of the seminar included topics such as "Workers of the Future" and "Employers, Managers and Leaders of the Future".

A regional seminar "Calculation of population expenditures on health care" was organized in Tbilisi

 PUBLISHED: 17/10/2022

On October 10-12 this year in Tbilisi, Georgia, the World Health Organization organized a regional seminar on the topic: “Calculation of population health expenditures” in order to build capacity. The seminar was attended by the national statistical services of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. The Republic of Uzbekistan was represented at the seminar by the Head of the Department of Statistics of Living Standards and Population Surveys Umid Madaminov and the Head of the Department of Statistics of Living Standards and Surveys of Households of the Department of Statistics of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The event explored topics such as building capacity to monitor financial protection indicators among key analysts, as well as ensuring financial protection outcomes in all countries, monitoring the calculation and analysis of health expenditures from total population expenditure. As a result of the seminar, an exchange of experience took place between the participating countries in all areas of statistical methodology and practice.

The experience of the Republic of Belarus on the population census is being studied

 PUBLISHED: 11/10/2022

On October 10 this year, with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Uzbekistan, experts on population censuses from the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus were invited – Zhanna Vasilevskaya – Deputy Chairman of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, Irina Bichan –Head of the Department of Demographic Statistics and Population Census, Vyacheslav Provolotsky – Head of the Department for Maintenance and Development of Information Systems of the Center for Information Technologies and Natalya Tomosheva –Deputy Head of the Main Department of Statistics of the Brest Region. The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Z. Ziyaev, representatives of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Uzbekistan K. Inokhojaev, A. Tashpulatov and Sh. Akramova. The main purpose of the meeting is to study the experience of Belarus in dividing territories into census areas and developing an organizational plan for the population census, based on the results of the activities of registrars, as well as to develop proposals and recommendations for its application in our republic. In accordance with the agenda, the Belarusian experience of filling out electronic census questionnaires and publishing final data will be studied. Meetings will last until October 14th.

Representatives of the State Committee on Statistics took part in the seminar "European Neighborhood Policy for the countries of East and Central Asia"

 PUBLISHED: 03/10/2022

EUROSTAT, in partnership with EFTA, UNECE and GEOSTAT, organized a high-level seminar on 28-30 September this year in Tbilisi, Georgia, on the topic: “Data Sources and Coordination in Statistical Systems”. The heads of the national statistical services of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan took part in this seminar. The Republic of Uzbekistan was represented at the seminar by the Head of the Department of Consolidation and Information Work Khurshid Juraev and Assistant to the Chairman Bekzod Ziyamatov. The agenda included the following items: – the most important recent developments in national statistical systems; –administrative and new data sources for official statistics; – the impact of the crisis on the ENP-East and Central Asia statistical systems and how countries have adapted statistical production methods. At the online event, the Head of the Department of Consolidation and Information Work, Khurshid Zhuraev, presented a report on the Statistics System of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Assistant to the Chairman Bekzod Ziyamatov took an active part in the discussions and work of the round table in Tbilisi. Also at the event, an exchange of experience took place between the participating countries in all areas of statistical methodology and practice.

Following the results of participation in the international seminar, a presentation was held

 PUBLISHED: 28/09/2022

On September 28 this year, the State Committee on Statistics hosted a presentation on the results of the participation of the Head of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies and Interactive Public Services Odilov Shohruh Gayratjonovich and the Head of the Department of Information Resources and Interactive Public Services Samadov Shahbaz Bakhrom ogli in the seminar “Processing of large amounts of data and official statistics: Problems of the Eurasian Economic Union”, which was held on September 22-23, 2022 in Moscow. The speakers introduced the participants to the experience gained during the seminar, with the experience gained in the implementation of technologies for processing large amounts of data in the processes of working with official statistical data. Also during the presentation, information was provided on the processing of large amounts of data, modern technologies and the widespread use of statistical data.

A meeting of the expert group on the population and housing census was held in the city of Geneva

 PUBLISHED: 27/09/2022

On September 19-23, 2022, the "United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Census Week 2022: Population and Housing Census Expert Group Meeting" took place in Geneva, Switzerland. This event was attended by the Head of the Department for organizing and conducting census processes of the State Statistics Committee Berdikulov Kobil Gulamovich and the Head of the Department of Statistics of the Surkhandarya region Alimov Osman Ibrokhimovich. The purpose of the event is the exchange of experience between participating countries in the field of population and housing censuses, increasing knowledge and skills in preparing for and conducting a population and housing census, developing proposals for improving the Recommendations of the Conference of European Statisticians in the field of population and housing censuses. At the event, the Head of the Department of the Committee for organizing and conducting census processes, K. Berdikulov, made a presentation on the preparatory work for the population census in Uzbekistan and informed the participants of the event about the work done to date to prepare for the population census and the tasks to be performed in the future. Also at the event, there was an exchange of experience between the participating countries in the field of population and housing censuses, a discussion of existing problems and ways to solve them. At the end of the event, a proposal and recommendations were developed to further improve the efficiency of the population and housing census.

An international seminar was held in Moscow

 PUBLISHED: 26/09/2022

On September 22-23, 2022, an international seminar was held in Moscow on the topic: "Big Data and Official Statistics: Challenges and Opportunities in the Eurasian Economic Union." The event, organized by the Eurasian Economic Commission, was attended by the Head of the Department for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Interactive Public Services of the State Committee on Statistics Odilov Shokhruh Gairatjonovich and the Head of the Department for Maintaining Information Resources and Interactive Public Services Samadov Shahboz Bahromjonovich. The purpose of the event is to study the international experience of implementing big data processing technologies in the processes of working with official statistical data. The participants of the seminar exchanged views on the processing of big data, the widespread use of modern technologies and statistical data, and exchanged experience.

A Scientific and Practical Seminar was organized with the University of Higher Business of Poland

 PUBLISHED: 22/09/2022

On September 22 of this year, a scientific and practical seminar was held at the Institute for Advanced Training of Personnel and Statistical Research under the State Committee on Statistics with the leadership of the University of Higher Business of Poland. The seminar was organized as part of a memorandum of cooperation signed on May 20, 2022 between the Institute for Advanced Training and Statistical Research and the University of Higher Business of Poland. The event was attended by Director of the Institute B. K. Goyibnazarov, Deputy Director of the Institute for Research, Innovation and International Relations O. S. Kakhkhorov, Head of the Department of the Institute Academician S. S. Gulomov, professors, doctoral students and applicants of the Institute, as well as International Relations of the Polish University of Higher Business Rafal Rebilas (PhD), director of the Office of International Relations Pawel Urgacz. At the seminar, the director of the Institute for Advanced Training of Personnel and Statistical Research Goyibnazarov Bahodir Karimovich expressed his opinion about the positive results achieved in cooperation. During the meeting, Pawel Urgacz, Director of the Department of International Relations of the University of Higher Business in Poland, made a presentation on the history of the university, educational areas and specialties, achievements in the field of education. Also, the Deputy Director of the Institute for Advanced Training and Statistical Research Kakhkhorov Otabek Siddikovich informed the participants of the seminar about the activities of the institute, its goals, main directions and tasks, positive results achieved at the institute and strategic, long-term plans. During the event, the tasks defined in the framework of the memorandum of cooperation concluded between the two parties were discussed, issues of personnel exchange, programs, joint scientific and educational projects, preparation of joint articles and sending doctoral students, professors and employees for advanced training were discussed.

A meeting was held with the participation of World Bank experts

 PUBLISHED: 21/09/2022

On September 21, 2022, a meeting was held between specialists from the State Committee on Statistics and experts from the World Bank on the issue of strengthening the institutional capacity to combat corruption in Uzbekistan. At the event, an exchange of views took place on the participation of the World Bank in anti-corruption activities in Uzbekistan and possible cooperation with the State Committee on Statistics, as well as on the role of the State Committee on Statistics in supporting the program to combat corruption and open data, the current state of the open data ecosystem in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the results achieved in open data areas. Following the meeting, the parties agreed to continue close cooperation on all topical issues.

A meeting was organized with the participation of representatives of the State Committee on Statistics and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

 PUBLISHED: 12/09/2022

On September 12 this year, a meeting was held with the participation of representatives of the State Committee on Statistics and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The event was attended by representatives of various ministries and departments of our country, the head of the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Uzbekistan Munir Mammadzade and experts. This meeting discussed the preliminary data collected from the results of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, as well as the process of preparing a report on the results of the surveys. During the meeting, the chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich expressed his views on the quality of the conduct of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys based on international requirements and recommendations. Also, the head of the UNICEF Office in Uzbekistan, Munir Mammadzade, spoke on this topic. He expressed his gratitude to the national team of the State Committee on Statistics for the fact that they jointly entered the final part of the work on the MICS survey. It should be noted that on July 24, 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution “On conducting a Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020-2022”. Based on this decision, the government, with the support of UNICEF, is implementing various measures to conduct monitoring in the country to generate important statistical data on the lifestyle of mothers and children. Data and indicators will be important for tracking Uzbekistan's progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and will be included in international databases. It is important to note that they are also necessary for decision-making, planning and implementation of national policies, development programs and social services. It should be noted that the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys were conducted in more than 15,000 households located in 559 randomly selected mahallas from all regions of our country. To date, work on summarizing the results of surveys using tablets has been completed. And also, at the meeting, other issues were discussed within the framework of cooperation with UNICEF.

A meeting was held with experts from the Republic of Belarus and representatives of the UNFPA in Uzbekistan

 PUBLISHED: 07/09/2022

On September 6 this year, the State Committee on Statistics, with the support of the Representative Office of the United Nations Population Fund, was visited by experts from the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus on population census issues. The main purpose of the visit is to study the experience of the Republic of Belarus in conducting a population census via the Internet and using tablet devices, as well as to develop proposals and recommendations for its application in the country. The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Z. Ziyaev, representative of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus V. Provolotsky, representatives of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Uzbekistan. According to the agenda, the Belarusian experience of using ICT systems, compiling a list of houses and preparing cartographic materials in preparation for the population census will be studied. Meetings will last until September 14th.

Within the framework of the 8th session of the ESCAP Statistical Committee, the delegation of Uzbekistan met with the statistical departments of foreign countries

 PUBLISHED: 25/08/2022

As previously reported, a delegation led by the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics takes part in the 8th session of the High-Level Statistical Committee of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), which takes place on August 23-25 this year in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference will consider the experience of member states in improving the statistical system, implementing regional innovation initiatives, statistical aspects of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, coordinating positions within organizations, expanding the interactive dialogue between statistical systems and other issues. For reference: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) was established on March 28, 1947. The headquarters of the commission is located in Bangkok. ESCAP is the largest of the five UN regional commissions in terms of geographical coverage and population. The Commission consists of 53 voting countries, including eight CIS countries (Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). The Republic of Uzbekistan has been an active member of this commission since July 31, 1992. Within the framework of the 8th session of the ESCAP Statistical Committee, a presentation was made by the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov on the topic “The Statistical System of Uzbekistan”. During the presentation, B. Begalov provided information on the measures taken in Uzbekistan to reform the national statistical system, effectively establish its functioning, put into practice advanced quality management systems, ensure openness, transparency and quality of statistical data, as well as the results achieved in maintaining statistics to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Also, the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics was elected to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Executive Bureau of the Statistical Committee of ESCAP. This, in turn, will create the basis for improving the image of our country among member states of the organization, promoting the interests of the country in the activities of the ESCAP statistical committee, as well as increasing the human resources capacity of the statistical system of Uzbekistan and conducting statistical research together with the ESCAP Institute of Statistics (UNISAP). The agenda of the session includes bilateral meetings of the delegation of Uzbekistan with the leadership of the Statistical Committee of ESCAP and the Institute of Statistics (UNISAP), as well as with the heads of statistical departments of Malaysia, India and Korea. Based on the results of the meetings and the agreements reached, a “Roadmap” for their implementation will be developed. For reference: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) was established on March 28, 1947. The headquarters of the commission is located in Bangkok. ESCAP is the largest of the five UN regional commissions in terms of geographical coverage and population. The Commission consists of 53 voting countries, including eight CIS countries (Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). The Republic of Uzbekistan has been an active member of this commission since July 31, 1992.

A meeting was organized at the State Statistics Committee with a representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

 PUBLISHED: 25/08/2022

As previously reported, Georgy Kvinikadze, a statistician of the Regional Office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Europe and Central Asia, arrived in the Republic of Uzbekistan to participate in a pilot agricultural census on August 23-25, 2022. FAO Representative Georgy Kvinikadze visited the Parkent district of the Tashkent region on August 23 and the Jombay district of the Samarkand region on August 24, where he took part in the pilot agricultural census. Today, on August 25, an international expert met with employees of the central office of the State Statistics Committee, headed by Deputy Chairman Ikramov Agzam Anvardzhonovich. Employees of the territorial statistical offices responsible for the census in the field of agriculture also took part in the event online. The event discussed the prepared questionnaires, methodological manuals of the census in the field of agriculture, as well as further improvement of hardware and software. Also, as part of the support, FAO provided technical assistance for the organization of a pilot agricultural census, namely, provided information and communication materials, such as: banners, posters, brochures, booklets, flyers, etc. Support is provided as part of the FAO project “Support pilot agricultural census”, the purpose of which is to improve the system of agricultural statistics in Uzbekistan and train the staff of the State Statistics Committee in methodology and conduct field work on the agricultural census. Following the meeting, the parties discussed new promising areas of cooperation and agreed to continue the practice of bilateral meetings for the exchange of experience.

A meeting was held with representatives of the Research and Education Center of Turkey

 PUBLISHED: 24/08/2022

From August 19 to 28, 2022, representatives of the Center for Research and Education (AREM) under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey will pay an official visit to Uzbekistan. As part of the visit, on August 24 this year, a meeting was held at the State Statistics Committee with representatives of the Center for Research and Education (AREM) under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey. The main purpose of the event is to study the issues of social management in Uzbekistan and the publication of the research. The meeting was attended by employees of the central office, headed by Deputy Chairman of the State Statistics Committee Zohidjon Ziyaev. For reference, studies conducted by AREM on social governance issues, primarily in relation to Turkey and its neighbors, but also Mongolia, Bulgaria and Afghanistan, were published by the Turkish Foundation for Administrative Studies (TIAV) and were included in the top catalogs of the top 500 universities in the world, in including in the catalogs of Harvard and Princeton. The parties agreed to further strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation and hold similar meetings again. The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

International experts get acquainted with the processes of conducting a pilot agricultural census

 PUBLISHED: 24/08/2022

A representative of the UN Food and Agriculture Census (FAO), Mr. Georgy Kvinikadze, arrived in the Republic of Uzbekistan to participate in a pilot agricultural census in the period of August 23-25, 2022. On August 24, 2022, the representative of the United Nations for Food and Agriculture Census (FAO) Georgy Kvinikadze took part in a pilot agricultural census in the Dzhambay district of Samarkand region. – “I participated in the process of interviewing respondents and familiarized myself with the processes of the agricultural census, and I can say that, in general, the organizational work is organized at a high level. The stage-by-stage organization of work is well established. The processes at each stage are rational and very well distributed. There is a lot of preparatory work going on. The purpose of the visit is to directly observe the processes of the agricultural census. At the end of the mission, we will present our proposals and recommendations” said Giorgi Kvinikadze. It should be emphasized that for the first time in our country, from August 1 to August 31, a pilot agricultural census is being conducted in the Parkent district of the Tashkent region and the Dzhambay district of the Samarkand region. Recall that, On August 23, Giorgi Kvinikadze got acquainted with the trial agricultural census in the Parkent district of the Tashkent region.

International experts get acquainted with the processes of conducting a pilot agricultural census

 PUBLISHED: 23/08/2022

A representative of the UN Food and Agriculture Census (FAO) arrived in the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. Giorgi Kvinikadze to participate in the pilot agricultural census in the period of August 23-25, 2022. On August 23, 2022, the representative of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Census (FAO) Georgy Kvinikadze took part in the pilot agricultural census in the Parken district of the Tashkent region. During his visit to Tashkent region, Mr. Georgy Kvinikadze got acquainted with the organizational work of the pilot agricultural census and presented recommendations for conducting an agricultural census in the field. It should be emphasized that for the first time in our country, from August 1 to August 31, a pilot agricultural census is being conducted in the Parkent district of the Tashkent region and the Dzhambay district of the Samarkand region. Recall that, on August 18 this year, representatives of the Agency on Statistics of Tajikistan took part in a trial agricultural census in Parkent district.

The delegation headed by the Chairman of the State Statistics Committee takes part in the 8th session of the Statistical Committee of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

 PUBLISHED: 23/08/2022

The delegation headed by the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics takes part in the 8th session of the High-Level Statistical Committee of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), which takes place on August 23-25 this year in Bangkok, Thailand . For reference: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) was established on March 28, 1947. The headquarters of the commission is located in Bangkok. ESCAP is the largest of the five UN regional commissions in terms of geographical coverage and population. The Commission consists of 53 voting countries, including eight CIS countries (Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). The Republic of Uzbekistan has been an active member of this commission since July 31, 1992. Accountable commissions of 9 sectoral committees, including the Committee on Statistics, work on issues of intersectoral cooperation. The Committee on Statistics is the statistical executive body of ESCAP. The Bureau of the Statistical Committee is the highest body authorized to make important decisions about the activities of the Committee and manage its sessions. The conference will consider the experience of member states in improving the statistical system, implementing regional innovation initiatives, statistical aspects of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, coordinating positions within organizations, expanding the interactive dialogue between statistical systems and other issues. Issues included in the agenda of the 8th session of the ESCAP Statistical Committee: - achieved results in the development of national statistical systems in the region: - work on the development of national statistical systems based on the adopted documents and declarations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for the period up to 2030; - Implementation of the initiative "Full reflection of the situation in statistics" on keeping records of the vital movement of the population and registration of citizenship. - regional initiatives and results of cooperation. The agenda of the session includes bilateral meetings of the delegation of Uzbekistan with the leadership of the Statistical Committee of ESCAP and the Institute of Statistics (UNISAP), as well as with the heads of statistical departments of Malaysia, India and Korea. The session will include a presentation by the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov on the topic “The Statistical System of Uzbekistan”. Based on the results of the meetings and the agreements reached, a Roadmap for their implementation will be developed.

A presentation was made on the results of participation in the international seminar

 PUBLISHED: 18/08/2022

On August 18, Makhbuba Ganieva, the Chief Specialist of the Division of Coordination of the Statistical Evaluation of the Hidden Economy, made a presentation on the results of participation in the international seminar on the topic “Institutional sector accounts”, organized by the International Monetary Fund jointly with the Joint Vienna Institute on August 8-12, 2022 in Vienna (Austria). Ganieva introduced the participants to the knowledge gained at the seminar, concepts and definitions of accounts and balance sheets of institutional sectors, institutional units and sectors, stocks and flows of non-financial assets, financial assets and liabilities. An overview of the practice of compiling accounts and balance sheets of institutional sectors in other countries was also provided.

Specialists of the State Committee on Statistics took part in an international seminar on the topic "Accounts of institutional sectors"

 PUBLISHED: 16/08/2022

From 8 to 12 August 2022, Vienna (Austria) hosted a seminar on the topic “Institutional Sector Accounts”, organized by the International Monetary Fund jointly with the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI). The seminar was attended by representatives of the statistical services of Armenia, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Moldova, Kosovo, Lithuania, Romania, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. From the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the chief specialist of the Department for Coordinating the Statistical Evaluation of the Shadow Economy Makhbuba Ganieva took part. The main goal of the seminar is to exchange experience between the participating countries, develop the knowledge and skills of participants in the accounts of institutional sectors, as well as study methods for improving the sources of information necessary for the formation of these accounts.

A presentation was made on the results of participation in the regional conference

 PUBLISHED: 09/08/2022

On August 9, Zukhra Mamadzhanova, Head of the Input and Output Statistics Department of the Department of Macroeconomic Indicators and National Accounts, made a presentation on the results of participation in the regional conference “KSTA 9624 Closing Workshop and the Conference on Economic Globalization”, organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) jointly with the Islamic Development Bank Institute (IDBI) in August 1-6, 2022 in Istanbul city (Turkey). Z.Mamadjanova introduced the audience to the purpose of the conference, the experience of the participating countries in calculating individual components of national accounts, converting supply and use tables (SUT) into input-output tables (IOT), estimating SUT in the previous year prices. An overview of the speeches of ADB specialists on the topic of economic globalization was also presented.

Specialists of the State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in a regional conference

 PUBLISHED: 08/08/2022

In the city of Istanbul (Turkey), from August 1 to August 6, 2022, was held a regional conference “KSTA 9624 Closing Workshop and the Conference on Economic Globalization”, organized by the Asian Development Bank jointly with the Islamic Development Bank institute. This conference was attended by representatives of the statistical services of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. From the State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Head of the Department of Input and Output Statistics Zukhra Mamadjanova and the Head of the Department of Statistics of the Namangan Region Sanzharbek Melikhojayev took part and made presentations on the following topics: the results of cooperation with ADB, domestic production and the matrix of intermediate consumption. The main purpose of the conference was to exchange experience, develop the knowledge and skills of participants in compiling supply and use tables, finding ways to solve problems that arise when compiling supply and use tables.

A meeting was organized with the participation of representatives of the State Statistics Committee and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

 PUBLISHED: 04/08/2022

On August 4 this year, a meeting was held with the participation of representatives of the State Statistics Committee and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The event was attended by the heads of the Central Office Departments, headed by the Chairman of the State Statistics Committee Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich, as well as the head of the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Uzbekistan Munir Mammadzade and experts. During the meeting, an exchange of views took place on the issues of qualitative conduct of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys based on international requirements and recommendations. Munir Mammadzade, Head of the UNICEF Office in Uzbekistan, also spoke on this topic. He expressed his gratitude to the national team of the State Statistics Committee for the fact that they jointly reached the final part of the work on the MICS survey. It should be noted that on July 24, 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution “On conducting a Multi-Indicator Cluster Survey in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020-2022”. Based on this decision, the government, with the support of UNICEF, is implementing various measures to conduct monitoring in the country to generate important statistical data on the lifestyle of mothers and children. Data and indicators will be important for tracking Uzbekistan's progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and will be included in international databases. It is important to note that they are also necessary for decision-making, planning and implementation of national policies, development programs and social services. And also at the meeting other issues were discussed within the framework of cooperation with UNICEF.

A meeting was held with the mission of the French Development Agency (AFD) for conducting a comprehensive analysis of the macroeconomic and financial sector

 PUBLISHED: 21/07/2022

On July 20 of the current year, in the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics (the State Committee on Statistics) the meeting of the representatives of the State Committee On Statistics led by Khurshid Jurayev, head of the Department of Summary and Information Works, took place with the mission of the French Development Agency (AFD) for conducting a comprehensive analysis of the macroeconomic and financial sector. For information: The French Development Agency (AFD), as a financial institution, carries out a regular analysis of the macroeconomic and financial situation in the countries in which it operates. The last assessment of the AFD for Uzbekistan was carried out in 2019, that prompted the AFD to conduct a new comprehensive enquiry mission in Tashkent from July 18 to 22, 2022. The objective of the mission, the composition of which includes Amaury Mulliez, Chief Risk Officer, and Sylvain Bellefontaine, Economist from the AFD Economic and Research Department in Paris, is to renew the understanding of the country’s institutional, social, economic and financial situation. In the course of this meeting, the following issues were discussed: - socio-political situation; structure of GDP growth, indicators of past years and prospects; sustainability of public finances; - external liquidity and paying capacity; systemic risks, stability of the banking sector and its regulation, as well as monetary policy; - potential macroeconomic and socio-economic consequences of climate change risk and transition risk. The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

A meeting was held with the participation of an international expert in strategic analysis and information and analytical support

 PUBLISHED: 06/07/2022

On July 6 this year, the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov met with the Deputy Director of the Information and Analytical Center of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Elena Viktorovna Zarova. During the meeting, the Russian experience of strategic analysis and information and analytical support was discussed, and opinions were expressed on new areas of interaction. Also, Elena Viktorovna organized a master class for employees of the central office of the State Statistics Committee. Representatives of the Committee received exhaustive answers to their questions.

The 70th plenary session of the European Conference of Statisticians took place

 PUBLISHED: 23/06/2022

On June 20-23 this year, the 70th plenary session of the European Conference of Statisticians took place in Geneva. The event was attended by heads and representatives of international organizations, international experts, as well as delegations of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and 57 member states. Ikramov Agzam Anvardzhonovich, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics, took part in this international conference. During the three-day event, an exchange of views took place on key values in statistics and their combination with the main principles of official statistics, strategic directions in geoinformation and statistical work. Also during the conference, topical problems and prospects of statistical activity, issues of cooperation with independent information providers were discussed.

Representative of the State Committee on Statistics spoke at an online seminar organized in Denmark

 PUBLISHED: 22/06/2022

On June 20-22 this year, the international online conference “Recommendations on Refugees and Stateless Persons” is being held in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen. The international conference was organized by the Expert Group on Refugee and Stateless Persons Statistics (EGRISS). The purpose of the event is to consider the feedback and recommendations provided by the UN Statistical Commission and country representatives, before the presentation of the draft IROSS (international recommendations for stateless persons) in March 2023. On June 21 of this year, within the framework of this international conference, the Head of the Department of Statistics of the Namangan region Melihuzhaev Sanjarbek Obitkhanovich made a presentation on the topic “Pilot population census 2021 in the Republic of Uzbekistan and data on stateless persons”. Also, during the international conference, reports were heard from representatives of various states on the launch of a statistical database of stateless persons using available data sources and a comprehensive exchange of views on eliminating existing problems was held. Also, employees of the central office of the State Committee on Statistics took part in the online seminar.

The mission of experts from the Republic of Belarus has ended

 PUBLISHED: 17/06/2022

As previously reported, on June 13 this year, the State Statistics Committee was visited by experts on population census of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus - Deputy Chairman of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Zhanna Vasilevskaya and Deputy Head of the Main Statistical Department of the Brest Region Natalya Tomosheva. During the visit, the experts spoke in detail about the experience of Belarus in using the Internet in the process of conducting a census, conducting a census using tablet devices and generating census final data, made suggestions and recommendations on its use in Uzbekistan, based on national characteristics. Also on June 17 this year, a seminar was organized for employees of the Departments for organizing and conducting census processes of regional statistical bodies via videoconference. During the seminar, the experts provided detailed information on the organization of the work of staff in compiling lists of housing.

A meeting was held with experts from the Republic of Belarus and representatives of the UNFPA in Uzbekistan

 PUBLISHED: 14/06/2022

On June 13 this year, the State Committee on Statistics was visited by experts on population census from the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus - Deputy Chairman of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Zhanna Vasilyevskaya and Deputy Head of the Main Statistical Department of the Brest Region Natalia Tomosheva. The main purpose of the visit is to study the experience of the Republic of Belarus in conducting a population census via the Internet and using tablet devices, as well as to develop proposals and recommendations for its application in the country. The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Z. Ziyaev, representatives of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Uzbekistan Inomkhojaev Kamolkhan, Tashpulatov Azam and Akramova Shakhnoza. According to the agenda, on June 13-14, the Belarusian experience in compiling a list of houses and preparing cartographic materials in preparation for the population census will be studied. Meetings will last until June 17.

A meeting was held with representatives of the International Monetary Fund

 PUBLISHED: 07/06/2022

On June 7 this year, the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich met with the Director of the IMF Caucasus, Central Asia, and Mongolia Regional Capacity Development Center (CCAMTAC) Norbert Funke. This meeting was organized to evaluate the effectiveness of CCAMTAC's technical assistance missions and to discuss issues of bilateral cooperation. The event was also attended by employees of the central office of the State Committee on Statistics, the head of the IMF office in the Republic of Uzbekistan Kevin Ross and the head of the Department of the International Cooperation of the Central Bank Bobur Uktamov. The parties discussed ongoing reforms in the field of statistics, as well as the effectiveness of online training courses organized by CCAMTAC and technical support missions. In particular, it was noted that the State Committee on Statistics is a member of the IMF's “Expanded General Data Distribution System” and 422 macroeconomic, financial and other social indicators are placed in 24 main areas. As a result of the meeting, agreements were reached on further improving the system of national accounts, organizing work to introduce a full-fledged assessment of the shadow economy within the framework of IMF technical assistance missions, developing an updated methodology for the consumer price index, as well as training and improving the skills of committee staff. Recall that, during the visit of Norbert Funke to Uzbekistan, meetings are planned with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, the State Tax Committee and the State Committee on Statistics.

A presentation was held following the results of the international seminar on “Interagency cooperation to combat gender-based violence in the countries of Central Asia”

 PUBLISHED: 31/05/2022

As we reported earlier, on May 23-24 this year, in the city of Alma-Ata of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a regional seminar was held on the topic: “Interagency coordination of the provision of health care, socio-psychological protection and police services to victims of gender-based violence in Central Asian countries”. The seminar was attended by Deputy Head of the Department of Demography and Labor of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics Abraev Sherzod Khurramovich. On May 30 of this year, a presentation on the results of this seminar was held at the State Statistics Committee. During the presentation, Sh. Abraev made a report to the staff of the central office on the ongoing work on interdepartmental cooperation to combat gender-based violence and foreign experience in the effective use of statistical data in this direction.

A meeting was held within the framework of the conference "Effective Governance for Economic Development"

 PUBLISHED: 25/05/2022

On May 24-25 this year, our capital hosts an international conference “Effective Governance for Economic Development”. The purpose of this international conference is to ensure sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic. On May 25 this year, within the framework of this international conference, the Goskomstat hosted a meeting between the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich and the First Deputy Chairman of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic Ainura Dzhantaevna Orozbayeva. During the meeting, an exchange of views took place on issues of bilateral cooperation, the effective use of statistical data in order to ensure the quality of governance and closely related policies in achieving the goals of good governance for economic development in Central Asia. Remind that, on May 23, within the framework of this international conference, a meeting was held between the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich and the head of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhandos Shaimardanov.

A meeting was held within the framework of the conference "Effective Governance for Economic Development"

 PUBLISHED: 24/05/2022

On May 24-25 this year, our capital hosts an international conference “Effective Governance for Economic Development”. The purpose of this international conference is to ensure sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic. On May 23, 2022, at the State Committee on Statistics, within the framework of this international conference, a meeting was held between the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich and the head of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhandos Shaimardanov. During the meeting, an exchange of views took place on issues of bilateral cooperation, the effective use of statistical data in order to ensure the quality of governance and closely related policies in achieving the goals of good governance for economic development in Central Asia. The event noted that the international conference “Effective Governance for Economic Development (EGED)” brings together experts from around the region on evidence-based policy development and reforms. The conference participants will share their experience in the production, analysis and use of data for public policy, the process of implementing evidence-based policy, and strengthening the role of civil society.

A meeting was held with representatives of the International Fund for Agricultural Development

 PUBLISHED: 20/05/2022

On May 18 this year, the State Committee on Statistics held a meeting with representatives of the International Fund for Agricultural Development. The main purpose of the meeting is to study the existing shortcomings in the field of agriculture and exchange views with responsible persons in the agricultural sector. The event was attended by the monitoring and evaluation specialist of the International Fund for Agricultural Development Маriоn Trike, ICT4D consultant Marso Cattaneo and representatives of the committee headed by Akrom Sultanov, head of the Department for Monitoring and Coordination of the Open Data Portal of the State Committee on Statistics. During the meeting, it was noted that the activities of the pilot agricultural census will be carried out on the basis of 6 types of census questionnaires developed in accordance with the census program. The census in the field of agriculture is carried out with the aim of collecting, on the basis of unified statistical methods, reliable, objective and holistic, comparable with international data on various characteristics of agricultural activity at a specific time for each administrative-territorial unit on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

A meeting was held with representatives of Turkmenstat

 PUBLISHED: 18/04/2022

On May 17, 2022, an online meeting of representatives of the State Committee on Statistics with representatives of the State Committee on Statistics of Turkmenistan took place. The main purpose of the event is to establish the exchange of statistical data, the exchange of experience in organizing and conducting a population census, as well as the exchange of experience on methodological issues. We remind you that: in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 3, 2020 No. PP-4796, with the assistance of experts from the World Bank, the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020–2025 was prepared and approved. During the implementation of this strategy, a number of tasks were set for the development, dissemination and evaluation of official statistics. Including, in international practice, the development of official statistics uses modern models covering various processes (for example, GMIM, GSBPM, GAMSO and NKAF), and this is being implemented in practice in foreign countries. As a result of the negotiations, the parties agreed to continue joint consultations within the framework of this project. The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

A meeting was held with the delegation of the International Monetary Fund

 PUBLISHED: 06/04/2022

On April 6 this year, a meeting was held between the Chairman of the State Statistics Committee Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich and the delegation of the International Monetary Fund, headed by the head of the mission for Uzbekistan, Ron van Ruden. This meeting took place within the framework of the visit of the delegation of the International Monetary Fund to Uzbekistan. The meeting was attended by the heads of departments of the central office of the State Statistics Committee. In accordance with the agenda, issues of GDP statistics and real estate prices, the introduction of a special data dissemination standard (SDDS), as well as technical support from the IMF were discussed. For information: The Republic of Uzbekistan joined the “Enhanced Common Data Dissemination System” of the International Monetary Fund in May 2018. In 2019, the Government's "Roadmap" was approved for the transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the "Special Data Dissemination Standard". This task is also reflected in the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 3, 2020 "On measures to further improve and develop the national system of statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan". The experts of the International Monetary Fund expressed their expectations and presented recommendations on macroeconomic and financial statistics, reviewed the status of the implementation of the recommendations of the previous TA mission on the transition to the "Special Data Dissemination Standard".

A meeting was held with representatives of the UN Population Fund (UNFPA)

 PUBLISHED: 05/04/2022

On April 5 this year, the State Committee on Statistics held a meeting between the Chairman Begalov Bahodir Abdusalomovich and the representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Uzbekistan, Mr. Yu Yu. The meeting was also attended by UNFPA Program Analyst for Population and Development Azam Tashpulotov, UNFPA Representative Assistant in Uzbekistan Kamolkhan Inamkhojaev, Head of the Department for Organizing and Conducting Census Processes of the State Committee on Statistics Kobul Berdikulov and Deputy Head of the Department Sherzod Dusnaev. During the meeting, issues related to preparations for the 2023 population census were discussed. Representatives of the mission received exhaustive answers and explanations on all questions raised and discussed. Following the meeting, the representatives of the Mission thanked the leadership of the State Committee on Statistics for organizing the meeting and expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation. We remind you that, by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 11, 2020 “On measures to prepare and conduct a population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2023” from November 1 to November 25, 2021 in the Khojaabad district of the Andijan region, the Yukorichirchik district of the Tashkent region, the city of Khiva, Khorezm region and Yashnabad district of the city of Tashkent, a pilot census was conducted.

Events were organized on the theme "Open Data Day 2022"

 PUBLISHED: 10/03/2022

Within the framework of the "International Open Data Day", events were organized on the theme "Open Data Day 2022" with the participation of employees of the State Committee on Statistics, employees of ministries and departments, as well as employees and experts of the OSCE Coordinator in Uzbekistan and the E-Government Project Management Center, dedicated to the organization of effective use of computer technologies and the Internet among the population and youth, as well as the popularization of open data in our country. Within the framework of the "International Open Data Day", events were organized on the theme "Open Data Day 2022" with the participation of employees of the State Committee on Statistics, employees of ministries and departments, as well as employees and experts of the OSCE Coordinator in Uzbekistan and the E-Government Project Management Center, dedicated to the organization of effective use of computer technologies and the Internet among the population and youth, as well as the popularization of open data in our country. Open Data Day is part of the International Open Data Day initiative, which helps to implement the concept of open data and transparency of information in the activities of government agencies, businesses, non-profit organizations and other participants in public life. In honor of Open Data Day, meetings, lectures and hackathons are held all over the world. Since 2015, the Open Knowledge Foundation, in partnership with other non-profit organizations in the open data world, has been offering mini-grants to support global events. Within the framework of the events, employees of the Department for Monitoring and Coordinating the Activities of the open data portal held a presentation dedicated to the Open Data Day Tashkent 2021 event. At the events, such issues as strategic directions and principles of open data development for 2021-2025, improvement of the regulatory framework for open data, provision of methodological support for data openness, organizational and information technology support for data openness, expected results from the implementation of the “Concept for the development of open data in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021-2025 " were discussed”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 808 "On measures for the further development of the field of open data in the Republic of Uzbekistan".

A seminar was organized with the participation of a World Bank expert

 PUBLISHED: 10/03/2022

On March 9-10 this year, the State Committee on Statistics organized a seminar on the introduction into practice of the procedure for calculating the cost of minimum consumer spending and the level of poverty. The event was attended by World Bank expert William Seitz, employees of the Department of Living Standards Statistics and Population Surveys of the State Statistics Committee, representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, as well as the Institute for Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research. World Bank expert William Seitz provided participants with detailed information on this topic. Also during the seminar, the experts of the World Bank and the participants of the seminar exchanged views on further improvement of the questionnaires "Sample surveys of households".

An online meeting was organized on the topic "Ensuring the functioning of the SDG Tracker platform"

 PUBLISHED: 03/03/2022

On March 3, 2022, an online meeting was held on the topic “Ensuring the functioning of the SDG Tracker platform” on monitoring the national sustainable development goals until 2030. The purpose of this event is to take measures to effectively achieve the national goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development in 2022-2026, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 21, 2022 No. 83 “On additional measures to accelerate the implementation of national goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development until 2030”. The online meeting was attended by senior representatives of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and the UN Office in Uzbekistan, the UN Economic and Social Commission in the Asia-Pacific Region (ESCAP). The event was attended by senior officials of the Department of Statistics of the Social Sphere and Sustainable Development and the Department for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Interactive Public Services of the State Committee on Statistics. The participants exchanged views on the issue of ensuring the functioning of the SDG Tracker platform for monitoring national sustainable development goals until 2030. Following the meeting, international experts gave relevant instructions and proposals to ensure the inclusion of indicators of the national sustainable development goals of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the SDG Tracker platform.

An online meeting of the network of young statistical experts of the CIS countries was held

 PUBLISHED: 01/03/2022

On February 25, 2022, an online meeting of a network of young statistical experts from the CIS countries was held.Young employees of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics took an active part in it. The meeting was organized by the UN Asia-Pacific Economic and Social Commission (ESCAP). The purpose of this event is to unite active and initiative young representatives of the national statistics bodies of the CIS countries. And also to create many opportunities for building interaction in order to study the experience gained by neighboring countries.

An online meeting was organized as part of the International Comparison Program 2021

 PUBLISHED: 02/03/2022

On March 1–2 this year, the CIS Statistical Committee held a videoconference dedicated to the consideration and clarification of prices for investment goods within the framework of the International Comparison Program - 2021 (ICP-2021). Responsible specialists of the Department of Price Statistics of the State Committee on Statistics took part in this videoconference. The purpose of the event is to clarify additional issues and consider proposals for prices for investment goods observed under the ICP 2021 Program at the end of the year, and once again emphasize the importance of the large-scale work carried out under the ICP 2021. At the end of the meeting, the specialists of the CIS Statistical Committee expressed their proposals and recommendations based on the results of the observation carried out within the framework of ICP-2021.

An online meeting with international experts was organized

 PUBLISHED: 25/02/2022

On February 24, 2022, employees of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in a sub-regional training seminar on expanding access of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to financial services within the framework of Integrated National Financing Mechanisms (KNMFS) of countries in North and Central Asia, conducted online. The seminar was organized by international experts of the Subregional Office for North and Central Asia of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in cooperation with with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The purpose of this event is to increase skills and knowledge about the potential for mobilizing and adapting financing for small and medium-sized businesses from all sources as part of a broader national financial strategy to implement development priorities between key government agencies and other stakeholders in North and Central Asia.

A meeting was held on the preparation of a national strategy for food security and healthy nutrition

 PUBLISHED: 22/02/2022

On February 21 of this year, the State Committee on Statistics held a meeting with an international expert from the Netherlands, Mr. Tugrul Temel, to discuss the measures necessary to prepare a national strategy for food security and healthy nutrition in Uzbekistan. The meeting was attended by Shavkat Gulomov, Head of the Department of Agriculture and Ecology Statistics, Sardor Juraev, Head of the Department of Industry Statistics, Umid Madaminov, Head of the Department of Population Living Standards and survey statistics and Olga Alishunina, Deputy Head of the Division of Summary Analytical Information on Sustainable Development and social statistics. The parties discussed issues of cooperation between the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and relevant ministries in the field of developing a data storage system on food security and healthy nutrition, within the framework of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to implement in 2021 the tasks defined in the strategy for the development of agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030".

A working meeting was organized to study the experience of the Republic of Belarus in conducting a population census

 PUBLISHED: 09/02/2022

From January 31 to February 5, 2022, a working meeting was organized in the city of Minsk (Republic of Belarus) to study the experience of the Republic of Belarus in conducting a population census. These meetings were organized with the assistance of the United Nations Population Fund in Uzbekistan (UNFPA). These meetings from the State Statistics Committee were attended by specialists of the Department for the organization and conduct of census processes K. Berdikulov, K. Saparov and S. Huseynov, the head of the Information Security Department Sh. Dzhanadilov, employees of the Department for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Interactive Public Services Sh. Samadov and M .Umarov, representatives of the Cadastral Agency under the Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and UNFPA. During the meetings, knowledge and experience were studied on such topical issues as improving methodological and regulatory legal acts, the population census program and the information system for entering primary census data into an electronic database based on the results of a trial population census conducted in November 2021 in the Republic of Uzbekistan, use of tablet devices during the population census. The importance of these meetings in Minsk for the State Committee on Statistics is that the 2023 population census in our country plays an important role in studying the best practices of the CIS countries, in particular the Republic of Belarus, and applying modern information and communication technologies.

A meeting took place with an international expert from the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

 PUBLISHED: 09/02/2022

On February 8 of the current year, the meeting of representatives of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics with the international consultant of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on insurance in agriculture – Ms. Olena Sosenko took place within the framework of the development of a feasibility study on the development of agricultural insurance in Uzbekistan in the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics. For information: According to the Memorandum signed between the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (Germany), as well as jointly with the UN Development Programme in Uzbekistan, it is planned to conduct a feasibility study for the widespread use of insurance coverage in agriculture in Uzbekistan. The purpose of this study is to study the scale of the impact of climate risks in the country on the yield and profitability of cultivated crops, as well as the possibility of applying the modern measures of insurance coverage to farming enterprises and dehkans. In the course of this meeting, issues related to the availability of data necessary for risk analysis and formation of pricing for insurance services, including the yield indicators, losses, etc., were discussed. At the end of the meeting, Olena Sosenko, UNDP international consultant on insurance in agriculture, and Pishenbai Umirbekov, UNDP programme officer in Uzbekistan, discussed with representatives of the State Committee on Statistics the issue of further cooperation in order to obtain the necessary data. The meeting took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

The experience of the Republic of Belarus in the field of population census is being studied

 PUBLISHED: 31/01/2022

These days, a delegation of employees of the State Committee on Statistics is taking part in meetings organized in Minsk of the Republic of Belarus to study the experience of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus on the use of tablet devices in the field of population census. These meetings are organized with the assistance of the United Nations Population Fund in Uzbekistan (UNFPA). At these meetings from the State Statistics Committee, specialists from the Department for the Organization and Conduct of Census Processes K. Berdikulov, K. Saparov and S. Huseynov, the head of the Information Security Department Sh. Dzhanadilov, employees of the Department for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Interactive Public Services Sh. Umarov, representatives of the Cadastral Agency under the Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and UNFPA. During the meetings, knowledge and experience are studied on such topical issues as improving methodological and regulatory legal acts, the population census program and the information system for entering primary census data into an electronic database based on the results of a trial population census conducted in November 2021 in the Republic of Uzbekistan, use of tablet devices during the population census. The importance of these meetings held in Minsk for the State Committee on Statistics is to study the best practices of the CIS countries, including the Republic of Belarus, and the use of modern information and communication technologies in organizing the 2023 population census in our country. We will acquaint you with these meetings, the issues raised at them, as well as information on the results of business trips.

The 64th meeting of the Council of Heads of Statistical Services of the CIS Member countries was held

 PUBLISHED: 26/01/2022

On January 26, 2022, the 64th meeting of the Council of Heads of Statistical Services of the CIS Member countries was held in the format of videoconferencing. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov - Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics. In accordance with the agenda, the issue was discussed "On the Chairman of the CIS Interstate Statistical Committee". The results of the meeting, as well as the decision and relevant materials, will be submitted to the CIS Executive Committee in the prescribed manner for their subsequent submission to the Council of Heads of Governments of the CIS for consideration. .

Meeting with the World Bank mission

 PUBLISHED: 12/01/2022

On January 10, 2022, an online meeting of Goskomstat representatives with the World Bank mission took place.
The purpose of the mission is to discuss the proposed project issues by parameters, action plan, feasibility study, and project appraisal documents.
We remind you that: in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 3, 2020 No. PP-4796, with the assistance of experts from the World Bank, the “National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020–2025” was prepared and approved.
The videoconference covered project components such as institutional reform and capacity development, data preparation, equipment and information dissemination improvements, and project management.
Following the negotiations, the parties agreed to continue joint consultations within the framework of this project.
The meeting took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

An online meeting was organized within the framework of the "International Comparison Program - 2021"

 PUBLISHED: 16/12/2021

Within the framework of a new stage of the reforms being implemented in our country in recent years, systematic work has been carried out to develop the system of national statistics.
In particular, Goskomstat is implementing large-scale measures in order to adequately participate in the UN International Comparison Program - 2021.
On December 14-15 this year, the CIS Statistical Committee held a video conference dedicated to the study of prices for investment goods within the framework of the International Comparison Program - 2021.
This videoconference was attended by the responsible employees of the Department of Price Statistics, the Department of Macroeconomic Indicators and National Accounts and the Department of the city of Tashkent.
The purpose of the event is to clarify additional questions and proposals on prices for investment goods observed at the end of the year within the framework of the International Comparison Program - 2021, and once again dwell on the large-scale work carried out within the framework of the ICP-2021.
At the end of the meeting, consultants of the CIS Statistical Committee provided for discussion of the specifications of investment goods by groups, and appropriate recommendations were proposed for conducting observation within the framework of the ICP-2021.

A meeting was held with experts from the International Monetary Fund

 PUBLISHED: 13/12/2021

From December 1 to December 17, the IMF mission on pension system reform is working in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
On December 3, a meeting dedicated to the issue of poverty reduction was held in the building of the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the meeting, representatives of relevant ministries and departments of the Republic discussed with IMF experts characteristics, age, gender and the spatial differences of social security programs, as well as programs available for the elderly. At the meeting, Goskomstat was represented by a delegation headed by Deputy Chairman Agzam Ikramov.
On December 6, the IMF mission headed by Mr. Chaba Feher visited the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics.
The agenda included demographic indicators, forecasts of fertility, mortality, migration issues, as well as methods of calculating wages and employment.
Negotiations with experts were held by Odiljon Mamadaliyev, Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Information Exchange, Zoyir Yuldoshev, Head of the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics, and Umid Madaminov, Head of the Department of Living Standards and Population Surveys.

An international forum on combating corruption and openness was organized in the capital

 PUBLISHED: 03/12/2021

Currently, in our country, in connection with December 9 - the International Day of Combating Corruption, the Anti-Corruption Week is being held.
On December 3 of this year, within the framework of this week, the Tashkent Forum on Combating Corruption and Openness was held.
This international forum is organized by the National Anti-Corruption Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Anti-Corruption Agency, the Ministry of Justice, the General Prosecutor's Office, as well as a number of international organizations.
It was attended by the heads of anti-corruption agencies of Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, China, Georgia, Slovenia, representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organizations, foreign experts, more than 100 ministries and departments, civil society institutions, and the media.
The event was also attended by the Head of the Information Service - Press Secretary of the Chairman of the State Statistics Committee, Adviser on Information Policy Abdurasulov Usmon Rustamovich, Head of the International Cooperation and Information Exchange Department Odiljon Toirovich Mamadaliev and Head of the Department for Monitoring and Coordination of the Open Data Portal Sultanov Akrom Amanovich.
This forum was organized in order to present national and international experience in combating and preventing corruption, ensuring openness and transparency of public service, introducing advanced anti-corruption mechanisms, as well as discussing issues of further improving the legal and institutional framework in the field of combating corruption.
Within the framework of the forum, on the example of various countries, the essence and features of the measures taken to combat corruption are disclosed. The results of the reforms carried out in the country in the field of combating corruption were brought to the attention of the international community.
Based on the results of the forum, proposals and recommendations will be prepared for the development of an effective policy for the implementation of measures to combat corruption and its prevention, assess and improve the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures.

A meeting took place with the mission of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

 PUBLISHED: 24/11/2021

On November 19 of the current year, within the framework of the implementation of the technical assistance project “Conducting a study on data collection in the field of energy efficiency of the Republic of Uzbekistan” a meeting of responsible employees of the State Committee on Statistics with the mission of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICE) took place in the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics.
The purpose of the visit to our country of this mission of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) of the current year is to continue studying the state of energy efficiency, as well as collecting the necessary information for the implementation of a pilot energy efficiency project in Uzbekistan.
The meeting was attended by the heads of departments of the central office of the State Committee on Statistics.
In the course of this meeting, issues related to statistical data on national energy statistics, as well as on the residential sector were discussed. In addition to this, the issue of further provision of the above-mentioned statistical data by the State Committee on Statistics was discussed.
The meeting took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Goskomstat hosted a meeting with the participation of international experts on a pilot population census

 PUBLISHED: 17/11/2021

On November 17 of this year, at the State Committee on Statistics with the participation of foreign experts, including representatives of the UN Population Fund, Chairman of the CIS Statistical Committee V.L. Sokolin, head of the Department I.A. Zbarskaya and officials of the State Committee on Statistics discussed the pilot census activities in Uzbekistan.
The event discussed online pilot census processes from November 1-5, as well as paper and tablet questionnaires from November 11.
Also at a practical seminar, it was considered how a special program developed for tablets is used in practice, as well as foreign experience, suggestions and recommendations in this direction.
These suggestions and recommendations will serve as an important factor in the effective implementation of the main census activity in 2023.

7th Meeting of the International Transport Forum on Transport Statistics

 PUBLISHED: 25/10/2021

On October 21-22, 2021, the 7th Meeting of the International Transport Forum on Transport Statistics is being held via videoconference.
For reference:
The International Transport Forum at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an intergovernmental organization with 63 member countries. It acts as the main center for transport policy and organizes the Annual Summit of Transport Ministers. The ITF is the only global body that covers all modes of transport. The ITF's mission is to foster a deeper understanding of the role of transport in economic growth, environmental sustainability and social inclusion, and to raise the public profile of transport policies.
The International Transport Forum is committed to improving the quality and coverage of transport statistics. The aim of the meeting is to better understand user needs and improve transport statistics in order to better understand the role of the transport sector in the economy. The meeting also provides an opportunity to maintain and develop regular contacts with a wide range of transport actors to exchange views, experience and join forces for the effective development of international transport statistics.
The Meeting was attended by over 60 specialists from Europe, Asia, America, representatives of national statistical services of the CIS countries, other government agencies involved in collecting data on transport statistics, as well as regional organizations and the scientific community.
The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics was represented at the meeting by Akrom Sultanov - Head of the Department for Monitoring and Coordination of the Open Data Portal, Abdugafur Mirzakhidov - Head of the Department for Statistics of the Service Industry and Azizkhon Ikramov - Chief Specialist of the Department of Statistical Observations of Housing Improvement.
International experts made presentations on «International Transport Forum Gender Analysis Toolkit», «Improving Transport Equity» (US experience), «Collaborating on Mobile Phone Data for Transport Statistics» (UN proposal), ITF publication «Big Data for Modeling Travel Demand», «Innovations in the measurement of transport» (also after the COVID-19 pandemic) the experience of European countries.
As a result of the meeting, the participants considered proposals for the development of a more coherent and effective international framework for transport statistics, by facilitating the exchange of views and obtaining better data for more effective policy-making among transport experts from different countries.

A meeting was held with an international consultant on gender statistics

 PUBLISHED: 08/10/2021

On October 6 of the current year, the meeting of representatives of the State Committee on Statistics with Dr. Modibo Camara – a representative of the A2F Consulting Company took place in the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) made a contract with A2F Consulting Company for the purpose of carrying out an analysis of the state of collection and analysis of gender-disaggregated data on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and of the problems faced by Uzbekistan when using the digital solutions for data collection on MSMEs.
The event was also attended by employees of the Central Office of the State Committee on Statistics, headed by the Head of the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics Yuldashev Zoyir Toshkanovich.
In the course of this meeting, the issues related to the collection and analysis of gender-disaggregated data on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) were discussed. At the end of the meeting, the mission of the international consultant on diagnostics of the system for collecting and analyzing the gender-disaggregated data on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) with representatives of the State Committee on Statistics discussed the issue of further cooperation in order to obtain the necessary data.
The meeting took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

International rankings of countries and cities: methodology, data, transparency

 PUBLISHED: 29/09/2021

On September 28, 2021, in the city of Moscow, the Federal State Statistics Service together with the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow, the Analytical Center and the International Center for Statistical Expertise Tsentrostat held a conference on the topic “International ratings of countries and cities: methodology, data, transparency". The conference was held within the framework of the 63rd World Statistical Congress, organized by the International Statistical Institute.
The conference was attended by a group of experts from the World Bank, representatives of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), staff of the UN Statistics Division, as well as analysts and independent researchers.
The main goal of the conference is to organize an open dialogue and develop effective mechanisms for interaction with international organizations and rating agencies.
During the conference, approaches to the construction of international ratings, their impact on business and society, as well as the role of official statistics and alternative data sources, experience in data verification, mechanisms of interaction between compilers and participants of ratings were considered.
Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich took part in the conference with a presentation on the topic "Reforms in the field of statistics and their assessment in international ratings."
The chairman of the committee especially noted that the presidential decree No. UP-6003 "On improving the position of the Republic of Uzbekistan in international ratings and indices, as well as introducing a new mechanism for systematic work with them in state bodies and organizations" served as the basis for the work carried out in Uzbekistan in this direction.
He also noted that in recent years, the role of the Republic of Uzbekistan in such indices as "Doing Business", "Development of Electronic Government", "Index of Economic Freedom", "Statistical Potential Index" of the World Bank and a number of indices in the field of open data has been growing. This, in turn, testifies to the fact that the reforms carried out in our country are showing their results.
Within the framework of the conference, reports were heard from other experts. Participants who participated in the online conference received comprehensive answers from experts on their questions.

Participation of our country in the “International Comparison Program – 2021”

 PUBLISHED: 21/08/2021

Today, The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics is taking large-scale measures to ensure the full participation of our country in another important international statistical event - the UN International Comparison Program - 2021 (ICP-2021).
In particular, the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2019 participated on an experimental basis in the “ICP – 2017”, and since 2021 our country has officially taken part in the “ICP – 2021”. Within the framework of this program, Goskomstat works in close cooperation with the Regional Coordinator of XTD-2021 - the Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CISSTAT).
Starting from 2021, observation of consumer prices for goods and services, according to the list provided by the CIS Statistical Committee, is carried out in accordance with the schedule, at selected trade and service facilities in the city of Tashkent. In particular, in accordance with the plan for organizing observations in 2021, in March and June of this year, at the first stage of observations, consumer price surveys were conducted for a total of 2266 types of goods and services, consisting of 8 groups provided by the CIS Statistical Committee. Based on the observation results, statistical data on the average cost of goods and services were formed and presented to the CIS Statistical Committee.
As of today, within the framework of the ICP-2021, in accordance with the approved schedule, price observations are carried out in 2 additional groups – 99 types of “Construction materials” and 584 types of “Investment goods” provided by the CIS Statistical Committee in the second and third stages.
In turn, the ICP results are used by international organizations (UN, World Bank, IMF, OECD, EU), national governments, as well as scientific organizations and experts for analytical and practical purposes, in particular, to assess the overall economic development of countries and the well-being of peoples. And also, the data is used to determine and compare the effectiveness and capabilities of the national economy, making decisions on international assistance to countries.

The International Forum of Global Interparliamentary Cooperation in the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been launched

 PUBLISHED: 23/06/2021

On June 23, 2021, the opening of the International Forum of Global Interparliamentary Cooperation in the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals took place in Bukhara.
It was attended in a traditional and online form by the Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong, President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Peter Lord Bowness, Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking States Altynbek Mamayusupov, The Chairman of the CIS Statistical Committee V.L. Sokolin, heads and members of parliaments of foreign countries, inter-parliamentary organizations, representatives of youth parliaments, state bodies, international organizations, NGOs, mass media, experts from research institutions. Also taking part in this event is the Deputy Chairman of the State Statistics Committee for Social Statistics Ziyadullaev Mahmudjon Dzhurakulovich.
At the event, Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis T. Narbayeva read out the congratulations of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev.
As noted in the President's congratulation, for the first time organized at the initiative of Uzbekistan, the forum will become an effective platform for discussing the participation of parliaments in achieving global goals, strengthening relations of inter-parliamentary cooperation.
At the opening ceremony, the Chairperson of the Upper House of the Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan T. Narbayeva noted that the forum is being held within the framework of the initiative of the head of state on the adoption of a special resolution of the UN General Assembly on increasing the role of parliaments in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and ensuring human rights, which was voiced from the high rostrum of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly.
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is of vital importance, the Sustainable Development Goals have become one of the priority areas for building a new Uzbekistan for the next five years.
In particular, the national goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development for the period up to 2030 and their indicators were approved, the Coordination Council for their implementation was created and the corresponding "Road Map" was approved.
Thanks to this, over the past period, strategies and concepts have been adopted and consistently implemented that determine the development prospects of almost all the most important socio-economic spheres for the next 5-10 years.
Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Nurdinjon Ismailov, Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union M. Chungong, Chairman of the UN Economic and Social Council M. Akram, Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Peter Lord Bowness, Secretary General of the Assembly of Turkic-speaking states A. Mamayusupov, Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of Asia Mohammad Rezo Majidi, UN Resident Coordinator in our country H. Fraser and other guests.
The global forum will hear reports, proposals and recommendations of members of the European Parliament, parliaments of Canada, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Bulgaria, South Korea, China, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as experts from more than 30 international organizations.
The main thematic areas of the international forum are:
The role of parliament in ensuring the effective implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals;
Financing activities for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals;
Formation of statistical indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals;
Participation of civil society institutions and the public in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals;
The importance of parliamentary oversight, monitoring and evaluation in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals;
Development of international dialogue and global cooperation between the world's parliaments on the path to sustainable development.
You can watch this international forum online through the Youtube platform.

Full International and Global Accounts for Research in Input-Output analysis (FIGARO)

 PUBLISHED: 27/05/2021

26 may 2021 Zuhra Mamadzhanova - Head of the Division of cost and production statistics of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics took part in the online event organized by Eurostat in cooperation with the joint research centre of the European Commission on the topic: " Full International and Global Accounts for Research in Input-Output analysis (FIGARO) ".
The event was attended by statisticians and international experts from Europe, Asia, America and the Asia-Pacific region countries.
Opening remarks were made by Ms. Kotseva, Director General of Eurostat, and Mr. Quest, Director General of the Joint Research Center.
During the event, presentations were made by Professor Dietzenbacher from the University of Groningen, Mr. Bernhard from the Federal Planning Bureau, Belgium and Mr. Bourcieu from DG TRADE, European Commission).
The event provided an opportunity to get acquainted with FIGARO statistics, a unique tool that allows economic modelers, policy makers and other stakeholders to analyze the socio-economic and environmental consequences of globalization. How FIGARO data helps us analyze the relationship between employment, income, and trade.
Participants focused on how data FIGARO can be used for various analyses at the national level, how the data can help policy-makers in the analysis of trade and jobs, trade and gender equality, as well as the impact of the pandemic COVID-19.
At the end of the event was followed by a session of questions and answers with guests from the Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) and the UN Statistical division (UNSD).

Regular meeting of the Group of Experts on population and Housing Censuses

 PUBLISHED: 21/05/2021

On May 19, 2021, a meeting of the Expert Group on Population and Housing Census began in Geneva (Switzerland).
The meeting is attended by 127 representatives of statistical agencies in Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, America and Africa, as well as experts from international organizations working on population and housing censuses, including during the pandemic. The Expert Group will consider innovative methods, the use of administrative and other data sources, assess the quality of data to meet user requests, and consider the possibility of integrating social surveys into the results of the population census, develop new approaches and recommendations for conducting population and housing censuses. The meeting will continue on May 20.
The event, which takes place in the format of a video conference, is attended by the head of the Department of Organization and Conduct of Census Processes of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics Berdikulov Kobil Gulomovich.
The main objective of the event is to review the results of the 2020 round of the population and housing census, to learn from the experience of countries that conducted the census in the context of the pandemic, and to draw lessons.
On May 20, the Group of Experts heard a report by Kobil Berdikulov, which presented the process of preparing for the population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2023, preparation for the trial census scheduled for November 2021, prospects and plans for the future.
The report of the representative of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics was warmly welcomed by the international expert community and was highly appreciated at the stage of preparation of the pilot population census of 2021 and the population census of 2023.

Continuation of cooperation within the framework of the project for the development of intraregional and international trade in the countries of Central Asia

 PUBLISHED: 27/03/2021

Continuation of cooperation within the framework of the project for the development of intraregional and international trade in the countries of Central Asia
Head of the Department of Foreign Economic Activity and Trade Statistics Batir Irgashev took part in the seminar on behalf of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics.
The aim of the workshop was to use new collection methodologies, harmonize and analyze data on trade in services, study markets for service subsectors and exchange reliable data in cooperation with customs administrations and other stakeholders.
At this seminar, presentations were made by representatives of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Center for Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), Islamic Trade Development Center.
The audience was presented with the experience of the African Continental Free Trade Area, the experience of the League of Arab States in collecting data on trade services, the practice of the International Trade Center and other international organizations.

MF Technical Support Mission Started Online

 PUBLISHED: 17/03/2021

On March 15 this year, an online technical support mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) started at the State Committee on Statistics. The mission is led by a specialist from the IMF's Statistics Department, Mr. Michael Silver.
The main goal of the mission is to organize training sessions for responsible specialists of the State Committee on Statistics on the topic “Price index of export and import goods”.
The event is attended by the heads of departments and employees of the central office of the State Committee on Statistics, headed by the head of the price statistics department, Mukhtar Umarov.
In accordance with the visit program of the mission, the responsible employees of the State Committee on Statistics reviewed the current practice on the topics of determining the level of characteristics of export and import goods, statistics of the balance of payments, the formation of value weight indices, producer price indices by a hybrid method, surveys of large enterprises exporters or importers, data from cooperative, trade and other associations and application of reflected indices, generating variable indicators and missing price indices.
The mission continues.

The International Open Data Day is organized as part of the “International Open Data Day”

 PUBLISHED: 10/03/2021

Within the framework of the "International Open Data Day", events were organized on the theme "Open Data Day Tashkent 2021" with the participation of employees of the State Committee on Statistics, employees of ministries and departments, as well as employees and experts of the OSCE Coordinator in Uzbekistan and the E-Government Project Management Center, dedicated to the organization of effective use of computer technologies and the Internet among the population and youth, as well as the popularization of open data in our country.
Open Data Day is part of the International Open Data Day initiative, which helps to implement the concept of open data and transparency of information in the activities of government agencies, businesses, non-profit organizations and other participants in public life.
In honor of Open Data Day, meetings, lectures and hackathons are held all over the world. Since 2015, the Open Knowledge Foundation, in partnership with other non-profit organizations in the open data world, has been offering mini-grants to support global events.
Within the framework of the events, employees of the Department for Monitoring and Coordinating the Activities of the open data portal held a presentation dedicated to the Open Data Day Tashkent 2021 event.
At the events, such issues as strategic directions and principles of open data development for 2021-2025, improvement of the regulatory framework for open data, provision of methodological support for data openness, organizational and information technology support for data openness, expected results from the implementation of the “Concept for the development of open data in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021-2025 " were discussed”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 808 "On measures for the further development of the field of open data in the Republic of Uzbekistan".
As it was noted at the events, in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to the statistical bodies in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4273, the State Committee on Statistics performed the following:
The open data portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan has received a silver level certificate from the Open Data Institute, and the official website of the State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan has reached the highest level of "Platinum", which means that this open data is an exceptional example of information infrastructure.
The Republic of Uzbekistan became the first country in Central Asia to be included in the most comprehensive list of open data portals in the world org.
According to the UN E-Government Review 2020, Uzbekistan is among the 41 countries with the highest Open Data Index (Very High OGDI) in the world.».
According to Open Data Inception, Uzbekistan ranks 6th in the world in terms of the number of open data sources.
Uzbekistan, according to the Open Data Inventory (ODIN) rating, scored 63 points and ranked 44th in the world and 1st in Central Asia, and also rose by 125 positions.
Uzbekistan has joined the International Open Data Charter as the 23rd country, becoming the third country among Asian countries after South Korea and the Philippines.
To promote open data in our country, such conferences, seminars, webinars and training courses were held as the international open data conference "Open Data Tashkent 2019" with the participation of leading international experts in the field of open data, the Open Data Week Uzbekistan 2019, the Open Data Day Tashkent 2020 seminar, the online event "Open Data Uzbekistan Workshop Agenda", the webinar " Open data solutions during the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the world and Uzbekistan», a working seminar in the video conference format “The importance of open data in preventing corruption”, as well as advanced training courses for employees from more than 100 ministries and departments, in which 385 employees were trained.
The participants of the events agreed on the need to continue further cooperation in the field of digital economy, training of ICT specialists, development of technology parks, professional development of public relations specialists, development of postal communications and digital television broadcasting.
The events ended with a discussion about the challenges facing Uzbekistan and the planned actions of the employees of the Open Data Portal of Uzbekistan to work with open data.

Online international forum to discuss where Uzbekistan stands in its recovery journey.

 PUBLISHED: 04/03/2021

An online international forum was held on 3-4 March 2021, providing an opportunity to discuss where Uzbekistan stands in its recovery from COVID-19, and how government, business, and society can come together and put in place new policies and incentives for green recovery. Bringing key stakeholders to the table, this forum will be co-organized by the UN and UNDP (technical leads of the UN socio-economic response to COVID-19), the European Union, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Government of Uzbekistan represented by the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, the Centre of Hydrometeorological Services (Uzhydromet) and the State Committee for Ecology and Environment Protection.
In recent years Uzbekistan has developed and adopted policies and measures to support climate change mitigation and adaptation. Most prominently the ‘Strategy for the transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a green economy in the period of 2019-2030’ was adopted in October 2019, setting targets for reducing emissions by increasing energy efficiency, enhancing use of renewable energy, improving resource efficiency and crop yields, and limiting land degradation.
The Forum aims to achieve three main objectives that will contribute to the advancement of green recovery in Uzbekistan:
Contextualize what it means for Uzbekistan to build forward better with a focus on green recovery and bringing all stakeholders together.
Provide a platform for discussing how policies for renewables, energy efficiency, climate mitigation, and many other matters comprising the transition to a green economy in Uzbekistan can help rebuild a better and more resilient society and economy, while reducing pressures on natural resources and environment.
Formulate recommendations and practical actions on ‘building forward better’ to support the Government of Uzbekistan in its green economic recovery during and after the COVID-19 outbreak.
The event was attended by employees of the central office of the State Committee on Statistics, headed by Deputy Chairman Ziyadullaev Mahmudjon Dzhurakulovich.

The multidisciplinary statistical mission of the International Monetary Fund for Uzbekistan started its work

 PUBLISHED: 02/03/2021

On March 1 of this year, the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich met by videoconference with the head of the multidisciplinary statistical mission of the International Monetary Fund Artak Harutyunyan.
In accordance with the agenda, the goals and objectives of the mission were discussed, issues of the transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the "expanded General Data Dissemination System" to the "Special Data Dissemination Standard" of the International Monetary Fund, improvement of monetary and financial statistics, statistics of the external sector, the system of national accounts and transition to SNA 2008.
The meeting was also attended by the leadership of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan and representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, experts from the IMF mission and senior officials of the relevant ministries of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The participants of the meeting noted the implemented activities and the achieved results of mutual cooperation in this direction. Experts from the International Monetary Fund expressed their expectations and presented recommendations on macroeconomic and financial statistics, reviewed the status of implementation of the recommendations of the previous TA mission on the transition to the “Special Data Dissemination Standard”.
For information: The Republic of Uzbekistan joined the "expanded Common Data Dissemination System" of the International Monetary Fund in May 2018. In 2019, the "Roadmap" of the government for the transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the "Special Data Dissemination Standard" was approved. This task is also reflected in the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 3, 2020 "On measures to further improve and develop the national system of statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan."
As a result of the meeting, the start of the work of the multidisciplinary statistical mission of the International Monetary Fund was launched.

Exchange of experience in the field of population statistics and censuses

 PUBLISHED: 23/02/2021

On February 22, the SESRIC Center for Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Professional Training for Islamic Countries in cooperation with the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) organized a webinar on the experience in the field of population statistics and censuses.

This webinar is part of the CESRIC series of webinars for the exchange of statistical experience in the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

For reference: The international statistical community recognizes population and housing censuses as an important source for providing disaggregated data needed to measure progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, especially in the context of assessing the situation of people by income, gender, age, race, ethnicity, migration status, disability and geographic location, or other characteristics.

The webinar participants were presented with presentations on the following topics: Population statistics and censuses. Turkey experience; an address-based population registration system; 2011 Population and Housing Census, 2021 Population and Housing Census (relative to registration-based census).

Deputy of the Department of Census Methodology and for Work with Cartographic Documents Jamshid Eshniyazov took part in the webinar on behalf of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics.

An online meeting was held with representatives of the Asian Development Bank

 PUBLISHED: 19/02/2021

The Asian Development Bank organized a seminar for Goskomstat specialists on the topic “Selected indicators of the system of national accounts”.

Specialists from the Office of Macroeconomic Indicators and National Accounts, together with experts from the Manila Office of the Asian Development Bank: Mr. Mr. Jennine G. Antonio and Ms. Sara May A. Manuel conducted a comprehensive quality assessment of the SNA statistics and trained in the compilation of selected SNA indicators.

During the collaborative work, presentations and discussions took place on the following topics: Indirectly Measured Financial Services, Digital Economy, VAT Matrix, Non-Observed Economy, and Supply and Use Tables.

Based on the results of the working meetings, recommendations were developed that will serve the stage-by-stage implementation of the 2008 SNA standards and the implementation of the tasks defined in the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics for 2020-2025.

Uzbekistan has joined the International Open Data Charter and became the 23rd country in the world

 PUBLISHED: 19/02/2021

Uzbekistan has joined the International Open Data Charter as the 23rd country, becoming the third country in Asia after South Korea and Philippines.

Ensuring the openness of the activities of State authorities and management is one of the important mechanisms for the democratization of the public administration system in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the Strategy of Action on the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, ensuring the openness of the activities of State authorities and management, the introduction of modern forms of providing information concerning the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities is identified as a priority area of reforming the public administration system.

In order to achieve the goals, set in the development of open data in our country, in April 2019, the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4273 “On additional measures to ensure the openness and transparency of public administration, as well as to increase the statistical potential of the country” was adopted.

In accordance with this decree, the State Committee on Statistics was appointed responsible for coordinating the activities of state bodies and organizations in terms of work on the formation, maintenance and updating of the list of open data sets and timely reflection of relevant information on the Open Data Portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In April 2019, the Department for Monitoring and Coordinating the activities of the Open Data Portal was created in the structure of the central office of the State Committee on Statistics.

The Open Data Charter is a collaboration between over 150 governments and organisations working to open up data based on a shared set of principles.

The six ODC principles were developed in 2015 by governments, civil society, and experts around the world to represent a globally-agreed set of aspirational norms for how to publish data: 

  • Open by default — this represents a real shift in how government operates and how it interacts with citizens. At the moment we often have to ask officials for the specific information we want. Open by default turns this on its head and says that there should be a presumption of publication for all. Governments need to justify data that’s kept closed, for example for security or data protection reasons. To make this work, citizens must also feel confident that open data will not compromise their right to privacy;
  • Timely and Comprehensive - Open data is only valuable if it’s still relevant. Getting information published quickly and in a comprehensive way is central to its potential for success. As much as possible governments should provide data in its original, unmodified form;
  • Accessible and Usable — Ensuring that data is machine readable and easy to find will make data go further. Portals are one way of achieving this. But it’s also important to think about the user experience of those accessing data, including the file formats that information is provided. Data should be free of charge, under an open license, for example, those developed by Creative Commons;
  • Comparable and Interoperable — Data has a multiplier effect. The more quality datasets you have access to, and the easier it is for them to talk to each other, the more potential value you can get from them. Commonly-agreed data standards play a crucial role in making this happen;
  • For Improved Governance and Citizen Engagement — Open data has the capacity to let citizens (and others in government) have a better idea of what officials and politicians are doing. This transparency can improve public services and help hold governments to account;
  • For Inclusive Development and Innovation — Finally, open data can help spur inclusive economic development. For example, greater access to data can make farming more efficient, or it can be used to tackle climate change. Finally, we often think of open data as just about improving government performance, but there’s a whole universe out there of entrepreneurs making money off the back of open data.

The key reforms in the accession were the high performance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in all available indices and ratings that evaluate open data in the world:

  • The Republic of Uzbekistan became the first country in Central Asia to be included in the most comprehensive list of open data portals in the world org.
  • According to the UN E-Government Review 2020, Uzbekistan is among the 41 countries with the highest Open Data Index (Very High OGDI) in the world.».
  • According to Open Data Inception, Uzbekistan ranks 6th in the world in terms of the number of open data sources.
  • Uzbekistan, according to the Open Data Inventory (ODIN) rating, scored 63 points and ranked 44th in the world and 1st in Central Asia, and also rose by 125 positions.

 Also, an important guide in improving the effectiveness of the work carried out in this direction was the Presidential Decree “On improving the position of the Republic of Uzbekistan in international ratings and indices, as well as the introduction of a new mechanism for systematic work with them in state bodies and organizations” dated June 2, 2020.

Meeting with representatives of the International Monetary Fund

 PUBLISHED: 28/01/2021

On January 28, 2021 in a videoconferencing mode the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics - Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich held talks with the Head of the IMF Mission to Uzbekistan - Mr. Ron van Rooden.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a wide range of issues of cooperation in the light of the adoption of the Ruling of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures for further improvement and development of the national statistics system of the Republic of Uzbekistan” within the framework of Uzbekistan's transition to the Special Data Dissemination Standard” (SDDS) of the IMF, GDP statistics.
The welcoming speech highlighted the Ruling RP-4796 and the items of the roadmap for the implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics. The parties talked more specifically about the issues of macroeconomic statistics and touched upon the aspects of perspective cooperation and technical assistance from the IMF. The IMF representatives noted the positive dynamics of the on-going large-scale reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan, including in terms of the activities of the statistics bodies, also expressed their intention to actively assist within the framework of Uzbekistan’s transition to the “Special Data Dissemination Standard” (SDDS) of the IMF.
The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Meeting with the mission of the International MonetaryFund

 PUBLISHED: 26/01/2021

On January 25, 2021, a meeting of the Goskomstat leadership with a mission of experts from the International Monetary Fund within the framework of IMF technical assistance on integrating fiscal rules into the budget process was held in the videoconference mode.
The talks with the IMF mission were held by the First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Dilshod Kholmurodov.
The work carried out by Goskomstat to improve and develop the national statistics system of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the implementation of the roadmap for the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics for 2020-2025 were covered.
The IMF mission highly appreciated the efforts of the State Committee on Statistics and noted the key role of statistics in the successful implementation of the state's fiscal policy.
As a result of the conference call, the parties agreed to continue close cooperation on all topical issues of statistical practice.

Training course of the Asian Development Bank “Crisis Management”

 PUBLISHED: 26/01/2021

On January 25, 2021, the Asian Development Bank held a training course on “Crisis Management”via videoconference. It was attended by the responsible employees of the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics - Olga Zolotaeva and the Department of Service Statistics - Nigora Yakubova.
In the training program, presentations were made by international experts, Mr. David Sawyer, Mr. Steward Maugham, and Mrs. Rachel Andras.
The training participants learned about the strategy of contingency planning and provision of services in crisis situations; with sources of financing for crisis expenses; assessed the mechanism for handling complaints and suggestions in the anti-crisis management; discussed the importance of gender issues in crisis management.
For reference: this training is part of the activities organized by the Asian Development Bank within the framework of the Program of Support to the Government of Uzbekistan in the implementation of the anti-crisis plan.

Online training course in tourism statistics

 PUBLISHED: 22/01/2021

On January 21 this year, within the framework of the UN World Data Forum, a webinar was organized on the topic “Strengthening the use of data in journalism”.
The webinar is aimed at the effective use of data in journalistic activities, the effective use of modern ICT in creating news, reliance on the principles of simplicity, openness and clarity in the delivery of information, as well as exchange of views on the activities of journalists in various fields.
More than 270 journalists and representatives of organizations working with data in various fields took part in the online webinar.
At the webinar, the Deputy Editor of the international media platform Devex - Jessica Abrahams, Deputy Director of the Department of Statistics of South Africa - Ashwell Jennecker, journalist of the School of Journalism at the University of Arizona Sarah Cohen, Resource Watch Director of the World Resources Institute - Anders Pedersen with reports on improving the efficiency of using data in journalism.
The head of the Information Service Usmon Abdurasulov and employees of the service took part in the event on behalf of the State Committee on Statistics.

Exchange of experience in the field of business statistics with the Department of Statistics Malaysia

 PUBLISHED: 21/01/2021

On January 21, this year, a webinar was held at the Center for Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) together with the Statistical Service of Turkey (TurkStat) on the exchange of experience “Innovation Statistics”.
The event opened with introductory remarks by Dr. Atilla Karaman, Director of the Department of Statistics and Information, and Mr. Gökhan Elyildirim, Representative of the Statistical Service of Turkey.
Employees of the central office took part in the online meeting on behalf of the State Committee on Statistics.
The webinar covered topics related to the sample survey, such as concepts and definitions, methodological framework, classification, coverage and statistical units, information collection, measurement and analysis, and dissemination.
During the event, the participants shared their experience in innovation statistics.
At the end of the webinar, the participants agreed to continue close cooperation on all relevant issues of statistical practice.

Committee staff participate in a training course on compiling climate change indicators

 PUBLISHED: 07/01/2021

From 6 January to 12 February this year, an e-learning course on “Compiling Climate Change Indicators: An Accounting Approach” will be held by the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP).

This course introduces concepts related to the compilation of indicators to inform climate change. Topics discussed include, but are not limited to: climate change policies and indicators; energy and emission accounts and data sources. The course will also feature two webinars, on presentation of topics and questions / answers.

On behalf of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, this course is attended by the Deputy Head of the Department of Statistical Observations of Agricultural Producers Abdujalil Kadirov, Chief Specialist of the Department for the Formation of Summary Analytical Information on Structural Changes in Agriculture Azima Gafurova, Chief Specialist of the Department of Statistical Observations producers Nigora Dekhkanova, as well as Head of the Department of Energy Statistics, Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency Calculations Babakhanov Elyor.

Upon completion of the course and subject to resource availability, practical assistance will be provided to countries interested in compiling climate change indicators that will be presented and discussed during the course.

An online seminar on “Sustainable Development Targets-3” was organized

 PUBLISHED: 30/12/2020

On 28-30 December 2020, the Bureau of Statistics of Pakistan organized an online workshop on "Sustainable Development Targets-3"

It was also attended by the head of the Department of Statistical Observations in the field of education, Health, Science and Innovation of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics Shayhali Abdurakhmanov.

At this seminar, presentations were made by representatives of the Bureau of Statistics of Pakistan, the Center for Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), the Bureau of Statistics of the Gambia. The participants exchanged views on these presentations, shared their knowledge and experience.

At the end of the event, the participants agreed on further work to achieve the Sustainable Development Targets.

The issue of joining the International Open Data Charter was discussed

 PUBLISHED: 29/12/2020

On December 28, 2020, an online consultation was held between Goskomstat and the Deputy Director of the International Charter of Open Data with the support of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan, in which the issues of joining the Republic of Uzbekistan to the International Charter of Open Data were discussed. 

The State Committee on Statistics cooperation with International open data Charter is available on the basis of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from April 9, 2019 No. 4273 "On additional measures to ensure openness and transparency of public administration, and improving statistical capacity of the country" and the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from December 23, 2020 No. 808 "On measures for the further development of open data in the Republic of Uzbekistan".

In this online consultation, Natalia Carfi, Deputy Director of the International Open Data Charter, informed representatives of the State Statistics Committee about the readiness for fruitful joint work in 2021. Also, the representative of the Charter said that they are pleased with the progress in the development of open data, which the Republic of Uzbekistan has demonstrated in recent years.

Following the results of online consultations, the representatives of the party agreed to start the process of accession of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the International Open Data Charter from the beginning of 2021. This process will be supported by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan.

An online meeting was held within the framework of the International Comparison Program 2021

 PUBLISHED: 22/12/2020

On December 21-22 this year, an online meeting was held, organized by the Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, dedicated to updating the list of consumer goods and services purchased by households for the International Comparison Program (ICP 2021), based on purchasing power parity in the CIS region. Responsible specialists headed by the head of the price statistics department Umarov Mukhtar Turaevich and the head of the department of macroeconomic indicators and national accounts Mamirov Aziz Otakhonovich took part in this online meeting.

The purpose of the meeting is to update the list of consumer goods and services purchased by households as part of the international comparison program based on purchasing power parity in the CIS region (ICP 2021).

The meeting was opened by AE Kosarev, Deputy Chairman of the CIS Statistical Committee. presentation, in which he outlined the history of the development of the International Comparison Program, and also pointed out the relevance of the International Comparison Program for the development of statistics.

At the meeting, consultants of the CIS Statistical Committee provided for discussion the presentation of the specifications of consumer goods-representatives for groups 01 "Food, drinks and tobacco", 02 "Goods for personal use", 03 "Household goods", 04 "Services". Much attention in the reports of consultants was paid to issues related to the appearance in the specification of new goods and services for the ICP.

The Importance of Open Data in Preventing Corruption

 PUBLISHED: 21/12/2020

On December 18, 2020, the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan and the International

Charter of Open Data, organized a videoconference workshop on the topic “The Importance of Open Data in Preventing Corruption”.

The seminar was devoted to the development of an open data ecosystem in order to increase the transparency of government bodies and prevent corruption.

The seminar was attended by over 70 employees from ministries and organizations of our country.

The event discussed the basics of open data, the principles of the International Open Data Charter, datasets and international data standards, and how open data can help countries fight corruption.

The 61st meeting of the Council of Heads of Statistical Services of the Commonwealth of Independent States was held

 PUBLISHED: 18/12/2020

On December 18, the 61st meeting of the Council of Heads of Statistical Services of the CIS was held via videoconference

For information: The Council determines the directions of cooperation in the field of statistics within the framework of the Commonwealth; discusses and makes decisions on the most important issues of interaction on statistical issues; approves the work program of the CIS Statistical Committee, creates relevant bodies and commissions to consider issues of statistical methodology, approves regulatory documents and regulations on them; interacts with international organizations. Since 2018, the Republic of Uzbekistan has become a full member of the CIS Statistical Committee and regularly takes part in the work of the Council of Heads.

This year, the heads of the statistical services of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will discuss a wide range of issues on the agenda, which includes:

- preparation and conduct of the 2020 round of population censuses in the CIS;

- the program of international comparisons based on the purchasing power parity of currencies in the CIS region: the results of the International Comparison Program (ICP) of the CIS 2017 and implementation of the program in 2021

- preparation of the Russian-language version of the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP 2018);

- aspects of the work of the CIS statistical services in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and many others.

The meeting is attended by the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics - Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov.

In his speech, the Chairman of the State Statistics Committee noted: “The Republic of Uzbekistan is actively preparing for the first general population census in the last 30 years. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. UP - 5655 dated February 5, 2019 “On approval of the Concept of conducting a population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022”, it was supposed to take place from November 1 to 25, 2022, and a pilot census in November 2021. Considering that this is the first census in the country over the years of independence, as well as in order to thoroughly prepare for the population census in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 710 of November 11, 2020 “On measures to organize and conduct the population census of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2023 year” the deadline for its holding is 2023.

Today, preparatory work on the census is underway at the republican and territorial levels, a package of necessary instructive and methodological materials is being developed, and cartographic material is being prepared to ensure the completeness of population registration and the quality of the census results. International organizations, including the CIS Statistical Committee, provide assistance in the preparation of the population census of the Republic of Uzbekistan. " and expressed gratitude to the meeting participants.

Following the meeting of the Council of Heads, fundamental decisions were made that will determine the work of the CIS statistical services in the new conditions of the pandemic, the Program of Work of the CIS Statistical Committee for 2021, plans for the upcoming Global Program of International Comparisons in 2021, preparation and conduct of the population census round will be approved 2020 in the CIS member states.

Malayziyaning statistika faoliyatini tashkil etish yuzasidan xalqaro e'tirof etilgan ilg‘or modellarni joriy etish bo‘yicha tajribasi o‘rganilmoqda

 PUBLISHED: 18/12/2020

In pursuance of the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.PP-4796 dated 03.08. "On measures to further improve and develop the national system of statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan", the State Statistics Committee pays special attention to the exchange of best practices in the field of statistics with national statistical agencies of other countries.

The Department of Statistics Malaysia is one of such examples. In particular, on December 16-17, 2020, a virtual study visit was organized to the Department of Statistics Malaysia via videoconferencing, where topical topics on the effective organization of statistical activities and the implementation of modern internationally recognized models in practice were discussed. The event was organized with the support of the diplomatic mission of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Malaysia.

During the event, the experience of the Department of Statistics Malaysia was studied and presentations were made on the topic:

1. Experience of Malaysia in the implementation of GSBPM and GSIM;

For reference: GSBPM - Generic Statistical Business Process Model. It describes and defines the set of business processes required for the production of official statistics. Provides a standard framework and consistent terminology to assist statistical organizations in modernizing statistical production processes, and to exchange methods and components. Developed in 2008 by UNECE in cooperation with Eurostat and OECD based on the experience of New Zealand. The model has been improved and the latest version # 5 launched on January 1, 2019.

GSIM - Generic Statistical Information Model. Based on sample terminology from Nehvatel. Objective: To achieve a common language for understanding / accepting statistical classifications and the relationships between them. It is a terminological and conceptual model that provides a framework for compiling metadata and managing statistical classifications. Developed in 1999 by the UNECE in cooperation with the statistical agencies of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. The model was improved, and on December 14, 2016 launched the 2nd modernized version.

2. Implementation of NQAF;

For reference: NQAF - National Quality Assurance Framework (guidance). It provides guidance for the development and implementation of national quality assurance frameworks that ensure quality in different circumstances and situations, and thus help countries to establish official statistics as a reliable source of information in an ever-changing environment. The latest version of the guide was adopted by the UN Statistical Commission in March 2019 (5th session, decision 50/106).

3. GSBPM: good practices in surveys of the economic sector, households, and labor force.

For reference: Representatives of the Department of Statistics Malaysia in their presentations familiarized the participants of the event with the practice of introducing GSBPM requirements into survey processes, such as surveys of the economic sector, households, and the labor force. For the example of each survey, all stages of compliance with the components and subcomponents of GSBPM are disclosed.

At the end of the event, the parties agreed to continue this kind of events on topical issues, in particular, on the effective use of advanced ICT capabilities in production processes, effective organization of censuses, improvement of sectoral statistics, etc.

Survey on the use of information and communication technologies in enterprises

 PUBLISHED: 17/12/2020

On December 17 of this year, a webinar was held at the Center for Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) to study the experience of conducting research on the use of ICT in households.

The event was opened with an opening speech by the Director of the Department of Statistics and Information of SESRIC, Dr. Atilla Karaman.

The online meeting from the State Committee on Statistics was attended by the Head of the Department for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Interactive Public Services Shokhrukh Odilov, the Head of the Department for the formation of summary analytical information and indicators of service sector development programs Abdugafir Mirzakhidov, Chief Specialist of the Current Accounts Department of the Department of Macroeconomic Indicators and National Accounts - Fazliddin Berdiyorov, as well as the chief specialist of the Department for the organization of sample surveys of entrepreneurial activity of the Directorate for surveys of the business environment, statistics of business development Rakhimzhon Rasulov.

This webinar covered topics related to ICT business survey such as concepts and definitions, methodological framework, classification, coverage and statistical units, information collection, measurement and analysis, and dissemination.

During the event, participants shared their experiences in researching the use of ICT in enterprises.

At the end of the webinar, the participants agreed to continue close cooperation on all topical issues of statistical practice.

Preparations for multi-indicator cluster surveys continue

 PUBLISHED: 14/12/2020

In order to ensure the implementation of the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 24, 2019 "On conducting a Multi-Indicator Cluster Survey in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020-2021", in cooperation with the State Committee on Statistics and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and international experts, preparations are being made for surveys .

During the period from 14 to 26 December of this year, trainings are organized for selected supervisors and interviewers from the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Tashkent region and the city of Tashkent in order to test the prepared questionnaires for conducting surveys using the CAPI program.

Upon completion of the training sessions, it is planned to test questionnaires using the CAPI program in the Almazar district of Tashkent, Yangiyul district of Tashkent region and the city of Yangiyul, Khodjeyli district and Nukus district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. aqalpog‘iston Respublikasi Xo‘jayli tumani va Nukus tumanidan tanlab olingan mahalla fuqarolar yig‘inlaridagi xonadonlarda savolnomalarni CAPI dasturidan foydalangan holda sinovdan o‘tkazish rejalashtirilgan.

Committee staff participate in online trainings organized by the UAE

 PUBLISHED: 11/12/2020

On December 10 this year, Goskomstat employees took part in online trainings organized by the United Arab Emirates. These trainings are dedicated to current topics in the field of public administration.

In connection with the pandemic, these trainings are conducted online and are aimed at improving the qualifications of employees of ministries and departments in the field of public administration.

The trainings are attended by the head of the department of digitalization of statistical reporting and programming tasks Zaitsev Chingiz and deputy head of the department of census methodology and work with cartographic documents Jamshid Eshniyazov.

Research on the use of information and communication technologies in households

 PUBLISHED: 10/12/2020

On December 10 this year, a webinar was held at the Center for Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) in cooperation with the Turkish Statistical Service (TurkStat) to study the experience of conducting research on the use of ICT in households.

The event opened with opening remarks by the Director of the Department of Statistics and Information, Dr. Atilla Karaman, and the representative of the Turkish Statistical Service, Mr. Bilal Qurban.

The head of the Department of Living Standards Statistics and Population Surveys Umid Madaminov and the Head of the Department for Information Resources and Interactive Public Services Shahkboz Samadov took part in the online meeting from the State Committee on Statistics.

This webinar covered topics related to ICT household surveys such as concepts and definitions, methodological framework, classification, coverage and statistical units, information collection, measurement and analysis, and dissemination.

During the event, participants shared their experience in researching the use of ICT in households.

At the end of the webinar, the participants agreed to continue close cooperation on all topical issues of statistical practice.

An online meeting with representatives of KOSTAT

On November 24 of this year, an online meeting of the Deputy Chairman of the State Statistics Committee on Social Statistics Ziyadullaev Mahmudjon Djurakulovich with representatives of the statistical organization of the Republic of Korea (KOSTAT) headed by Commissioner KOSTAT, Mr. Shin-Wook Kang, took place. For information: this meeting was organized in accordance with the "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Statistics" signed between the State Statistics Committee and the statistical organization of the Republic of Korea (KOSTAT) on August 24, 2011.This meeting, which is held annually in connection with the pandemic this year, is organized by videoconference. During the meeting, the following issues were discussed: exchange of experience and study of practice in conducting a population census, a strategic plan for the development of national statistics of Korea, including industrial statistics.In particular, the presentation was made by Angela Avakova, Head of the Department for the Formation of Summary Analytical Information on Industry and Indicators of Industrial Development Programs of the Office of Industry Statistics, on the topic “Industrial Statistics (Goskomstat)”.KOSTAT representatives Ms. Misuk Jung and Mr. Hyeokbin Kwon also made presentations on the topics “Korean System of Business Statistics (Industrial Statistics)” and “Index of Industrial Production (KOSTAT)”.At the end of the event, the parties agreed to continue close cooperation on all topical issues of statistical practice. Meetings organized online with KOSTAT are ongoing.

Online Seminar of the High Level Group on Modernization of Official Statistics 

On November 18-19 this year, the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) together with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) organized an online seminar of the High-Level Group on the Modernization of Official Statistics.The purpose of the event is to provide a strategic vision and an active international direction for the modernization of statistical organizations, as well as discuss the progress achieved in 2020 and identify key priorities for international cooperation in 2021.Head of the Department of Organization and Methodology of Statistical Work D. Zakirov and Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Information Exchange O. Mamadaliev took part in the webinar on behalf of the State Committee on Statistics.While the meeting, the meeting participants discussed the results of the work, which is a set of coordinated and priority actions for implementation, in line with the mission and vision of the High-Level Group on the Modernization of Official Statistics.Following the online meeting, the experts made a number of proposals and recommendations on the topic.

Climate Change Webinar for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

On November 18, 2020, an online seminar on statistics related to climate change was held jointly by the European Free Trade Association and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.Deputy Head of the Department Kadirov Abdujalil and Chief Specialist of the Department of Agriculture and Ecology Statistics Dekhkanova Nigora, as well as leading specialist of the Department of Industry Statistics Raisova Ksenia, took part in this webinar from the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics.The event was attended by representatives of statistical services and sectoral ministries dealing with environmental issues from the countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, experts from the European Free Trade Association, the UN Economic Commission for Europe, the United Nations Development Program, the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific Ocean.The webinar was aimed at increasing the capacity for the implementation of statistics and indicators related to climate change in target countries, expanding the knowledge of participants in the production and use of statistics and indicators related to climate change, exchange of experience in this area.

Demographic Resilience and Sustainable Development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia 

18 November this year, the Government of Bulgaria and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) held an online meeting on the topic “Demographic Resilience and Sustainable Development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”.Welcoming remarks were made by: HE Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Bulgaria to the UN – Mr. Georgi Panayotov, Under-Secretary General and Executive Director of UNFPA - Dr. Natalia Kanem, UNFPA Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Ms. Alanna Armitage. Deputy Chairman of the State Statistics Committee for Social Statistics Ziyadullaev Mahmudjon Dzhurakulovich took part in the event on behalf of the State Committee on Statistics.The purpose of the event is to share experiences of demographic diversity and how to respond to the dynamics of different population groups, as well as showcase the UNFPA program on demographic resilience in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and promote future implementation.In his speech, Makhmudjon Ziyadullaev highlighted in detail the progress of the implementation of the action plan for the population census in 2023, in particular, he emphasized the activities on the preparation of the population census of the State Committee on Statistics during quarantine measures in our country, the work on informing the population about the population census on the official website of the State Committee on Statistics and in Mass media, about cooperation with international organizations and plans for the future.For information, this event is dedicated to the Sammit in Nairobi in 2019 and provides an opportunity to highlight demographic trends that affect progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals in the region, reflect the progress of governments in meeting the commitments made at the Summit, and share experiences solving the problems that have arisen in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

An exchange of views with World Bank experts took place 

On November 13, this year, a webinar was held with the participation of experts from the State Committee on statistics and the World Bank.At the event, representatives of the State Committee on statistics and World Bank experts exchanged views on reviewing key policy and institutional actions and recommending Circular economy (CEAO) options for a single target sector in Uzbekistan towards green growth, especially contributing to a greener recovery after Covid-19.It should be noted that in March 2020, the world Bank launched technical assistance activities funded by the Korea green growth trust Fund (KGGTF) to promote the development of the Circular economy in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries. This activity is carried out within the framework of the world Bank's climate and environment program for Central Asia (CLIENT).Technical assistance activities supported by the KGGTF aim to collaborate with target countries in analytical work, capacity-building and knowledge-sharing to specifically promote the Circular economy as a path to green growth.Participants emphasized that the technical assistance activities supported by the KGGTF are aimed at implementing targeted projects between States, improving the capacity of staff, and cooperating in the exchange of information.The webinar identifies measures that need to be taken to implement joint targeted projects in the future.

An online meeting with representatives of the International monetary Fund was held 

On November 13, 2020, Goskomstat hosted an online meeting with the remote technical assistance mission of the International monetary Fund.The event was organized in order to compile indicators of external debt, as well as reserve assets in accordance with the recommendations of the social standard for the distribution of IMF data.Representatives of the technical support mission of the International monetary Fund Vakhtang Phakadze and heads of departments of the State Committee on statistics Zhavlon Saipov and Bahodir Jabbarov exchanged views at the meeting.During the event, participants made their recommendations on the coordinated survey of foreign investment. Information was provided on the ongoing work on the implementation of the survey by foreign investment.As a result of the negotiations, the parties agreed to continue further cooperation.

Uzbekistan's experience in collecting and disseminating SDG indicators 

On November 12 this year, Goskomstat, together with the Center for Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), organized an online meeting on the topic “Uzbekistan's experience in collecting and disseminating SDG indicators”.The event was opened by the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich and the General Director of the Center for Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) Nebil Dabur.The purpose of the event is the development of official statistics on SDG indicators, analysis of Uzbekistan's experience in collecting and disseminating SDG indicators, production, dissemination and analysis of data in accordance with international standards and exchange of experience in the field of statistics.At the event, the head of the department for the formation of summary analytical information on statistics of sustainable development and social sectors, Jahongir Kambarov, made a presentation on the topic “Experience of Goskomstat in the dissemination of SDG indicators”, as well as deputy head of the department Olga Aleshulina on the topic “Experience of Goskomstat in the collection and comparison of SDG indicators ".The meeting also discussed issues of monitoring and reporting on the SDGs, the use of non-traditional data sources in official statistics and a number of other issues.
For reference: SESRIC - Center for Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training for Islamic Countries, is the executive body of the Bureau of the Statistical Commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).


Socio-economic consequences of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Uzbekistan were discussed 

On November 11, 2020, at the Development Strategy Center, together with the World Bank, a webinar was organized on the results of the research "Listening to the citizens of Uzbekistan" and "Socio-economic consequences of COVID-19 in Uzbekistan: results of a survey of mahalla chairmen and business representatives."The webinar was attended by representatives of the Development Strategy Center, the Center for Economic Research and Reforms under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry for Support of Mahalla and Family, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program, ministries and departments, chairmen of mahallas and business representatives of the regions of Uzbekistan.This meeting, organized by videoconference, discussed the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on small and medium-sized businesses, support measures aimed at reducing poverty, the results of surveys among the chairmen of makhallas in the context of the pandemic, as well as issues of social support for families included in the “Iron Notebook ”.From Goskomstat, the Head of the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics Zoyir Yuldashev, Head of the Department of Living Standards Statistics and Population Surveys Umid Madaminov and Deputy Head of the Department of Social Sphere and Sustainable Development Statistics Jakhongir Kambarov took part in the webinar.Representatives of the World Bank and UNDP noted that the results of the survey of the heads of makhallas and business representatives will help form a set of support measures aimed at mitigating the consequences of the pandemic.

An online seminar was held within the framework of the OSCE extrabudgetary project 

On November 10 this year, at the initiative of the Office of the Coordinator of Economic and Environmental Activities of the OSCE, an online seminar was held within the framework of the OSCE extrabudgetary project “Promoting Good Governance and Strengthening the Fight Against Corruption in the OSCE Region through the Use of Open Data and New Digital Technologies”.The event was on the topic "Monitoring, Analysis, Use and Reuse of Data to Improve Transparency in Government and Decision Making Processes".The webinar focuses on how open data is used to monitor and influence sectoral reforms or broader governance reforms at the national or local level.The webinar presented effective and efficient methods of monitoring, analyzing and using open data, as well as the potential impact on the countries of Central Asia, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.The webinar was attended by officials from countries of Southeast, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, representatives of civil society, as well as international experts to discuss and exchange experiences on the role of open data and the possibility of evidence-based decision-making based on the needs of citizens and the community.The online seminar was attended by the head and employees of the department for monitoring and coordinating the activities of the Open Data Portal of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics..

Final meeting of the work of the IMF mission 

On November 6, 2020, the State Committee on Statistics hosted a final online meeting with the International Monetary Fund's remote technical assistance mission on producer price index statistics, headed by Brian Graf, Senior Economist, Real Sector Division, IMF Statistics Department.The first Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, Kholmurodov Dilshod Ibrahimovich, took part in the closing of the mission. Also, employees of the Price Statistics Department, headed by the head of the Price Statistics Department, Mukhtor Umarov, took part in the closing of the mission.Sides exchanged views on the work done during the mission. Brian Graf summed up the mission's work and after that, voiced recommendations for the consumer price index.As a result of the negotiations, the sides agreed to continue further cooperation in the field of price statistics.

An event on ecological and environmental assessment took place

On October 26-27, 2020 in Geneva (Switzerland), the 17th session of the Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators and the 22nd session of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment took place online. Head of the Department of Agriculture and Ecology Statistics Sh. Gulomov and Chief Specialist A. Gafurova took part in these events from the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics. Head of the Department of Agriculture and Ecology Statistics Sh. Gulomov and Chief Specialist A. Gafurova took part in these events from the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics. The sessions were attended by representatives of the statistical services of Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine, North Macedonia and other member states of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, as well as experts from the European Commission, the European Environment Agency environment, the Global Earth Observation System of Systems, the United Nations Environment Development Program, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The 17th session was aimed at providing updated information on the latest developments in the framework of the project "Improving environmental monitoring and assessment in support of achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals for South-Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus" and a number of others capacity building activities. During the session, the revised Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators were discussed, issues were considered about the need to replace or add some indicators, for example, those related to climate change and others. The 22nd session discussed the availability of environmental indicators and their availability online, presented the work of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, considered the principles and practices of the Common Environmental Information System in the eastern region, the draft schedule of events for 2021 held by the Working group.

There was an opening of a webinar on price statistics

On October 26 this year, the State Statistics Committee hosted the opening of a 10-day webinar dedicated to technical assistance to the Office of Price Statistics by Brian Graf, Chief Economist of the Statistics Office of the International Monetary Fund. Calculations of producer price statistics during the webinar and the work that is underway on the process of forming the index. He also commented on the price index of industrial enterprises. The webinar includes topics for other reports and observations on producer price statistics that are planned to be discussed in future webinars. The webinar will run until November 6. The opening of the webinar took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere. public sectors. During the two-day visit, the parties exchanged views and shared their experiences on the agenda. The meetings were held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. At the final stage, issues of further cooperation of the CIS Statistical Committee, the Statistical Service of the Republic of Belarus and the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan were discussed.

A videoconference was held to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the UN

On October 23, 2020, a videoconference was held to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the UN and present the results of the global company. The international event was attended by Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tanzila Norboyeva, UN Resident Representative in Uzbekistan Helena Fraser, First Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Akmal Saidov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov, Chairman of the national movement "Yuksalish" Bobur Bekmurodov and others. The videoconferences were monitored by representatives of the State Committee on Statistics. It should be noted that in recent years our country has been pursuing close and mutually beneficial cooperation with the UN. In this direction, dialogues are regularly held at the highest level, advanced initiatives are put forward by our country at various UN platforms. To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations in 2020, the global campaign “UN 75” was launched in January this year by the Secretary-General of the Organization. The main goal of this initiative is, together with the member countries, to study the role of global cooperation in accelerating the development of the world and finding solutions to global problems, including for eliminating the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, building a promising future. The presentation of the video clip “Human” took place at the event. The participants exchanged views on issues of interaction with government agencies and institutions of civil society, NGOs within the framework of the global campaign “UN 75”. There was also a presentation of the first results of the global UN 75 campaign.

A seminar on improving energy statistics was held

On October 22 of this year, a meeting was held in the form of a videoconference at the State Committee on Statistics within the framework of the “National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2025” with representatives of the International Energy Agency. The event was attended by employees of the State Statistics Committee, Markus Fager-Pintilla from the International Energy Agency, Antonio Carvalho, Celine Rouquette and the agency's representative in our country Talib Sultanov. The event discussed the issues of improving statistics in the field of energy in accordance with international standards, determining the state of rational and economical use of fuel and energy resources by business entities and households, forming the necessary high-quality fuel and energy balance. Deputy Head of the Industry Statistics Department of the State Statistics Committee A. Abdullaev spoke at the meeting. Also, the head of the department for the formation of summary analytical information on industry and indicators of industrial development programs A. Avakova expressed her opinion on the topic. As a result of the event, the experts analyzed the work carried out by the State Statistics Committee on energy statistics and agreed on the work planned in the future on the identified problems and shortcomings.

Discussed issues of gender statistics in the countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) regularly organizes working sessions on gender statistics to share experiences and advance international work on gender statistics.

On October 12 this year in Geneva, Switzerland, a regular meeting of the working session took place via videoconference.

In the event, which will last until October 14, specialists responsible for gender statistics in national statistical offices and international organizations from countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus will discuss the issues of measuring gender statistics in the countries of the regions and the problems faced by countries during the pandemic.

The head of the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, Zoyir Yuldoshev, is taking part in these events.

Following the meeting, gender statistics experts will analyze the methodological work carried out by the UNECE task forces in the field of gender statistics and discuss the effectiveness of measures to respond to crisis situations.

A webinar on statistics of international labor migration in the Asia-Pacific region was organized

On October 12 this year, a webinar on statistics of international labor migration in the Asia-Pacific region was organized in cooperation with the International Labor Organization and the Statistics Office of Korea.

This webinar, held in the form of video conferencing, will last until October 15 of this year. It is also attended by the Deputy Head of the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics of the State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sherzod Abraev.

Representatives of Australia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Georgia, Iran, India, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Papua are taking part in the event, in addition to the staff of the International Labor Organization and the Statistics Office of Korea. - New Guinea, Korea, Samoa, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Fiji, Sri Lanka and Japan.

During the webinar, an exchange of views took place on statistics of international labor migration, data collection, strategies for using administrative data, methods of compiling statistics on international labor migration using various sources.

The participants expressed their suggestions and recommendations for improving statistics on international labor migration in the Asia-Pacific region.

An online conference on preparations for the population census was organized

On October 9 of this year, a meeting was organized between the State Committee on Statistics, UNFPA and partner organizations in the form of video conferencing.

At this meeting, information was provided on the current results of the preparatory work for the population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022. The event was also attended by the representative of UNFPA, Mr. Yu Yu.

At the event under the leadership of the Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics M. Ziyadullaev, representatives of the committee made a presentation on preparations for the population census following the results of the 3rd quarter of 2020. Also at the meeting, special attention was paid to filling out the population census questionnaire, preparing methodological documents and instructions, preparing cartographic materials and international cooperation.

At the end of the event, the parties exchanged views on the planned future work on the population census.

Strengthening the statistical system in Uzbekistan

On October 2 this year, under the leadership of the World Bank, a video conference was organized within the framework of the project "Strengthening the statistical system in Uzbekistan". In it, representatives of the World Bank, the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations, the State Committee on Statistics and the State Tax Committee exchanged views online.

The online conference was attended by the First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics - Dilshod Kholmurodov, Head of the Department of Macroeconomic Indicators and National Accounts - Aziz Mamirov, Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Information Exchange - Odiljon Mamadaliev, Head of the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics - Zoyir Yuldoshev, Head of the Department for Coordination of Statistics estimates of the shadow economy - Ziyoda Kamilova.

During the event, participants discussed issues related to the definition of the informal sector and the shadow economy for statistical purposes, statistical indicators of the informal sector of the labor market, measuring the informal sector among enterprises and institutions, data on formal and informal business, creating measures to encourage formalities.

Senior Economist of the World Bank – Mr. William Seitz spoke in detail about foreign experience in strengthening the statistical system, methods implemented in the practice of strengthening the statistical system, existing problems and measures to eliminate them.

First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics - Kholmurodov Dilshod Ibrahimovich gave detailed information about the work being done to develop the National System of Statistics.

Experts in this field answered in detail the questions of interest to the participants of the event.

Discussion of the project for the preparation of an investment case on the need to reform the system of child benefits in Uzbekistan

On September 30, 2020, an online expert consultation was held to discuss the preparation of an investment justification for the need to reform the system of child benefits in Uzbekistan as part of the implementation of the Joint Biennial Work Plan for 2019-2020, signed between the Ministry of Finance and UNICEF.

The head of the Department for the formation of demographic indicators of the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics - Rakhimdjon Satvaldiev and the chief specialist of the Department for the formation and analysis of indicators of the living standards of the Department of Living Standards and Population Surveys – Muslima Mukhamedova took part in the event. Also, the event was attended by the relevant employees of the involved Ministries and Departments of the Republic.

 In this expert consultation, the head of the Department of Financing the Social Sphere and Science of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Nodir Muslitdinov, Umid Aliyev, Acting Head of Social Policy Department, UNICEF Office in Uzbekistan, and international expert, Matthew Townshend, made a presentation on the topic: “Draft report on the analysis of the cost of inaction - the economic costs associated with continuing to apply current policies and approaches to the payment of child benefits in Uzbekistan".

Further, there was a discussion and agreement of assumptions (hypotheses) and initial data that will be used in the analysis of the cost of inaction, which implies an assessment of the economic costs associated with the continuation of the current policy and approaches in the payment of child benefits.

At the end of the videoconference, responsible officials from ministries and departments provided constructive comments and recommendations to improve the presented methodology for analysis and data collection.

Re-meeting of expert groups on telecommunication/ICT indicators and ICT indicators in households

On September 29, 2020, a re-meeting of the 11th meeting of the Expert Group on Telecommunication / ICT Indicators and the 8th meeting of the Expert Group on ICT in Households Indicators was held in the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics via videoconference.

The purpose of today's meeting was to announce the conclusions of a joint meeting held on 14 September this year, which was attended by about 300 participants to discuss the Secretariat's proposals for a possible release of the ICT Development Index in 2020.

On behalf of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, today's re-meeting was attended by employees of the Department of Macroeconomic Indicators and National Accounts, the Department of Service Statistics and the Department of Living Standards Statistics and Population Surveys and the Department of Price Statistics.

From 14 to 18 September this year, the 11th meeting of the expert group on telecommunication / ICT indicators and the 8th meeting of the expert group on ICT indicators in households were held. The purpose of these meetings was to review the contributions received from participants in the online discussion forums of the Expert Group on Telecommunication / ICT Indicators and the Expert Group on Household Indicators in the current working period and to finalize the topics discussed.

The Expert Group on Telecommunication / ICT Indicators meeting discussed topics such as 5G metrics, ICT service prices, quality of service and international roaming. In addition, the revised International Telecommunication Union Handbook for the collection of administrative data in the field of telecommunications / ICT in all ITU languages ​​was formally presented.

The Expert Group on Household Indicators meeting discussed topics such as measuring ICT skills and how to measure the number of Internet users. The revised International Telecommunication Union Guidelines for Measuring ICT Access and Use at the Household and Individual Level in all ITU languages ​​were formally presented.

Meeting of the expert group on the population and housing census

On September 29 this year in Geneva, Switzerland, a meeting of the expert group on the population and housing census began its work.

This meeting will last until October 1. It will be attended by representatives of statistical agencies of the countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, as well as experts from international organizations.

The online event will address issues such as preparing the population and housing for the census in a pandemic, innovative methods of conducting the event, using administrative and other information sources, assessing data quality, and meeting user needs.

The event is also attended by the head of the department for organizing and conducting the census processes of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on statistics Berdikulov Kobil Gulomovich.

The main goal of the event is to discuss the experience of countries that have conducted activities on the population and housing census in the framework of the 2020 round.

During the meeting, Kobil Berdikulov informed about the work done and plans for the future on the preparation and conduct of the population census in Uzbekistan.

The report of the Goskomstat representative made a great impression on international experts. Experts highly appreciated the work being done to prepare for the population census in Uzbekistan.

The 9th Session of the Statistical Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation began its work

On September 28 the 9th Session of the Statistical Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (SESRIC) began its work in Istanbul (Turkey).

The event, organized in the form of a videoconference, is also attended by the Goskomstat team, headed by the chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich.

The purpose of the event is to discuss the issues related to the development of official statistics in the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the capacity strengthening for national statistical offices for the purpose of producing, disseminating and analyzing data in accordance with international standards.

On the agenda of the Session, which will be held from September 28 to October 1, delegates from Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Pacific region will hear reports and consider initiatives:

✓Adoption of the Strategic Vision of the Statistical Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for 2030 and an action program for 2021-2025;

✓discuss new approaches to strengthening the capacity of national statistical systems;

✓Consider the issues of monitoring and reporting on SDG indicators, goal number 1 (universal elimination of poverty in all its forms);

✓ the use of non-traditional data sources in official statistics.

(For reference: SESRIC – The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries, is the executive body of the Bureau of the Statistical Commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

An online conference on the occasion of the International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI) was held

On September 28, 2020, an online video conference dedicated to the international day of universal access to information was held, which was organized by the OSCE project coordinator in Uzbekistan and The Public Fund for support and development of national mass media.

The online event examines legal aspects, media freedom and reforms, and universal access to information on the path to Open government: open data, data collection, and best national and international practices.

Legal aspects, freedom and reforms in the media sphere, as well as universal access to information on the way to Open government: open data, data collection, best national and international practices were discussed during the online event.

Then the reports of international and national experts were heard in two thematic blocks:

  • Ambassador John McGregor, OSCE project coordinator in Uzbekistan
  • Ambassador Ulrika Funered, permanent representative of Sweden to the OSCE and Chairperson of the OSCE Permanent Council in 2021
  • Natalia Carfi, Deputy Director of the Open Data Charter
  • Komil Allamzhonov, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Public Fund for support and development of national mass media
  • Helena Fraser, UN resident Coordinator in Uzbekistan
  • Melissa Fleming, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for global communications
  • Bibigul Zheksenbay, President of the editors-in-chief club in the Republic of Kazakhstan, adviser to the Minister of information and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Oleg Pekos, First Deputy Minister of development of information technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Alexandra Kolesnichenko, Director of The Public Fund for support and development of national mass media
  • Farkhod Ibragimov, Director of the IT Park of Uzbekistan

A.Sultanov, head of the Department for monitoring and coordinating the activities of the open data portal of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on statistics, took part in the online video conference.

Practical training was conducted on filling out the mix questionnaires in mahallas

Goskomstat together with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) organized a video seminar on filling out the mix questionnaires.

The online seminar is attended by the management of the state statistics Committee, international experts, supervisors and interviewers from the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Tashkent region and the capital.

The workshop provides a test check of the prepared questionnaires on multi-indicator cluster observations (MIX).

It should be noted that on July 24, 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution "Оn conducting a multi-Indicator cluster survey in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020-2021". Based on this decree, the government, with the support of UNICEF, is implementing various measures to monitor the country's important statistics on the lifestyle of mothers and children.

Supervisors and interviewers are trained by specialists from the state statistics Committee, the Ministry of health and the UNICEF office in Uzbekistan in this training workshop, which is being held from September 14 this year.

On September 21-22, participants of the training seminar conducted practical exercises on filling out questionnaires for multi-indicator cluster surveys in selected mahallas of the Tashkent region and the capital.

An exchange of views on gender equality issues took place

On September 17, 2020, a video conference on gender issues was organized within the framework of the project "Support for the development of intraregional and international trade in Central Asian countries".

It was attended by representatives of the state statistics Committee, the world trade Center, the Ministry of investment and foreign trade, the State customs Committee and project coordinators.

It should be noted that the "Project to support the development of intraregional and international trade in Central Asian countries" is designed for 4 years. Practical assistance to the sustainable and comprehensive economic development of countries will be provided through the implementation of the project in practice.

During the videoconference, an exchange of views was held on improving the collection of data on gender statistics, in particular, the possibility of obtaining data on women entrepreneurs, women involved in regional and international trade, and the main business areas where women are involved.

How to complete the population census questionnaire?

Published: 16/09/2020


On September 16 this year, a webinar was held to discuss the draft "Questionnaire and instructions for completing the questionnaire for the 2022 population census."

The event was organized jointly with the CIS Statistical Committee. The webinar was attended by employees of the CIS Statistical Committee, as well as employees of the Office for Organization and Conduct of Census Processes and the Department of Demography and Labor Statistics of the State Statistics Committee.

At the webinar, the head of the CIS Statistical Committee V.L. Sokolin and head of department I.A. Zbarskaya analyzed the draft questionnaire and instructions for completing the population census questionnaire for 2022 and expressed their views on how to fill out the population census questionnaire.

 During the event, issues on improving the draft instructions for filling out the questionnaire for the 2022 population census were discussed.

Purchasing power parity of currencies: measuring the scale and structure of economies

On September 15 in Moscow in a videoconferencing mode the Deputy Chairman of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States - Andrey Yevgenyevich Kosarev delivered a presentation on the theme: “Purchasing power parity of currencies: measuring the scale and the structure of economies”.

The presentation highlighted the prerequisites which laid the foundation for the Global Programme of International Comparisons, the historical background on the stages of carrying-out the calculations, the main theoretical and practical aspects of international comparisons based on the purchasing power parity of currencies and the results of the 2017 cycle were presented as well.

The representatives of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the representatives of the national statistical services of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, the representatives of ROSTAT, the representatives of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the senior executives and the higher-education teaching personnel of the Higher School of Economics (RF), more than 10 recognized expert economists and statisticians of the international level took part in the event.

Following the results of the presentation the discussion of the results of the 2017 cycle took place, Andrey Kosarev answered questions of current interest related to calculation methodology and plans for conducting the upcoming Global Programme for International Comparisons - 2020 cycle.

Meeting with representatives of the International Monetary Fund

On September 3, 2020 in a videoconferencing mode the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics - Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich held talks with the Head of the IMF Mission to Uzbekistan - Mr. Ron van Rooden.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a wide range of issues of cooperation in the light of the adoption of the Ruling of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan  “On measures for further improvement and development of  the national statistics system of the Republic of Uzbekistan” within the framework of Uzbekistan's transition to the Special Data Dissemination Standard” (SDDS) of the IMF, GDP statistics.

The welcoming speech highlighted the Ruling RP-4796 and the items of the roadmap for the implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics. The parties talked more specifically about the issues of macroeconomic statistics and touched upon the aspects of perspective cooperation and technical assistance from the IMF. The IMF representatives noted the positive dynamics of the on-going large-scale reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan, including in terms of the activities of the statistics bodies, also expressed their intention to actively assist within the framework of Uzbekistan’s transition to the Special Data Dissemination Standard” (SDDS) of the IMF.

The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

The 7th session of ESCAP started in Bangkok

On August 26 this year, the 7th session of the Asia - Pacific economic and social Commission (ESCAP) began in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. Representatives of the State Committee on statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan  also take part in this international webinar.

The purpose of this online event is to discuss the development of official statistics in member countries and to build capacity for national statistical offices in the ESCAP region to produce, distribute and analyze data in accordance with international standards.

On 26-28 August this year, delegates from 50 countries in Asia and the Pacific will make presentations and discuss issues related to improving official statistics for the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

The discussions will explore the initiatives of statistical agencies and share experiences in the areas of integrated statistics, data analysis, modernization of official statistics and effective use of data.

Participants opinions on issues such as monitoring the implementation of initiatives, civil registration and vital statistics, and many issues on the agenda will also be studied.

At the end of the 7th session of ESCAP, representatives of the State Committee on statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan will also develop guidelines and recommendations aimed at enhancing the role of national statistical systems, as well as improving official statistics.

Effective management for the purpose of economic development

On August 24, a meeting of the Representatives of the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Republic of Uzbekistan with the heads of line ministries and public agencies of the Republic of Uzbekistan took place in the videoconferencing mode.

Mr. Timothy Torlot, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Republic of Uzbekistan; Ms Honor Flanagan, Head of the Central Asia Office of the UK Department for International Development; Mr. David Rinnert, Deputy Head of the Central Asia Office of the UK Department for International Development took part in the meeting. On the part of the State Committee on Statistics, the meeting was led by Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich - Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics.

The Uzbek delegation was headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Kuchkarov Jamshid Anvarovich. Also, the heads of the Central Bank, Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, Employment and Labor Relations participated. On the part of Goskomstat, the meeting was headed by Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich - Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics.

The event provided information on the details of the project ""Effective management for the purpose of economic development" created with the support of the UK Department for International Development.

The participants of the event expressed their opinion on the importance of cooperation in such areas as the development of human capital, in particular, in the field of entrepreneurial education and state support for women and youth, the development of the labor market and the expansion of the formal sector, as well as urbanization, which is a factor in the development of internal migration.

At the event, the leadership of the State Statistics Committee exchanged views on providing technical support for the development of statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan as an important aspect of cooperation with Great Britain.

Following the results of the meeting, proposals were voiced and further steps were developed to approve a special programme for the Republic of Uzbekistan "Effective management for the purpose of economic development" created with the support of the UK Department for International Development.

Discussed current achievements and shortcomings of foreign economic activity and trade statistics

On August 20 of this year, a webinar was organized by the Department of Foreign Economic Activity and Trade Statistics at the State Committee on Statistics. It was attended by employees of the department of statistics of foreign economic activity and trade, as well as employees of the territorial departments of statistics of the Committee.

The webinar spoke about the content and implementation of the decree of the head of state No. PP-4796 "On measures to further improve and develop the National System of Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan."

During the webinar, a question and answer session was held with employees of the Department of Foreign Economic Activity and Trade Statistics with regional departments of statistics. In the course of answering questions, detailed information was given on improving statistics of foreign and domestic trade.

In particular, according to the results of January-June 2020, the foreign trade turnover of the republic amounted to 15 855.8 million US dollars, in relation to the corresponding period of 2019 - 3 528.0 million. It was noted that it decreased against the US dollar or by 18.2%.

At the end of the event, the advantages and disadvantages in the field were discussed, suggestions and recommendations were provided to increase productivity in the process.

Such seminars will be continued on the basis of the schedule with coverage of all employees of the sphere until September 5 of this year.

Videoconference between Goskomstat and the Department of Statistics Malaysia

On August 10 of this year, with the support of the diplomatic consulate of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Malaysia, a video conference was held between the State Committee on Statistics and the Department of Statistics of Malaysia.

This event was organized within the framework of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4796 "On measures to further improve and develop the National System of Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan." The event was attended by the management and responsible employees of the State Committee on Statistics and the Department of Statistics Malaysia.

Mr. Ravshan Usmanov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Malaysia, made a welcoming speech.

In turn, the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich briefly introduced the participants in the video conference about the ongoing reforms in the field of statistics, in a specific resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PP-4796 dated August 3, 2020 "On measures to further improve and develop the national system of statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

General Director of the Department of Statistics Malaysia, Dr. Mohd Uzir Mahidin, in turn, praised the reforms to improve and develop the national system of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The parties discussed the development of bilateral cooperation through the organization of joint webinars to study Malaysian best practices in assessing the "Unobserved (shadow) economy".

Also, the parties agreed to organize webinars for Goskomstat employees with the involvement of relevant specialists from the Department of Statistics Malaysia to study the experience of Malaysia on the effective use of advanced ICT capabilities in production processes.

Following the meeting, the parties agreed to consider the issue of signing a memorandum of understanding and cooperation between the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and the Department of Statistics Malaysia for the further development of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of statistics.

A video conference was held with World Bank expert

On August 4 of this year, a video conference was held between Goskomstat specialists and an expert from the World Bank.

The videoconference discussed the issues of statistical evaluation of the “non-observed (shadow) economy” and its more complete reflection in the country's macroeconomic indicators.

In particular, information was provided on the work carried out by the State Statistics Committee, on the study of world experience in this area, as well as on the existing practice of statistical evaluation of the “non-observed (shadow) economy” in Uzbekistan.

They also exchanged views on the "non-observed (shadow) economy", methods of statistical evaluation, as well as the practice of statistical evaluation of shadow economic activity.

In turn, the World Bank expert William Hutchins Seitz provided information on issues that require special attention when organizing work to assess the “non-observed (shadow) economy”, world experience in this area and recommendations of international organizations.

As a result of the negotiations, preliminary agreements were reached on providing the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics with the necessary technical and expert assistance from the World Bank in organizing work to assess the “non-observed (shadow) economy” in the country.

Exchange of views on topical issues of statistical practice

On July 21, 27, 28, 29 this year, within the framework of bilateral cooperation and the programme of measures on improving the statistical accounting, the meetings of representatives of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on statistics and the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia took place in the video-conferencing mode.

The discussion of methodological and practical aspects of the activities of two institutions was held in the agenda of the bilateral meetings.

The parties exchanged issues of interest on the collection, processing, analysis and publication of statistical data on statistics related to industry, services and transport, investments and construction, business registers, foreign economic activity and trade, agriculture and ecology, national accounts, entrepreneurial activities and ICT.

The meetings were held in the format of presenting thematic presentations and further discussion on issues of interest.


Following the results of the video-conferencing, the parties agreed to continue their close cooperation on all relevant issues of statistical practice.

Uzbekistan by number of open data sources ranked 6th in the world

According to Open Data Inception, Uzbekistan occupies 6th in the world in terms of the number of open data sources with 70 open data sources.

Open Data Inception is a comprehensive list of over 2600 open data portals developed by Open Data Soft. The official site of “Open Data Inception” is widely used all over the world and one of the most huge open data sources.

Top 10 open data sources Country lists:


Number of sources


United States









United Kingdom




















In addition, the United Nations (UN) the largest 21 public information sources are registered at the “Open Data Inception”.

As a reminder, according to the UN E-Government Survey 2020, Uzbekistan is among the 41 countries in the world with the highest indicator (Very High OGDI) on open data in the “Open Government Data Index”. A total of 193 countries were assessed in this ranking, and Uzbekistan received the highest score.

The active development of open data in Uzbekistan is supported by the OSCE project Coordinator in Uzbekistan, the World Bank and UNDP.

A webinar was held on the potential of open data to increase transparency and accountability during the COVID-19 crisis

On July 22, 2020, an online video conference on the role of open data and digital tools in enhancing government transparency and integrity was held on the topic “the Potential of open data in enhancing transparency and accountability during the COVID-19 crisis”, organized by the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economics and Environmental Activities.

Promoting good governance and anti-corruption efforts are among the priorities of the OSCE Economic and Environmental Dimension. Recognizing the importance of open data platforms and digitalization in promoting good governance with the aim of enhancing accountability in public administrations and reducing corruption, the OCEEA is supporting OSCE participating States to build their capacity in using digital tools to present, monitor, and analyse open data.

During the conference, the following speakers shared and discussed best practices, as well as national experiences in publishing data in emergencies and issues related to open data:

- Ms . Barbara Ubaldi, OECD Directorate for Public Governance

- Mr. Karolis Granickas, Senior Programme Manager, Open Contracting Partnership (OCP)

- Ms . Leila Bičakčić, The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) in Sarajevo

- Mr. Murod Khusanov, OSCE Office of the Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan

A.Sultanov, head of the Department for monitoring and coordination of the open data portal of the State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan, took part in the online video conference as a speaker.

Online discussion on the Strategy for the Development of National Statistics

On July 21 this year, Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich held an online discussion with leading experts of the World Bank on the progress of work carried out within the framework of the "National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2025"

During this event, the results of the conducted test sample surveys of households using tablets in 2020 based on questionnaires recommended by the World Bank were discussed in detail.

The World Bank expert also provided the necessary recommendations for improving the household survey questionnaires using tablets, which are planned for 2021.

The webinar was held in the form of discussion and exchange of views.

Information service

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) revised the prevalence of undernourishment in Uzbekistan

In order to ensure the implementation of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4273 dated April 9, 2019 “On additional measures to ensure the openness and transparency of state department, as well as increase the statistical potential of the country” and the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. UP-6003 dated June 2, 2020"About Improvement of Line Items of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the International Ratings and Indexes, and also Implementation of the New Mechanism of System Work with Them in State Bodies and the Organizations", the State Statistics Committee is carrying out a number of activities.

Specifically, in 2019, according to the order of the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics, an expert group under the leadership of Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics M. Ziyadullaev was established to explore the indicator "Prevalence of Undernourishment", annually announced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO.

During a seminar organized by the FAO in Tashkent on 10-12 December 2019, representative of the expert group of the State Committee on Statistics H.Khudoykulova discussed with Fao experts the shortcomings in the calculation of the "Prevalence of Undernourishment" in Uzbekistan. FAO experts have recalculated the Prevalence of Undernourishment in Uzbekistan on the basis of the New Food Balance Sheet since 2014, taking into account the feedback of the expert of the State Statistics Committeeand as a result, the figure was 2.8% (0.9 million) for 2016-2018 and 2.6% (0.8 million) for the last 2017-2019.

These data were officially announced at Launch of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World Report 2020 Confirmationand Nutrition 2020” (SOFI 2020) on July 13, 2020 and on the official website of the FAO.

The event was attended by the head of the Department of monitoring and coordination of the Open data portal A.Sultanov and chief specialist H.Khudoykulova, as well as the head of the Department of Population Living Standards and Surveys Statistics J.Yuldashev.

The indicator “Prevalence of Undernourishment”, which is regularly published by the FAO, is an important indicator of the living standards of the country's population at the international level.       

Earlier, in the report SOFI 2019 of the FAO in 2019, Uzbekistan was ranked after Kazakhstan (2,1%) and Turkmenistan (5,4%) in Central Asia with prevalence of undernourishmentwith an indicator of 6,3% (2,0 million people) in 2016-2018.

Since July 13, 2020, the indicator "Prevalence of Undernourishment" in Uzbekistan has been revised to the positive side and published on its official website, the figure was 2.8% (0.9 million) for 2016-2018 and 2.6% (0.8 million) for the last 2017-2019.

The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics expresses his gratitude to the expert of FAO Dorian Kalamveros Navarro, the team of the FAO Statistics Division (ESS) and Senior Statistician Carlo Cafiero for their close assistance in providing clarity to the data.

The Republic of Uzbekistan became the first country in Central Asia to be admitted to the most comprehensive list of open data portals in the world

Open data portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan ““ and the official web site of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics “” are accepted in the most comprehensive list of open data portals in the world - is the most comprehensive list of open data portals in the world. It is curated by a group of leading open data experts from around the world - including representatives from local, regional and national governments, international organisations such as the World Bank, and numerous NGOs.

Open data portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan ““ and the official web site of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics “” were thoroughly discussed by the experts of for the admission to comprehensive list and found to be suitable for it.

 Nowadays,589 Data Portals are included in a comprehensive list of open data portals from around the world. So far, Uzbekistan is included in this list as the only country in Central Asia with two open data sources.

Between the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics B. Begalov and Head of UNICEF Office in Uzbekistan Sasha Grauman organized a remote video conference

On July 1 of this year, a remote video conference was held between the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics B. Begalov and the Head of the UNICEF Office in Uzbekistan Sasha Grauman.

During the conversation, questions of the implementation of further activities within the framework of the “Work Plan for the Cooperation Program for 2020” and, in particular, related to the multi-indicator cluster survey MICS in the current situation in the Republic related to COVID-19 were discussed.

An agreement was also reached to continue the implementation of the MICS project. Between the State Committee on Statistics and UNICEF, cooperation will be carried out to develop a system that will include statistical and administrative databases for monitoring children's rights.

Following the meeting, an agreement was reached on the creation of a statistical compilation and a web portal in which information about children in Uzbekistan will be collected.

Information Service

Modern models of the activities of statistical agencies

On July 1, a seminar was held in the State Committee  on Statistics  on the topic "Modern models of the activities of statistical agencies".

The event, organized by the Department of Information Dissemination, International Cooperation and Data Exchange, was attended by employees of the central office of the State Committee  on Statistics.

At the beginning of the seminar, the participants mentioned the tasks to improve the statistical system, increase the potential of specialists in this field, set by the head of state at a meeting held on June 1, 2020, chaired by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, which was devoted to measures on improvement of national statistics.

During the seminar, Odiljon Mamadaliev, head of the Department of Information Dissemination, International Cooperation and Data Exchange, spoke in detail about the Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM), the Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM), the Generic Activity Model for Statistical Organizations (GAMSO) and discussed implementation issues data models in the field of statistics.

Also, the seminar touched upon compliance with the basic principles of quality management and the participants of the seminar received all the answers to their questions.

Information service

A training workshop was held to further increase the capacity of the open data group of trainers

On June 30, this year, with the support of the World Bank project “Capacity building and implementation for the development of the open data ecosystem”, the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics organized a training seminar to improve the skills of national open data trainers who were previously trained with the assistance of the project of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan.

During the training, Ivan Fost, an expert at the World Bank, spoke about the methodology for managing open data, approaches to data inventory, identifying reference data sources, and evaluating data quality.

Upon completion of training, participants received a structured overview on approaches when working with suppliers of open data, project specific guidance documents that can be modified and adopted as normative acts regulating the activities of the open data of Uzbekistan, balanced algorithm of the disclosure between the technological capabilities, regulatory constraints, user requests the staffing capabilities of agencies.

It should be noted that in 2019, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan prepared a group of trainers using the training workshop "Training of trainers in Open Data", which, in turn, trained 185 employees from 88 ministries and departments.

In 2020, it is planned to continue training courses for employees of ministries and departments responsible for working with open data. The group of trainers, who have improved their skills by preparing a more modern training course, will continue their training with the support of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, the IT Park, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan and the World Bank.

Information service

68th plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians

The 68th plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) started its work as videoconference on 22 June 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland. The CES is one of the oldest statistical bodies in the world, it was founded in 1953 by the League of Nations, and the first Conference on Statistics was held in 1928.

Mr. Bakhodir Begalov, the Chairman of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and heads of branch departments take part in the 68th plenary session The agenda of the CES, which is being held from 22-24 June 2020, includes the following topics: new CES guidelines and recommendations, UNECE statistical programs for 2020 and 2021, globalization and the future of economic statistics, measuring digital transformation, data management - NSOs in a changing world, and many others.

CES participants review and adopt international statistical standards, get acquainted with international best practices and the latest recommendations and achievements in the field of statistics.

As a result of the event, a work plan for 2021, practical recommendations of the CES, which will serve as the basis for strategic planning of the work of national statistical institutes, will be developed.

    Information Service

Webinar on building the capacity of the open data Working group

June 22, 2020 at 14:00-17:00 the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics with the support of the World Bank will be organized “Webinar on building the capacity of the open data Working group”.

By publishing data, governments around the world are helping to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, namely mitigating and halting the spread of the pandemic. During the webinar, a review will be presented on solutions based on open data to combat the global pandemic and actions taken in Uzbekistan. The presentation will include examples of initiatives by states, the private sector and nongovernmental organizations in the areas of health, labor, business support, education, etc. and the importance of open data in decision-making during a global pandemic.

Experts from the World Bank, as well as representatives from various government agencies, the private sector and academia, will talk about open data and how data affects and creates economic value for governments. Experts will talk about the prospects of the government, the private sector, science and academia, as well as entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan.

After the discussion, participants will have the opportunity to participate in seminars on such topics as “Data Depersonalization” and “Metadata for open data”. Information will be provided on methods that can be used to anonymize data and on the use of metadata to simplify working with open data.

You can participate in the webinar at the following link:

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Open data Based Responses to Covid-19 Pandemic around the World in Uzbekistan

Amity University Tashkent, together with the World Bank in Uzbekistan and State Committee on statistics, is organizing webinar on topic “Open data Based Responses to Covid-19 Pandemic around the World in Uzbekistan”.

The World Bank Group, one of the largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries, is taking broad, fast action to help developing countries strengthen their pandemic response

Date: June 17, 2020

Time: 15:00

Webinar Language: English

Link for registrartion:


Information service

An exchange of views with UNICEF representatives on the MICS survey

The State Committee on Statistics and senior experts of the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) organized a video seminar on the Multi-Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020-2021.

The Goskomstat employees, international experts and representatives of the territorial statistical departments took part in the video seminar. The seminar was devoted to what should be taken into account when conducting MICS monitoring, as well as foreign experience in this field.

It should be noted that on July 24, 2019, a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On conducting a multi-indicator cluster survey in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020-2021” was adopted. Accordingly, a number of preparations are planned for the MICS monitoring.

The event also held an exchange of views on enforcement of the Cabinet of Ministers.

At the video seminar, explanations were provided on such issues as the organization of further work on MICS, work on maps, and the rules for segmenting quarters.

Information Service

A distance videoconference was held between the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and the Asian Development Bank (ADB)

On June 9, 2020, a remote video conference on gender statistics was held between the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and the Asian Development Bank.

During the videoconference improvement of gender statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan with the support of experts from the Asian Development Bank, including the development of international methodologies and standards, as well as indicators on gender statistics were discussed.

Also, at the meeting participants discussed the compilation of information, methods of collection and analysis; on the publication of output data, the method of disseminating information, as well as taking into account the needs of users and disaggregating data by gender.

At the end of the videoconference representatives agreed to continue in the future such videoconferences.

Information service

Uzbekistan participates for the first time in the international competition World AI & Data Challenge

On June 27-28, with the support of IT Park, the World Bank, the OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction and the State Committees of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, this year Uzbekistan joined the contest and will also hold an online data hackathon.

It should be noted, World AI & Data Challenge - this is an international competition, aimed at solving global socio-economic problems with the help of technological processing of large-scale and artificial intelligence.

Experts in the field of AI & Data for two days will become mentors for developers and will share their experience in the implementation of projects in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and data analysis, as well as help participants to reconcile hypotheses of solving problems and, if desired, will take the best children to accompany MVP-solutions.

The hackathon itself will take place online for 48 hours. Participants will be offered about 40 tasks at the international and regional levels for development.
Uzbekistan submitted to the contest the task “Combating poverty and improving the quality of life.”

The best participants will have the opportunity to implement their solutions internationally, receive training and receive cash prizes.

Learn more about the contest:

Information service

>A remote workshop on potential cooperation was held in support of the development of open data in Uzbekistan

Within the framework of potential cooperation to support the development of open data in Uzbekistan, the online event, entitled “Open Data Uzbekistan Workshop Agenda” was held by experts from Open Data Watch with the support of the project coordinator of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Uzbekistan, for the experts of State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, On May 21 of this year.

Open Data Watch is an international, non-profit organization working at the intersection of open data and official statistics. Their work supports the implementation of change in the production and management of official statistical data. Open Data Watch created the Open Data Inventory (ODIN) to provide annual assessments of the coverage and openness of official statistics in countries around the world. By monitoring quality and opennessof data they can help thegovernments, international organizations, and citizens to solve the challenges of measuring and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The main purpose of the Remote Workshop on Potential Cooperation to Support the Development of Open Data in Uzbekistanis to discuss and explain and interpretthe following important topics:

  • Open data definitions and standards, the state of open data, and the benefits and challenges;
  • Special Topic-Open Data & COVID-19: The role and importance of open data during crisis;
  • A review of the ODIN methodology- how coverage and openness are measured, indicators and categories, basic scoring;
  • ODIN 2018/19 results and scores;
  • Short and long term recommendations based on ODIN 2018/19 results, including those that may be implemented before the ODIN 2020/21 assessment.

Organizational matters were considered and future tasks were identified for the implementation of the “On additional measures to ensure openness and transparency of public administration, and improving statistical capacity of the country”.

Also, at the end of the online event representatives agreed to continue in the future such events on actual themes.

Information service

A distance videoconference was held between the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and the Serbian Statistical Office (SORS).

Within the framework of the memorandum of understanding and cooperation between the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and the Serbian Statistical Office (SORS), a distance videoconference was held on May 15 this year.

The main purpose of the videoconference is the exchange of experience, the study and implementation of best practices in the field of statistics. In accordance with the agenda, participants familiarized with Data dissemination practice, Open data portal and Metadata system of the Statistical Office of Serbian Republic (SORS), recommended as an advanced one in the EU region.

Also, at the end of the videoconference representatives of two statistical offices agreed to continue in the future such videoconference on actual themes for both sides.

Information service

A remote video conference was held with experts from the World Bank

On May 12 of this year, a remote video conference of representatives of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics with experts from the World Bank was held.

Organizational matters were considered and future tasks were identified for the implementation of the “National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020–2025”.

For remind: In accordance with the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in 2019, the State Committee on Statistics developed a draft “National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020–2025” with the assistance of World Bank experts. Representatives of all relevant ministries and departments of the country took part in the development of the project.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 2, 2020 “On the State Program for the Implementation of the Strategy of Action for the Five Priority Directions for the Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 - 2021 in the Year of the Development of Science, Education and the Digital Economy” PD-5953 it was directed to until June 1, 2020, work out a draft regulatory document on the approval of the Strategy and submitting it to the government.

Information service

A remote video meeting was held between the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and UNICEF

On April 23 of this year, a remote video meeting was held between the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and UNICEF.

During the meeting, the results of preparation work on a multi-indicator cluster survey in the country were reviewed, and further measures were agreed taking into account the current situation in connection with the coronovirus pandemic.

Remind, conducting a multi-indicator cluster survey, in order to collect the necessary and relevant information about women and children in the country, a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted “On conducting a multi-indicator cluster survey in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020-2021” No. 625, dated July 24, 2019.


Information service

A distance videoconference was held between the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and the Serbian Statistical Office (SORS).

Within the framework of the memorandum of understanding and cooperation between the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and the Serbian Statistical Office (SORS), a distance videoconference was held on April 17 this year.

The main purpose of the videoconference is the exchange of experience, the study and implementation of best practices in the field of statistics. In accordance with the agenda, participant familiarized with IST software and a database-based decision makink support system and best experience in maintaining the business register of the Serbian Statistical Office (SORS), recommended as an advanced product in the EU region.

Also, a World Bank expert, Mr. Mustafa Dinс, participated in the videoconference.


Information service

What will give Uzbekistan participation in the program of international comparisons?

The International Comparison Program, initiated by the United Nations and the World Bank, is usually held every 3 years. The coordinator of this program at the international level is the World Bank, and in the CIS countries - the Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS.

What gives Uzbekistan participation in the International Comparison Program as a whole?

Firstly, the possibility of international comparison and analysis of statistical indicators of development and the scale of our economy will be expanded.

Secondly, gross domestic product (GDP) and its components will be formed in accordance with international standards.

Thirdly, the quality of indicators of national accounts and price statistics will improve, international standards will be introduced, including a system of international classifications in national statistical practice.

Fourthly, the personnel potential in the field of international comparisons will increase.

Fifth, the investment attractiveness of our country for foreign investors will improve and its image in the international arena will be strengthened.

Participation in the International Comparison Program will also allow achieving such positive results as increasing the confidence of the world community in the statistical system of Uzbekistan.


Information service

Foreign census experience

On March 16, 2020, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the census" was adopted. When developing this law, the basic principles and recommendations of the Conference of European Statisticians on the conduct of the census were taken as a basis.

The experience of the countries of the CIS, Asia and Europe, such as the Russian Federation, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, South Korea, the USA, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, France and other countries in the field of census was also studied.
The law was discussed by interested ministries, departments and the general public, and was supplemented by the content, taking into account the submitted proposals.
The Law on Population Registration consists of 5 chapters and 31 articles.

Information service

Meeting with international experts

On March 12 this year as part of the tasks defined in the Strategy for Agriculture Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030 Goskomstat was visited by international experts on the European Union technical assistance project.

The main topic of the meeting was the development of measures to create a transparent system of industry statistics. The parties discussed a wide range of issues regarding the collection, analysis and dissemination of statistical information on the agricultural sector, interaction with other ministries and departments in the framework of the implementation of the Strategy for Agriculture Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030.

The topics of development of agri-food and gender statistics systems, the implementation of the tasks identified in the "National Strategy for Statistics Development - 2020-2025" were separately addressed.

The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

                                                                                      Information service

Organized a seminar on the results of business trip to the United States

On March 12 this year, a presentation was held at the State Committee on Statistics dedicated to the results of participation in the International Forum on Official Statistics with the participation of the Heads of Statistical agencies of the United Nations Member States, as well as in the 51st session of the UN Statistical Commission.

During the presentation, the head of the Department of Information Dissemination, International Cooperation and Data Exchange - Odiljon Mamadaliev informed the participants about cooperation on data issues, information exchange and information security, the role and responsibility of statistical authorities in the data era, new approaches and solutions to problems raised in the Forum of national statistical bodies on the topic "Data management - a solution to the problems of official statistics".

Also, the 51st session of the UN Statistical Commission was held over 4 working days and information was provided on the program of international comparisons, environmental and economic calculations, agricultural statistics, demographic statistics, vital statistics, health statistics, gender statistics, refugee statistics , statistics on public administration, as well as on the development of regional statistics, official statistical print media and best practices for managing statistical their systems.

Following the results of the event, detailed answers to questions of interest to the participants were given.

We remind you that the participation of the delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan headed by the chairman of the State Committee on Statistics at the 51st session of the UN Statistical Commission was previously reported.

Information service

The delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan headed by the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics took part in the 51st session of the UN Statistical Commission

As previously reported, on March 2-6 this year, a delegation led by the Chairman of the State Committee on statistics took part in the International forum on official statistics with the participation of heads of statistical agencies of The United Nations member States, as well as in the 51st session of the UN statistical Commission.

Members of the delegation initially participated in the forum of national statistical authorities, which was organized on the theme "Data management - a solution to the problems of official statistics".

During the forum, 3 sessions were organized: "Cooperation on data, information exchange and information security", "Role and responsibility of statistical agencies in the data age", "New approach and problem solving".

During the forum, heads and experts of the UN Statistics Department, Eurostat, UNECE, Paris-21 and other international organizations made reports on the agenda, and documents for the 51st session of the UN Statistical Commission were prepared based on the results of the discussions.

The 51st session of the UN statistical Commission was held over 4 working days and discussions were held on 26 topics, including the opening and closing of the session, the adoption of the agenda and other organizational issues.

In particular, international experts made presentations on the Sustainable Development Goals until 2030, monitoring of statistical programs, prospects for economic statistics, national accounts, international trade, business and price statistics. Participants of the event were presented with changes made to existing methods.

Information was also provided on the international comparison program, environmental and economic calculations, agricultural statistics, demographic statistics, natural population statistics, health statistics, gender statistics, refugee statistics, public administration statistics, as well as on the development of regional statistics, official statistical publications and best practices in managing statistical systems, etc.

During the 51st session, issues of information and communication technology statistics, integration of statistical and geomagnetic information, open data, methods of work of the statistical Commission, the International day of statistics and other important issues were discussed.

Members of the official delegation also took part in a meeting organized by the center for statistical, economic and social research and training of the Organization of Islamic cooperation for Islamic countries (SESRIC). The Republic of Uzbekistan was also included in the Executive body (Bureau) of the statistical Commission of the Islamic cooperation organization. During the period from the 9th to the 10th session, the Chairman of the State Statistics Committee, B. Begalov, was approved as the Deputy Chairman of the Bureau.

During his visit to New York, the Chairman of the State Statistics Committee met with representatives of international organizations such as the UN Statistics Department, the CIS Statistical Committee, the Asian Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund and UNICEF, as well as national statistical offices of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Serbia, India, the UAE and Turkey. Issues of bilateral cooperation were discussed at the meetings.

In order to establish long-term and effective cooperation with the Statistical office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS), a Memorandum of understanding and cooperation in the field of statistics was signed.

At the same time, a Memorandum of understanding and cooperation was signed between the State Statistics Committee and the Ministry of statistics and implementation of India's best practices programs, including the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies and the effective use of opportunities, data visualization, and the introduction of statistical and geometric data integration in the field of statistics.

The meetings held during this visit with representatives of international organizations and statistical agencies, as well as the best practices of developed countries in general, serve as an important factor in further improving the national statistical system of our country.

Information service

Meeting with the Asian Development Bank’s mission.

From March 9 to March 20 of the current year, the Asian Development Bank's mission for technical assistance on supporting and increasing knowledge:

Data for development (Phase 2) -Training in the country on compiling the supply and use tables / the input-output table and evaluating the Tourism Satellite Account’s data will carry out their work in the State committee on statistics.

The main purpose of the mission is conducting training on compiling and analyzing the supply and use tables and the input-output table, as well as a revision of the method for compiling a Tourism Satellite Account for Uzbekistan.

Within the framework of this mission, on March 9 of the current year, a meeting with deputy Chairman of the State committee on statistics on information and communication technologies and information security – Zokhidjan Ziyayev took place.

The parties discussed joint work on developing the expanded website of the State committee on statistics, developing a beta version of the Statistical Enterprise Register’s system. They also discussed the further work on creating a national system of accounts, compiling a tourism statistics and a Tourism Satellite Account.

In the course of the meeting, the mission’s objectives and the ways of achieving them were presented.

Information service

Open Data Day Tashkent 2020”

On March 6 this year, within the framework of International Open Data Day, a seminar on“Open Data Day Tashkent 2020” was organized for young employees of the central office of the State Committee onstatistics, dedicated to 5 initiatives put forward by the Head of state, the organization of effective use of computer technologies and the Internet among the population and youth.

Open Data Day is part of the International Open Data Day initiative, which helps implement the concept of open data and transparency of information in the activities of government agencies, businesses, non-profit organizations and other participants in public life.

Meetings, lectures, and hackathons are held around the world in honor of Open Data Day. Since 2015, the Open Knowledge Foundation, in partnership with other non-profit organizations in the open data world, has been offering mini-grants to support global events.

As part of the event, employees of the Department for monitoring and coordinating the activities of the open data portal made a presentation on the Open Data Day Tashkent 2020 event.

The following issues were discussed at the seminar:

  • Information about the environment;
  • Tracking the state of cash flows;
  • Open mapping;
  • Data for equal development;

Organization of effective use of computer technologies and the Internet among the population and youth.

Information service

Digital development and innovation in Uzbekistan

A meeting on the results of cooperation between the Tashkent city khokimiyat and the UN development program in Uzbekistan in the field of digital development and innovation was held in Tashkent.

It was attended by representatives of the Tashkent city Khokimiyat, the state statistics Committee, state and public organizations, as well as media workers.

Speakers at the event spoke in detail about the reforms being implemented to develop the concept of transformation of "Digital Tashkent", creating broad conditions for the use of modern ICT for the population, as well as financial support provided by the British Embassy in Uzbekistan.

Participants exchanged views on new innovative projects. Together with the state unitary enterprise "Makhsustrans", new experience in ensuring the cleanliness of the environment was demonstrated. This project has been experimentally tested in the makhallas of the Yakkasaray district of the capital, colored garbage containers have been introduced, and a special schedule for the removal of solid household waste has been established.

During the event, issues such as the digital transformation of social housing services, the launch of the mening ovozim portal for relevant, socially significant issues of citizens were discussed.

It was emphasized that such events will contribute to the sustainable development of the open data ecosystem in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Information service

Participating the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics in the fifty-first session of the United Nations Statistical Commission

On 2-6 March 2020 the delegation of Uzbekistan headed by Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich, the Chairman of the Goskomstat, takes part in the High Level Forum on Official Statistics for heads of statistical services of the UN member states and the fifty-first session of the UN Statistical Commission, which are held at the United Nations Нeadquarters in New York (USA).

The UN Statistical Commission was established in 1947 and is the functional body of the UN Economic and Social Council, which provides assistance to the Council in developing national systems, increasing the comparability of national statistics, coordinating the work of UN specialized agencies and improving indicators and methodology.

In the forum of heads of statistical services of UN member States the 51st session of the UN Statistical Commission is attended by heads and specialists of statistical agencies from 200 countries and experts from 30 international organizations.

The fifty-first session of the Commission will discuss, among many others, reports by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDG), the High Level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as a report of the Friends of the Chair group on the future of economic statistics, and a report by the Bureau on a more coordinated and coherent structure and functions of groups operating under the auspices of the Statistical Commission.

During the visit Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich will hold high-level meetings with the leaders of a number of statistical agencie and with representatives of international organizations.

The information service will cover the fifty-first session of the UN Statistical Commission and provide detailed information on the latest recommendations in the field of statistics, international best practices and meetings of the Chairman of the Goskomstat at the High Level Forum.

Goskomstat Information Service

Meeting with a representative of the Asian Development Bank

On February 24, 2020 within the framework of the Asian Development Bank's Country consultative mission.

On public management and financial sector, and Review mission on technical assistance “Economic Management Improvement Programme”, the State committee on statistics was visited by the principal public management specialist of the Public Management, Financial Sector and Trade Division of the Central and West Asia Department - Hiranya Mukhopadhyay.

Negotiations with the ADB’s mission were held by the Deputy Chairman of the State committee on statistics on Information and Communication Technologies and Information Security - Zokhidjan Ziyayev.

The parties discussed the governmental reforms in the statistics field and an activity plan for the current year within the framework of ADB’s technical assistance projects.    

In the course of a meeting, the parties confirmed their firm intentions regarding the strengthening and expansion of mutual cooperation.

The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.                                                 

Information service

Joint seminar of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

Between February 13-14, 2020 in Geneva (Switzerland) a joint seminar was held on the implementation of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA).

In this seminar, from the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, the chief specialist of the Department of Statistics of Agriculture and Ecology Gafurova Azima Azamatovna took part.

The seminar was attended by representatives of the national statistical services of Argentina, Australia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Germany, Canada, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Eurostat, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the European Economic Commission (UNECE) and United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD).

The above workshop is based on the results and recommendations of the 2019 OECD / UNECE Joint Workshop.

The main objective of the seminar was the exchange of experience and knowledge on the implementation of SEEA and its use.

In addition, the seminar discussed the activities of international organizations related to the implementation of SEEA and contributing to their coordination, addressed issues on the global SEEA database, information needs for measuring the circular economy in Europe at the regional and national levels, and measuring the sector of environmental goods and services (SETU).

Information service

Mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) finalized its work in Goskomstat

On February 14, 2020 a final meeting with Levan Gogoberishvili, representative of the IMF's technical support mission on national accounts statistics was held in the State Statistics Committee.

The meeting was led by Bokhodir Mirusmanov, the First Deputy Chairman of the State Statistics Committee.

The parties exchanged views on the work done during the mission. The main topics of discussion were: improving quarterly national accounts, annual resources and use tables and discussion of current issues related to compiling quarterly economic statistics.

Following the results of negotiations, perspective plans for further cooperation in the framework of IMF technical assistance were discussed.

Information service

From 16 to 21 April 2017 the Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) delegation visited Uzbekistan.

 From 16 to 21 April 2017, 5 representatives of the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Korea (KOSTAT) visited the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics (Goskomstat).

 This visit was organized in accordance with the "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in field of Statistics" signed between the Goskomstat and the KOSTAT on August 24, 2011.

Within the framework of visit in April 17-18 in Goskomstat, several seminars were held with the participation of specialists from both sides. In particular, KOSTAT representatives made presentations on the topics such as "National Statistical System of Korea", "Public Relations", "International Migration Statistics" and "Civil Registration and Vital Statistics of Korea”. In turn, Goskomstat experts made presentations on the themes such as «Human Resources Management System (Human Resource Development, Assessment), Management Support and Staff Welfare", "Civil Registration and Vital Statistics" and "Center for Personnel Retraining and Statistical Researches". Moreover, participants were introduced to the national statistical system of Goskomstat: organizational structure, history, main objectives and functions. Also, discussions were held after each presentation.

            During its mission the KOSTAT delegation also visited the Statistics Departments of Samarkand and Bukhara region and also visited monuments and historic attractions of the cities such as Samarkand, Bukhara and Tashkent

The following bilateral meetings were held in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Statistics signed on 24 August 2011 in Tashkent between the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics (Goskomstat) and the Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) in 2011-2015:

05.09-09.09.2016 Visit of representatives of the Goskomstat to KOSTAT for the exchange  experience and best practices in the field of metadata and standards of metadata exchange, labor statistics and employment, obtaining and use of administrative data of KOSTAT and Goskomstat.

During the visit, the parties made presentations on the above mentioned topics, as well as on the statistical system of KOSTAT and the Goskomstat. During the presentations, participants were introduced to the national statistical system of KOSTAT: organizational structure, the history, the main objectives, indicators and priorities of international cooperation. Also, discussions were held after each presentation.

According the visit’s agenda, representatives of the Goskomstat visited the exhibition hall dedicated to the history of the statistics development in Daejeon city. Also they visited the regional statistics office in Dongnam (Busan). A meeting with the Director and staff of the regional office was held. Presentation and video on conducting a survey of price statistics were presented.

30.11 - 04.12.2015 Participation of representatives from the Goskomstat in a study visit organized by the KOSTAT in order to familiarize with surveys on agriculture statistics during the 2015 Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Census.

The aim of the study visit was to familiarize representatives from the Goskomstat with surveys on agriculture and fisheries in Korea, methods of collecting, compiling and summarizing these survey results, as well as to exchange experience in these areas.

During the visit, representatives from the Goskomstat reviewed the activities of the regional statistical offices in Busan, Seeon, Hion Doi, Gangnam districts and Seoul City regarding the organization of statistical observations in agriculture and fisheries, analysis of data obtained, processes of data input into the software.

According to the program of the visit, representatives from the Goskomstat visited the information center and the control center Gijang, a number of farms and households.

26.04 - 01.05.2015 Visit of representatives from KOSTAT to the Goskomstat on the organization of population censuses, agricultural census, study of existing methods for current records of the population in Uzbekistan and Korea.

During the bilateral meeting discussions focused on the methodology of the current registration of Uzbekistan's population, conduction of sample survey of the population in 2011, organization of agricultural statistics in Uzbekistan.

The KOSTAT representatives made presentations on regular population and agricultural censuses conducted in Korea.

During the mission, a visit of the KOSTAT representatives was organized to the Samarkand region Department of statistics.

25.05 - 01.06.2014 Visit of representatives from the Goskomstat to the KOSTAT for the exchange of experience in data visualization in the process of statistical information dissemination, study of Korean strategy for statistical system improvement, and use of an e-diary during household income/expenditure survey.

During meetings exchange of views on the practice of the Goskomstat on the organization of statistical observations of activity of agricultural producers and the agricultural product prices took place. Representatives of the Goskomstat examined the organization of agricultural statistics and rice production survey in Korea.

During the meeting the representatives of the Goskomstat reviewed the activities of the Dongnam Regional Statistical Office.

17.09 - 20.09.2013 Visit of representatives from the KOSTAT to the Goskomstat on exchange of experience in organization of labor force surveys using the Internet, using аn e-diary during household income/expenditure survey and survey of household finance and living conditions.

The Goskomstat representatives were briefed on the areas covered by social statistics in Uzbekistan, methods of their statistical observation, forms of statistical reports used by the Goskomstat in the organization of statistical observations, periodicity of statistical data generation, types of statistical publications and data users.

During the meeting the parties also discussed different issues concerning the above topics.

According to the schedule of the mission the KOSTAT delegation visited the Samarkand region Department of Statistics, saw the sights of Samarkand.

18.06 - 22.06.2012 Visit of representatives from the Goskomstat to the KOSTAT for the exchange of experience in organization and functioning of statistical systems of the world.

From 19 to 21 June 2012 working meetings of representatives from national statistical offices of Uzbekistan and Korea on the coordination and strategic planning of statistical activities, implementation of quality system, and organization of practical work on the IT use in the statistical system were held in the cities of Daejeon and Suncheon.

In the framework of the working meetings relevant presentations were made by the representatives.

Representatives of the SSC were also briefed with the organization of activities of the KOSTAT’s regional offices and technologies of electronic collection and processing of statistical data.

22.08 - 26.08.2011 Visit of representatives of the KOSTAT in the Goskomstat for the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, joint acquaintance with the national statistical systems of the countries.

The Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Statistics between the Goskomstat and the KOSTAT was signed on 24 August 2011.

During the bilateral meeting the KOSTAT delegation acquainted with the statistical system of Uzbekistan and the main directions of the medium term development of state statistics. The parties also discussed issues of further cooperation in statistics.

During its missione the KOSTAT delegation also visited the Samarkand region Department of Statistics, saw the sights of Samarkand.