Functional duties of the Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics on social statistics
Take timely measures to ensure the implementation of normative legal acts, decrees, resolutions, orders and decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of social statistics.
In accordance with the Program of state statistical works, approved annually by the Cabinet of Ministers, coordination of statistical surveys in the sectors of economy and social sphere, coordination of completeness, reliability and timeliness of statistical information.
Organization of formation of statistical information on social, demographic, labor market, standard of living, education, health and services in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Coordination of the preparation and provision of statistical information to monitor the implementation of targeted programmes for the development of the social sector by public authorities.
Organization of modern methodology and methodology for the collection and processing of social statistics.
Organization of preparation of proposals on methods of development, implementation and statistical monitoring of the forms of state statistical observation on social statistics and services.
Participation in the development and improvement of legal acts in the field of state statistics.
Coordination of the study of information sources used by international organizations in the field of social and public services to establish rating points, organization of the development of measures to improve the composition of statistical indicators on their basis.
Organization of work on coordination of the best foreign experience in the field of social statistics, coordination of generalizing and distributing works and continuous improvement of methods of calculation of indicators on the basis of international recommendations.
Coordinate the implementation of measures to improve the efficiency, reliability and objectivity of the results of social and statistical reporting, as well as the results of the selection of observations, convenience and openness of the use of statistical information.
Direct control over subordinate units.