Functional duties of the First Deputy Chairman of the State Statistics Committee

Coordination of preparation and publication of annual and quarterly statistical and analytical materials on the state of economic development of the Republic and implementation of decisions taken by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers on economic development and reform.

Organization of fast and high-quality preparation of summary statistical information, more fully reflecting the implementation of programs for the development of industries and sectors of the economy, as well as qualitative changes in the standard of living of the population.

Organization of work on the implementation of international standards and experience of foreign countries in the system of formation, analysis and publication of macroeconomic indicators and indicators of the system of national accounts.

Ensuring the provision of timely and qualitative data on price statistics, taking into account the requirements of international standards and rules for the accounting of statistical data.

Coordination of implementation of statistical classifiers, metadata and quality management systems, implementation and development.

Organization of improvement of the system of state statistical observations on a regular basis.

Coordination of work to ensure a high level of favorable conditions for business entities in the process of adoption of the state statistical reporting.

Development of information sources used by international organizations to establish ratings and expand statistical indicators to be disseminated.

Organization of exchange of statistical information with maximum transparency and openness, indicators and materials of socio-economic development of the Republic with international statistical organizations.

Direct control over subordinate units.